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llie proprietorsofthe Wyandotte Herald, G. W. Owen & Son, have reeently put in a new ( ':niip(,íll power printing presa, on which that paper is printed, and they claiw to have the finest office dow in that place. It is always a pleasure to note signa of prosperity on the part of our State contení poraries. The Romeo Observer thus prognosticatea : "The Edmmids boom is growing loudereach day and it is more than possible that ho iuay capture the honors of the Chicago conveution. A aoiid Massachuselts delcgation was added to Iii.n force on Thursday Tast, which gives hitn 48 votes already, and a sure prospect of more. No one cao tellwhy Mr. Edwunds would not be the stroDge.-t candidate that could be named. He does not kindie the enthusiastu of his followcrs like a Blaine, but it should be remenibered that quiet Hteady confidence in a candidate brings a dozen votes where M thusiastu brings one." The Northern Tribune, puMislicd at Cheboygau, doesu'i taku democratie advicevury kindly : "The democratie organsare greatly exercised over who tho republicana shall nomínate as a oftMtdMe for President, and are tendering kind advicu as to whom they should nominale. They noed be more exercised about a candidate for their own party. The republicaus are able to run their own convention. Of one thiog they may be assured, the nominee of the republican party will be a good uian, andjooe that they can elect and thoy do not propose to have any 8 to 7 arrangement necessary to seat the man thoy eltot, eithor. The Ypsilanti .Sentinel gives its ideas of the tcniperauce question, 10 these words: "All re8pectable liqnor doalera may U well reeognise one fact, first as last ; they must eitjtar help support stringeut tax-lawa, that will tend to repressthe evils of drinking, or look out for prolubition pure and simple. The choice is before them. [f the present tax laws, are obeyed, and an evident benefit arises from them, the prohibitionists will strive in vain to get a majority of the people to return to that system. If they are overthrowii, ut rundured useluss by tlie opposition of the liquor .ellers, prohibition will oome with a rush, and notning can stop it." The Negaunce [ron lleraldhas this to say : " The democratie latubs at Washington have been unusually quiet the past weet. It is no time to show hoofs or hurn.n - now spurs will be in order when they shall have drawn the Trojan horses in to the city. The ring masters are taxed to their utmost to keep some of the more firey spirits from erupting, and in tlair f'n nzy kicking clear ovor the traces. There is one thing that never f'ails, and that is the loyalty to party among democrat?. Old l'robs. weather Bchedulemayet mixed, the ncwly married may divorce, all thincs may fail, but a democrat will stick to his party, will vote early ind often." The Cass County Kepublican, publiëhed it Dowagiao, in discussing the difference of ipinions existing among republicana, saya : "Personally we hope to aee James G. Blaine the nomine, and so declared at an sady day, yet we wish it distinctly understood that we are for tho nominee of the Ckióago convention, What republicans should strive for is the vindication ofrepub. - t.i.. .,... i .i a iiüu i'.tiiiii, Duiu north and south. For (ree schools, free speech and a free pms. Those are of vastly srcater importance than the triumph of any one man or that of any one faction. Kvery intelligent repulilican believes that with the nomination and eleotion of any one of those above metitioned, the advancement of these projects would be accomplished, and webelievo and hope that after that imnortant event ia June, thero will be a hearty, united and earnest effort to give the nominee the greatest majority every confbired on a candidate." Tbc Lake County Star, pubüshed by Chas. R. Rdcliffo, at Baldwin, Lake Co., closed its 7th volume with the issue of April lí'Jd. ítarting in the inf'ancy of the county it lian Bteadily and graduully progressed, fightiuc: the fighU of pioneer joumaïisiu incident to a newand spar.-dy sett led country. It ia a modest, unassuminfr journal, but Lts success speaks wcll for lts true worth. Anión? other thiriL in ita editorial upon the subject, it ï-ays : 'The Star was bom to the people of Lake when the county was as yet in infanoy. Thero was no railroad thon witliin the litnits of tlie county, and many ol tho substantial improveiucnts of to-day were then unthuught ol', or at be.t wei e 'known only as in anoerlun, undeveloped plana for the future. It caine here as njany, in fáct, most of tlie settlers came - with bul very little beyoud bare hands and brain as capital. It cast its lot with the people, and has growo with their growth. For seven years, the Star lias beeo visitiDg your homes; rejoioing with you iu your prospority and bappinesa, and offering the kind word of' sorrow and regret in your afflictions and troublcs. It has struggled with poverty as many of you have struggled ; and the l'aot that to-day the paper enjoys so good a degree ot' financial prosperity is owing largely to tin: warm hearts and willing hands of many ftiends in the county - and outbide of it, too - who have bclricndod it bo tru'y and nobly." With thn issui' ui April 2ftt, the Lakt City .Journal' published at Lake City, MisBaulcefl eotinty, entered upon its 4th volume, lts proprietor, L A. Buker, eertainly cannot be idle and get up as good a journal au comes weekly to uur table, and like all peiMVMMg nu n, we judgo he is meeting with suooess. The fbuomng is a portion of' the anniversaiy editorial : " In national and state politics the Journal, so long as weretain it, will continue to befearless and outspoken in tho future as in the past, bat tling against wroiiK and upholding the right eitoer civil or politica!, and in the interent of tin' priooiplea nf'lhe great ropublioan party. Finain-iul y, the .Journal ranks amoog the paying institutioiu of JMisaukec county, tlianks to its liberal support. We had hopcd with tliis ssoe to have enlarged the Journal to douhle its present si ze, but owing to the recent ailv.miv in the price of print paper and print ng material, we are unable tu do it at the présent, and in this have been disappointcii. We have, however, added a new job hreH to our office, which enalilesusio do all kinds of job work, which we havo Dot been ;ible to do heretofore. What the Journal lacks in size we will try and tnakr up in reading niat;er, as we tlns wei'k praeeiM iKc entire iuside free i'ioia adTertiaements. Thanking all our patrons and (Hends for ihoir kind favors and patronage in the past, we hopo for a continuance of the saine n the future."