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Odorless Floralis

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The HOMBSTEAD, S SUPSRPHOSPHATS - fW -ÊÊÉi. t- "lir wors arc aniong the -HUEÏ3faïJSBH5iitfK.fc ïl0st comPlctc anJ tensive giHUw the country, and have AW ' Jpfcv, J ' ' enable us -" '" furn'i'1 Standard FertiHPP? r i li 1 v .tt the L west Pricc. JflHMFnE ' hir rnacbinery is of modern k 'faaEzsiKlIEXSBBEI' BhctBBl Wl ""' ""provcd cuntruction, 'Ml T? HSÍS " ' ' mate un" i . der th rütdanca of au abla 9 'yrir - " ' ui.-iiir.t. who iupecti evcry T!jl,lI-_ J i " '1iÜ wE0Vlr' placed cm tticiii..rl,i. itli the larga amotmt of capitrxl investcd in the HOM F.s'l F.AI, w are mm b more ui "g its high chai w ter maintaincd thau u p in tui ooukJ pota&Iy be, awi thb filet a Ofte shouta asturt the ui mer that every pound he buys is all that Es hspre nt d. As manufacturers of Animal Charcoal.w. hava al Oül hafids the mos ïfl # v.iinablc material uscd in mak ing fcttfllurt. vi.: BóiM Black Dtut Thit fier 4. JjuI í tiliingsubstance contains 8o per cent. of phosphate of lime agalntt fifty-d . f per cent. containcd in raw bones, and its wcll known value commanda io high TVffil luflj f ff apricein Europcan markets that bui v.ry few m.uuii.u turers of fertilizers NJMhNF f f ff in this country use t. AlthouRh the HOM h TKA 1 FertUízer cosu m m -ti y ¦, , ( ƒ to manufacture than if pn pared of the matcnals t;.-ner.ill '" VroWwTTJ ift tinucits present high Standard, and place on the ruaiket a genuine, pure Bonef MwiEnJfV .A JMSVj Almont, Mich., June 18, 1879. jjJíttXSfR MfiM Michigan Carhtot Works, Priroit, Mich.: jSh8BB&C HPv Gbntlkmfn; - Picase notice the enclosed phfitnraph of wheat cut frum áHWflM - -MyA the same Icngth of drill seven inches apait- supi pliusph ue and no supe 1 plu s Nitr aKf" phatc. Draw yourown conclusions which is which. Of course this is ihow-r yflHIIp ["uSoA ing more difference than the ricld will average; but this shows wluit superK AWlV phosphate will do on very poor soil. This was cut from a very poor spot. '-flBHK ' " H T but cach had the same chance with the one exception. lt wjs tut 1X1 of Jffl JfiL June, shows the earlincss of that fertilized. I have the best picee of barlcy in vBSSglC" B this section - 100 Ibs. superphosphate per acre sown on wheat stubblc. ihc jBqWA KA best farmers herc arc taking note of these things. Very truly , JfiS WHBHmV jgrf, y Mbdina, Orleans Co., N. Y., August 71b, 1879. 5A3rlfnIWK Michigan Carbon Works : wHHH Guntlembn i - Knclosed piense fmd phütogmph of some barlcy. BKé This barley was gruwn on A. H. Poler's farm, four miles south of Medina, SHHHHRhK' Orleans Co., N. V Jagjfl WBr 1 made a frame four feet square and iet tin the standing grain on the 9griMflRL_ aV 'ts DenS 1 !'lcn cut aiKl g&thcred all that stood within the frame VTBBBrB f each, wherc there was phosphate .ind w licrc tlicr w.i, n phosphate. 1 m fiÈJMBk OC Jlct it lay in sim onc day to cure, then wcighed each bundlc a& yuu see it JUBHKRD[B on the photograph. ShX9 i: í ¦ 1-' Th : [ihusj.ii.ite was put down with the seod with a fcrtilizing drill, the "'V IMlHB teeth being six inches apart. These bundies wcre cut side by side, only six Hvl TmHT inches apart. The one on the left oí the photoruph had no phobphate, and HrLLI JlM weighed twelve ounces, The onc on tfic ribt h.tnd had onc hundred and HIA ?Sl9fir' forty pounds of the Homestead Si!pfipli"sph:it to the acre, and weighed BJikV'bQKa. tw0 Püun('s ald fourleen ounces to the four feet square. This is correct. WKV rBsKBfr'l ' ¦"' Io'cr a'sn experimenteel (in corn, pot.uocs ,nid winter wheat with as ¦K ,jL iHífl Ij good rcsults on each 'in his bai ley Of uoursc, he has not harvcstcd his m BB Kfecorii, but it stands sixtcen inches hi 'her thnn the rest of the corn, and earjPÉWMWHjSgi 'ln& one-half bet ter. Yours respectfnlly, GEO. V. POLLK. ACTUAL RESULTS AT OÜR SEED FARM OIÏ LETTÜCE SEED. Homestead produccd 538 Ibs. per acre. ti6 Ibs. of lettucesccd, at $1.35 145 00 Where none was used 467 " " ' 560 lb. of II uittest cad, at 40 per ton 11 ao Difference Ín favor of Homestead, 116 " " Actual profitperaCre 133 80 Stndfor CireuLirs gtving f uil reports 0 results, and all articular s in regard to use. JVln plaoes where we have no aathorized agent, a barrel of 200 Iba. will be sent on reoeipt of $4. Propared Expressly for Lawns, Flower Gardens, Fot and House PlantsDIRECTIÜNS. - Use thrce tablcspoonfuls of the m.-inurc to a gallon of water. Stcep twclve hours before using, and keep wcll stirred while being applied. Do nut apply oftener than once in two wecks. ("Box contamine 10 lbs i oo PRICES, " " 25 " 200 (. " " 50" 400 Sent anywhere in the United States or Canadn, by exprcs or freight, on reccipt of casb orders. MICHIGAN CAEBON WOEZS, Detroit, Mich. (.ood Apnil Wanted in l,nr 'I utvu. 98.5