Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, se. In the matter of tb eBtate of Mary C. Oladwin, deceased. Notice is hereby glven, that in pursuauce of an order granted to the undersigned, uxecutor of ttae lut-t will and testament uf saiel duceaatd, by the Hon. Bdgar O. Durlee, Judge of Probate of taid County of WayDe, on the teiith dtiy i)f February, A. D. 1KH0, there will be sold at public vendue, to the hlgbent bidder, at the city of Ann Arbor. In the County of Washtenaw, and State ot M ichii:iin. at the maln antranc to the cour! house in said city, od Satunlay, the 2Sth day of May, A. D. 1880, at two o'clock p. in. of aaid day, the iollowimr ih-tuvitieí real sítate, towlt: The undlvlded one-thlrd of ih certain piece or pHrcel of tand sitúate In the city of Adü Arbor, Wanhtenaw Coniv, Michigan, and known at twenty-oue and one-hulf (31U) feet in wtdth off the norlb aide of tot flvu (5) lu Dloek one (1) sotith of Huron street, in range four (4) east, in the city of Ann Arbor ; aleo the nse of the alley along tbe et end of Iota flve (¦) and aix (6) in uuid block one(l). Detroit, April 12, 1880. WINTHKOP G.SAWYBR, Bxecutor. MICnABL HUKN.N AN, Attorney for Kxecutor. m 968 Estáte of Martha S. Dvntoii. QTATK OKMICUIOAN. County of Waehtonjiw, . At a eeun ol the Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate t iffiVe in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuexdav, the thirteitnh day of April, In the jear one thougand eii'ht huudred and eighty. Preeent, Williaiu D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estnte of Martha 8. Dentón, deceaaed. On reading and Mini: the petltion, duly verlfied, of Kdward I . Klutie praying that a certuiu Instrument uow on fik in ttiis court, purportin1 Ifl he the last will and testament ot said cli aed. niav t .,¦ adnittled to probate, and thal he and Mary K. llaw. kins may be appoiuted exeentort thereof. Thereupon it la ordered, that Mnndfiy, the tenth day of Muy next, ai ten o'clock In the foreuoon, be attnlned for the hcurui uï bnld petltios. and that the oerlteoa, legateer and boira at law of raid tleceased, and all other persons interest' d in said estáte, are reuuired to appenr at a fusilon ot aid court, then to ne holdi n at the ProbaH Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, and show cnuse, H any thcre Ih1, why the prayer of the petttioner tthould uot be lthhiod. Andit l further ordereil, that ald pctitloner Iflve notice to ttie perron uatHMttd i' aala 'f late, of the pendency of Mild tetiton, and thr hearing thereof, by cansina a copy of thls order to be publisbed in the Ann Arbor tvurier, h nt-wpapt-r pitntBd and clrculatlng in ald connty, Uree sneceiaive weckH prevlous to eatd day of hrnring. (A true copy.) W1I.I.IAM l. 11AKK1MAN, Jude of Prolmle. WM. U. DOTV, Probate Keïintor. 82-SW