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Separation Of Flocks

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Ewes in lamb, should, as far as practicable, be feil and sheltered seperate froni tbc non-breeding animáis, as the crowding and more rapid niovements of the latter are apt to result njuriously; whilo euch separation makcs more convenient certaio little attentions which breeding ewes are entitled as the weaning season approaches, and which niay be profitably aocorded to them. Advantage will bo fonnd in subdivisión of the several ages and sexes into as raany smaller lots as circumstances will admit of, as such a course lessens the liability to erowdins and over-feeding of the Btrongcr animáis at tho expense of the weaker odcs. It also bring.s eaoh animal more directly under the eye of the Rtendant, who will the more readily detect the first symptoms of devitation from the desired thrift.