Real Estate Sales
The fbllowing real estáte .sales have been recorded in the register's office aince our last report : Averlll Burnett to EUza A. Bornett. 10 acres. sec. 10. Webster, Í500. Zalmon Charob to Jane A. Church, property in the vlllage of SallDe, titfW. Margaret H. Tripp, el al., to Robert K. Ailes, property In Ann Arbor, fSOU. Tlmothy Cullnene to Michael Morlock, land in wc. II. sylvan, 9300. Frank L. Saylor lo Wm, I!. Taylor, 10 acres, sec. 1, Bylvan, in. Isaac Taylor to Wm. H. Taylor, land In sec. 1, Sylvau and Lima. 81,500. Ellzubelli II. Koster to Wm. n. Easterly property In Ypstlautl, $100. David K. Dell to Geo. K, Braun, land In sec. 17, 15. Saline, il'l I. J. Oeo. Braun to Chrlstlan Braun, 'Jl'.i acres, sec. 11). Saline, Só.üll. Israel Balín lo De Fonal M. Lltchfleld o % lot 8 by ', Dexter vlllage. 200. Bridget Kelly and John Loonar to Israel Balley, property lu Dexter Tillase, 200. Heury 13. Kniith to Richard Alchln, Vi acre,'JU. Gouvenenr Drake to Charles Howlett,75 acres, sec. 29, Ypsllaiiti, 5,250. Wm. W. Wlsner to &lwln Sumuur, lot In vlllage of Manchester, S3.VJ. Mack & Hvhinld to Fruncís Ilonev, lot In the vlllage of Manchester, 8! .liuiie B. Halleck to Philip Fohey laud lu Green Oak and Northfleld, ?!i,O00. Ellzabeth Daley to Ullver VanSlckle, land in Balein, $40u. .Siiiiuiel Corbctt to Emlly Clark, property In Ypsllanti. $50. John Bohnct to James In Sharon. sec. 1, tl,H25. Hahalia A. Vanllusen to Jacob Vanllusen, 1 aore, rlltaKe of Chelaea, íi.ihhi. Liicllla T. IlHrris, to John II. and Carroll Hrnieck, Ann Arlior cilv property, Í500. KredrlcÈ W. i.a.v to Samuel H. Crlttenden laml in sec. !), PltlMlIelil, tl.uoO. Anna Brauch to Chrlstlne Kuslurer, lol 9 Brown a Beach'i additloo nn Vrbor 554 Wil Ham A. Jiegele U Wyroii Webb, M acres, Sylviin, $1. Tbov, Braman to E. A. HeynoM.s, lol 19 and aOjBramaD'saddlMon, Milan vlllage, $125. Prnilenro West to Ailelbert L. Noble, Ann Arbor city property, toou. Mary K. Benneti to a. J. Xoble, Aun Arbor city property. $1 200. Audrew J. Hmith to chas. Kohlasah, 80 acres, sec. 1, Webster, $1,500. Mary Ann Mndsley to James B. LJndsIoy, 56 aeren, Saline, $1,318. Wlllard Parker to John McKluner Jr., uroperty In Saline vlllage, $500. Wlllard Parker to Chas. A. Slayton, property In Saline vlllage, $2,800. Sllas H. Dougliis to Eliiabch E. Koyer, property in Ann Arbor, $B,000. John Uoorge Koch to John Oeorge Koch, Jr., land In Plttmleld, $5,000. Mkrgaret Hunis to John Haggarty, lot In the vlllage of Sclo. 815. Christopher Beahan to John UoKKarty. lot In the vlllage of Helo, fL. I luw. (}. Bui llngame to Harrlet A. Harwood, property In Ann Arbor, 12,860. John Devine to John M. Schaeberle, property In Dexter, $S,l00. Thomas Sayler et al. to E. O. Cooper, 15 acres, sec. 18, Lima, $950. Gabriel Muir to Harvey Whltlng, 38 acres, sec lö, Augusta, $160. Merrick Burch et al. to Samuel Cushniftu, 2U0 acre lectlon 8 and 17, Mnnchtster, (1,710. .Inlni Naurnau to John Maulbetsch, lamí In soctlon il Lima, tl.'iV) Marthlas Bteébe et al. to Thomas O'Heara w acru, Lodi, sec. -at $100. Heilna and Wllllam Kuntlns to Mlchnel WHuer, 12 lu-ics, six'. 31, S.-lc, fi,MYl .50. lliiiry B. Uiirduer tl al. to Mlohael Welner,42 acreB, soc. 34, $78a.68. üco. Sutton to A. H. Bnsenbark, 80 acres, sec. Zand 3. Ann Arbor, townshlp,$l. Frank Herdman and Isaac Herdman to Mary E. Herdmaa, lot 38 and w. i lot 34, Larzellus aitdltlon, Ypsllnuti. $500. Tlmothy P. Barrell to Samuel .1. Vaughan, lot 6 and w. 5-1 lot 5, Western addltlon, Ypsllantl, tl. liobert P. Clark to Samuel Rund, land In Augusta, sec. 2, $SOU. L. 1!. Walker to Fredoriok Schmld, property In Ann Arbor, SI. John Karr to Nolson Hogers, 37 acres sec. 25, North field, t75. Cook Amanda A. Cook,75 acres, Nortbfleld, (1. Sopbronia E. Rogers