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Nichols Shepard & Co.

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BatüeCreetHiclL A AïublLhi ORIGINAL AND ONLY CENU1NE A _ fl in 184S M-M-M- M- M- M ¦- M M M I !!¦ ¦ i1 'iTTmíaí'Mi h i H ¦ f4 f h I il tff ¦ j7Y7T 5MfclBHJnj-V-V fJ Threshing Muchiuery and Portable 7]TS&L' ')¦!& T1IE STAXDAliO of excellence tkrougMout the GratnftMJf- nmíiVTffUr-n MATMILERS frr Ornin-RArlng, Tlme-Smvlng, Perfect íir"íjr Cleuiln, Hipid and Thoruugh K'wA - f ÜXzy t- ' VX E l tSM1 ifouíw f. f W-Iel _-:- lgjg-; f 1 Xy - "ï I VKVKI-OUf for vatly êvprHor worlc in aH kind of l -"""Tg" "e JLgwTTjA firtin, &D(t iinivertaUy known i the ottfjf eucceIUl Threiher - " - in Klax, Tituoihv. Oorar, aud all olber Seeds. ATOM11INLY ni'KAHI.K an ! wond. fuUv mimjde, atini l- than ono half the usual üoari and b-ltü. IMkKTAIILK, ïUACTION.nnl KTIi VV-lïriEMN STEAM-EJUCIJOC. wltmpecial features of Pwer, rnrabillly, Bafrtv, Ecouomy, and Kiauty ontlrelv unknnwa in other mk-. Btealn-FOwar fiutlltii au 4 Bitn-PotT Ëoparatora a nifviiiHy. Four aizcfl of ¦pintora, fVom fi to 11 horw-iiowcr ; alo 2 it m bOfvoTMI Muunf 1 Horm'-Powrr-. 8tt Yi'hpm of ProMperouK and ContlnuouM BwteCM tblahonie, withoui chaogo of name, locatton.or management, furotahet a itroag gu&riwtee for superior gooda and honorable dualiug. O AIITIflU I Th6 'ondprful unce and ppularity of -e. _- - llAU I lUH 1 our Viskator Maohlncrj has drivcu othiT s. L- machines to the wall ; henee varlous maker are now attemptJUSSí EEBEkJbtm Ing to build and palm off lofcrlor and mongrol iuiiiaüona of pppBB our famom gooda ¦ ' f j ' ¦ W" yry ', BE NOT DECEIVED p&QSt 9! by inoh etirrlniciitI and vorthleis machinery. If too huv ' ' l IMBftj'Bg iPKl- t .11, t the "OKlUrNAL" und th "GEXtlIJÍE B&Í#9KkB ïailT C t'or fu!l purf Iculnrti eRll on onr rtealor, or wrHe AA " WUaF to u rur llluilraLi .1 Clruuluri, wliich c uiaü froo. Ad.lrc fSMtji . "ISWmVi NICHOLS, SHLPALS & CO., Battle Creek, Mich. "K'Vt Pi ' nWMHB ÍTC-1O00