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FERDON IíÜMBBE YARD JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop., Manufacturer and Dealer in SACINAW : GAJVC-SAWBD LU1BER, LATH AND SHINGLES. i - - Wc Invite all to give u a cali, and examine oui t stock liorc purchaulnR elBewbere. ALSO AGENT FOR ; JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO,, AND SKLL8 F1RB BRICE. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. H.KKCH, Hupt. fcb.lï,'79 i HANGSTEBFEBB OYSTEE AND ICECREAM PARLOES, 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A SPBCIALTY. Wt(Uliii),' (.'ken, Ice Creun, Mncuroone und Ciuoin KisB PyramidB IUDI TO OHDKI1 OH 8UOUT NOTICÏ. VN'liitiimn'H Kri-nch Uandien, Frcnh FigH, Mulada Grnpos, Florida Oranccs, Ac., Ac., KEPT CONBTANTI.Ï O HAND AT HANGSTERFER'S :iO AM) Ü MAIN SI 'REKT. BOATS TO RENT AND TOR 8ALE. 959-1010 CHERRY PECTORAL tur IMm-aNtM of Hir Throat and imngM, Huch hn 41oii1in, Colla, w lioiiiiitf i ouffh, BronehitlH, Asl hum nut! 4 OllHUIUptiOD. LBk Th' few corapoettiona fjQÓWlJ' é fldence of munkind and iflu vllw m (FS )ocome lHnirt'hold worda, 41 I faaiiy a many0Dation, mast have PPM.jJJjflgteSg eitraordiuary virtut'ö. W wJáTWm Perhap no one ever k 3BSE2rwSJlíftfíCuriJl1 BO wI(le il rePuta B 1 fction, or maintalned it. o CFÊrStË: fxBr OD' iñ Ayer'6 Cherry jH 0nSriHEH kliuwn tó the public ftbout ASM yHMBHcT tlnued punes of mftrveloiin curen, that have won for It a confldence in lts virtuee, nevcr equaled by any other medicine. It etill makes the most efiv-otual cures of Cougha, Colds, Ctinsumptiou, that can be made by medical nklil. Indeed, the Cherry Pectoral Iíhb rejilly robbed theee dangeroua dlseasee ol their terror to a great extent, and given a fecling of immunity from their paluful effecta, that la weTl fouiiiled, lf the remedy be taken lo eeason. Every lamily shoultl have It in their cloBet for the ready and prompt relief of itB membnrö. Sickness, sutlorln, and even life is naved by thia timely protection. The prudent ahould not neylect it, and the wixe wil) not. Keep it by you for the protection It afforde by ita early usc in sudden attacks. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowcll, Mas., Practical A. Vnalj tical 'li-iiii i Sold by all Drugcisu and Dealers in Medicine. 977-1010-cflw NOTICE. To aroid imposition, purehasors of Waltlmm Watches will observe that every geiuiine watch, whether gold or silver, bears our trade-inark on botli case and movenient. Qotd cases are stamped "A. W. Co.,'" and guartntee certiticates aecompanyinr tlu-m. Silver cases aro stamped "Am. Wateh Co., Waltham, Mass., Sterling Silver," and are accompanied by guarantee certilientps, signed R. E. Robbins, Treaiurer. Tlie name "Waltham" is plainly engraved upon all movements, irrespeetive of other distin;uishing marks. 'i'hia caution is rcndered nocessary by ïeason of the fact that the Waltham cases are frequcntly separated from their movements. and put upon worthless movements of other makers, and vice versa, thus affecting inju.iov.eiy the performance of the watrhfsiind.trtialtng' wetr ynumnta,, whiol is inteii'Ied to cover only the complete u niches wholly made by the Waltham Company. It is necessary, also, bocause it is so iiotorious as to bc a public scandal, that there is greot fraud in the metal qualitv ot both gold and silver cases as now generally sold. We foivc Hemonttrated by frequent essays that mmn gulil and silver cases ojf'ernl in tfie market, are debiised from 10 'to 2O er rent. from tlie. quulity tui assume Tliis is a Iraud upon the purchaser, and acciiiinls ter the lttw prices at wl'üch sueh BBMd walclic háve been sold. AM. WATCH CO., Waltham, Mass. The genuiue Wutchos of the American VVíitch Co., of Waltham (cases as well as movements), are ollcred in great vanenand at lowcst prices by thcir agents, M. S. SMITH & CO., Jewelers, Coroor Weodwird ud Joff:ri30 Avii. Dotrolt. Only One Price. Plain Figures. 977-102 BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO 10 PER ACRE! Mtrongr Solt! NnrvCrop! Knllroad thrunvh .nl r f I.nndn. Ilanliti, ('llraato. Nohiol and Cliurchea. InI. Populntion. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Tbeu lunds ure a mg dlstanco Kaat of the MlHSIssIppl Rivcr. J-nrííc umount avel in travel urn! truimportaliuu of erop. I)eBcrlpttf i)ainphlt't 1q Kutrllsh iind (ierman. A'lilrnss W. . III .11 vit T, (.Vinmlmloncr, (Irund Ilaplds, Michigan. asi-íoos DANDELION Dr. Whltc's Dandellon Alterativo, the Oret Blood Piiriflcr and Kenovator. A speciflc for LlverComplalnt, BIllonsnefiB. Chllls and Pever, Dyspepila, Kidney Dleeime, Kheumatlsm and Consttpatton oi the Bowele. Removes pimples and eallowness from the skin, pronnclnc a clear complexión. It Is pun-ly vei;eUblc, perfuctly harmlcus nnd ploaaant to take. Pint hottlcü only fl, and every bottli: warrautcd. PULMONARIA, && & lor ConyhB, Coldn, Asthma, -ronchltla, Croup, Wbooplng Couijh and Inciplont ('nnNumptiim. Fifty ii-iits pet uottle. Larc buttleu SI, and evcry liotlle warrnntud. For niile In Ann Arbur by Kburhach Son, and overywhere. 95-1010 TO FRUIT GROWEKS nnd OAltDENERS. 'I'wi iity acre for sale on rcanonable terras, by H HOOKRS- twó miles wi-st of Ann Arlior, on th lJcxtcr road. Qood buildinfrtt. Fourtüen acres In large and nmall frulta of tho best varictiea. The balance Ib the best qnallty of land Tor nrdening. Alio houHO and four Idlm In tho fifth ward, Ann Artior -ily, fcir sale chuap. Kuqinru of 11. KOOERM, on the pivniinei!, orot .1. o. A. SESSIUNS. Or N. U. COVKKT. Ann Arbor, Fob. 5, 1880. 97a 080