et al. to Cbrlstlan AlmcinlinRer, 80 acres, see.. 7, Plttsfleld, a,000. Kmma R. Halnes to Charles A. Morris, land In Sclo and Lima. $1,200. Georgu R. Tower to F. C. Crlttetíden,40 acres, sec. 20 Augusta, f.m utnenal Uoodlng to Ellzabetli Blakrslei, KI'; acres sec. 15, York, f3,225. James Hamiltou to Isaao A. Stephen, lot 9 b. 2, Congdon's flrstaddltlon, Chela $325 Krank L. Sayler et al. to Utu öoodoiikiinst, 18 ftcra. se. is, Lima, Í8S5. Hussel! Mills to Lewls S. Camburn, lot 82, Mills' addltlon, Saline, Í200. Arthur Case to Ansou K. Gage, 70 acres sec. 3, Manchester, $5,500. Edgar B. Roberts to Henry Tracey, 11 acres, sec. 12, Salem, $300. Barbara Stoll el al. to "VV. F. Blrd, land In sec. 30, Ann Arbor, $300. Lucy A. Morton to Celia H. Barnes, lot 5 and 8 b. 9, original plat, Chelsea, ÉITS. Freeman Nygant to ChrisUna A. Rosier,2K acres, seo. 7, Sclo, $425. John Qeo. Wacker to John II. Wacker 2 acres, sec. 8, Freedom, $150. Ellen Pratt to AltaC. and Bennett A. Jones, land In Augusta, $150. Jacob Faelber to Barbara E. Faelber, Iota 3 and I, 1 lii. vlllage of Manchester. $360. Jamos Wllklnson to Jennette B. Campbell, property lu Ypsllantl, 8500. D. A. Brown to Harrlet Crane, 19 acres, sec. 86 Ypsllantl, $50. Belgrave Pryer to Wellington H. EUIs, 80 acros, eec. 20, Salem, $3,000. 8Uttül 45aCr6S David K. Dlxon to George Taylor, lots 7 and 8, b. iü, t.llslm Congdon's second addltlon, Chelsea, Sl,li50. Wellington H. EUIs to Belgrave Pryor 80 acres, sec. 20, Salem. Nelson J. Allport to DeVlney and Carrle Allport, land In seo. 31, Webster. $ö00. Alpheus Felch to Isaao N. lleramon, lots 3 3 and 4 In picnic grove, Ann Arbor olty, $4,050. Richard Alchln to Cyrus B. Malbee, land in ork, $3(1. Alfrcd Rao to James L. Hobbs, land In sec. 82, A.I01120 H. Smith to Lee L. Forsyth, lot south Y silantPiBW street' PPslte Follett House, Maria Klalsdoll toOeorgeOversmlth, 10 acres sec. 18, Krldgewater, $400. sa sSSn tlmum to Hortrura' 75 acres' E. A. Mattlson to Wm. E. Eldart, 80 acres sec. 18, Ann Arbor, Í8.000 Wm. E. Ward to M'ary K. Ward, 1 acre, sec. 18, Augusta, 8100. llCAuiu tïïo1 to U 86CSheldon E. Malleson to Alfred A. McCoUum, 175 acres sec. 15, Manctiostrr, 5,420. J. Frederlck Bross to Anua Bross, lot In Ann Ar hor, $200. Lucinda Rogers to Patrlck Hoy, I acre, Vlllage of Dexter, $60. Thomas Davis to Caleb Harrlngton, 20 acres, sactlon 23, York, $716, ¦,.,J?i',? OI'ver to Cyrus B. Maltby, % aero, sec. B3L Mllfin, $75. Qgorge Sutton to N. E. Suttou, 80 acres, sec. 8a, Northfleld, $3.2UO. secameY(5rkHrb-bS " yrUS B' Maltby' acre' QUIT CLAIM DEED. Mary Washa el al. to Peter Washa, property In the city of Ypsllantl, $1. " '""'¦' Horace Carpenter to Ann Carpenter, Ypsllantl, city, property$l. Phllo Ferrler to Thomas Flnde, property In tilt h ward, Ypsllantl, $50. Kranklin L. Parker to Frederick Jedele, 20 acr.s, sec. 8, York, $5. Margaret H. Tripp (by heirs) to Geo. O. Ide property In Ann Arlxjr, $500. Cnarles l-'U-ming to Geo. W. Slaytou, 80 acres sec. 10, Ypsllantl, 81. ' ï- Slayton to das. Fleming, 80 acres, sec. 10, Ypsilantl, $1. Dorothea Wisderoder to Chas. G. Stall and Ann Ie C. Seibold, land in Ann Arbor townshlp, Barbara Allmendinger to Augustus Seabolt, 72 uc ros, 9cio, $1 Daniel Kellogg to H. L. Kellogg, 25 acres. sec.
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Robert K. Ailes
Oscar Ide
Margaret H. Tripp
Barbara Allmendinger
Augustus Seabolt
Dorothea Wisderoder
Chas. G. Stall
Annie C. Seibold
Lucilla T. Harris
John H. Remeck
Carroll Remeck
Prudence West
Adelbert L. Noble
Mary E. Bennett
Silas H. Douglas
Elizabeth E. Royer
Thomas G. Burlingame
Harriet A. Harwood
Geo Sutton
A. H. Busenbark
L. B. Walker
Frederick Schmid
Alpheus Felch
Isaac N. Demmon
E. A. Mattison
William E. Eldart
J. Frederick Bross
Anna Bross