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POR EXCHANGE. ¦ I hve a farm of 100 acre In th western prt of the I Ut valned t 6,000, thieh I win exchanire lor Ann LrborCltypropwtF. RICK A. BBAL. rTTANTED. SEVERAL. BOYS, fo learn the finishing trad, at the Keek Furaltore Company KsUbllahment. 861-984 UOR SALE OR RENT. A H0U8E AND TWO L0T8, n the iceond ward, one block from Mln street, Bnqnlre of 983-994 C. KIT8ON. TpOtt SALET" 1 havo a good ÏLOUHIWO MILL of foor run of itonc, tht I wil! cll or exehan?e for property In WaBhtonaw Connty. jtf RICK A. BEAL. "POR SALE. A Fnn of twenty-one cre, with a good dwclUng nonse on It, one mile from city city limit. Enquire 965tf At THE COÜRIBR OFPICB. TÜTÖNEY TO LOAN. At eeven por cent. Secnrlty mnt bc on llretclass farms in thls coanty, or city property in Ann Arbor in central and destraille localltie. J. Q. A. 8E88IONS, Altorney. 950tf Office cor. Main and Harón st., up-ntairs. T F. BOYLAN, Beal Kutate Agery. Farms and Honses bought, sold, rented, repaired and Insurod. Office at WOLVBRINB 8TORB, löOtf Corner of Haren and Fifth Street. "POR SALE. I have a good, well-bullt houüe and lot, situated on Eliiabetb. street, No. 15. There is a good barn and wood-hed on the plaoe. The property is new and In good repair. Terms very liberal. Apply to 977-989 MRS. E. E. WINSLOW. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Havlng Juut sradnated from the Conserratory of Moeic at Stattgart, Uermany, whero ho recelyed a thoroagh edneation, and InBtrnctlona In tho latoit mi'thods of teachlnL minie, In now propared to glve Lhhoiii In Harmonfi aul on tbe Piano and Ortjaii. Planoa toned on reaaonable terms. Rooms, northeaat corner of Main and Liberty treete, np-stairs, Ann Arhor. Mlch. W9-1000 TTOUSES AND LOT8 FOR SALE. Slcveral (rood brtck dwelllng hontea, and a nnmber of framed dwellings, deslrably iitnated, with one or more lots for each, for sale, on fair terms and roaeonable credit. Alo, Sfty city loU. well located, with jood rltle, and on long credit Aleo, farmt and mortgages for sale. Money safely investid for lenden, at fgrent. Inqnlreof b.w.MOROaH. WILLIAM W. NICHOLS, 3DE3STTIST 1 BT Bnccessorto Q. W. Nortta. Offlee, 19 Sonth Main Btreet, oppoeite National Bank. Residence, 37 Lib erty Street. Nitrons oxide gas adminlstered when reqnestxd. ¦' pOFFINS AND CASES 1 FULL STO ÜK AT MAR TIN' 8. All orfers promptly attmdadtn. FLOWERS! FLOWERS! We have now ready and for sale a Urge and firstctass stock of HOUSE and BEDDING PLANTS Those wishlng to proenre the bst selectlon shonld come early. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDBD TO. COUSINS & HALL., COS. 3. ÏÏNIVIB3ITT ATI. UK Uti ST. 9M-987 "POR SALE. That very desirable property consiatlng of TWO B ïïü LOTS Sltnatcd on the Corner of DIVISIÓN AÏD WILLIÁM STS., In the city of Ann Arbor. Apply to CHARLES E. LATIMEB. 981-984 STUDENTS'CHBISTIAN AS8OCIATION. JOSEPhTcOOK LECTURBS AT TJ3iTI'VES.SIT"X' HALL, FR1DA7 EVENIN&, APRIL 30, Snidect - Certainties in Religión. iti issio v 25 n: rs. 92-&84 W. W. BLISS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RKTaii, MOCO & M HOUSE All Gooods Soli at Detroit Prices. Agenta for GLOBE and SEAL OF DETROIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. 981yr It 111 In1 for your Interest to Kno w That C ASPAR RINSET (Late from ft Wbcleule Grocer'i House la Datrolt,) hs opeaed GEDtm M PR07ISIOH STORE At No. 16 F.axl lluron Street. He will aliio keep In stock FLOÜR, FEED, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. AU LOods are fresh and new, and, belng purciiaed at the loweet W holesnlo Cash Prices, wlll be aold at nUsf correspondlni;ly low. Cash pald for all k lntla of Country l'rudurc. 984MMS ASPAR RINSBY. PIANO REPAIRINC. Have your piano put in order by a rellable hand. Tuning, Recapping, Beplating, XHD IIIMUL BIKAIRIXU DOKB BT II. W. SAMSON, YPSILANTI, MICH., Formerly of the Chlckering Factory, Boaton, Mass. Orders sent by mail, or left at Watt' Jewelry Htore, will reoelve prompt atUtntlon. hTlsf(TM(V VABANTBKI. 980-984 Nollce to Creditors. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of O Nnticu Is hcreby glven, that by an order of the Probate C'onrt for the Oonnty f Waíhtenaw, mde on the third day of April, A. D. 1880, siz month from that date wero allowcd for creditors to present thelr clRimB agalnst the estáte of Guorge II. Olds, late of satd county. deceasod, and that all creditorH of saltl d;cea(ed ure rcqulred to present thelr claims to pald Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for ezaniination and allowauce, ou or buforc th fourth day of October next, and thal snch wlll be heard beforu sald Conrt on Satnrday, thu third day of July, and on Mouday, the lourtn day of Ortohur mixt, at ten o'clock In tbe forenoon of each of aid days. Dntcd Auu Arbor, April d. A. D. 1880. W1I.UAM D. UARRIMAN, 981-981 Judee of Probate.