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!W. TREMAIN GENERAL lince lif OFFICE AT A.A.TEUKY'SHATSTOEE Korlh BrllKh Insurance Comp', (of Londonand Kdinbuixh,) ('Hj.lta! l:i,no,(X, Gold. Oi Irolt Flre and Marine In. o. Cash Asseta fiOO,000. SprnuBcldlnCon.,,.,.,, asb l,800,000. BottWrd Ins. e, of New Vork, Ciwh Asiel ll.ümi.nüU. Agrfciiltiiritl liiMirnnre Conip'y WATEKTOWN, . NKW YoI{K Casb A(wu $1,2(X),000. Lotses liberally adjusted aLd protuptly paid. t yr OLD ANO RELIABLE. Dr. Santord's Ltvbb Invigoiutor J is a Staiulir.1 Fiunily lionietly for % t JisciiHCH of the Livcr, Stomach %2f( and Bow;B. - It is Pnroly m3$ ïïl % Vegetable- It novor % W J! Debilitutes- It is %%%il ¦ 1 4r í PVS"e Vï1 slí-íP Í i' til OlS ¦¦F hl my praptici'á ilülv""'1 by tho rilt)H'.5 ? I il % lor m"re tlian 35 yc:irs, $ BÏ%%% '"'"' U!!i)r-('ctlciit'l resulta, t I9 SEND FOR CIRCULAR. S 5S T W fiSPilTl M H lea BHOADWAT. 5' '¦" 3HHI-U.ÍÜ, ftl.J., NEWTOKKCiTÏ i AW 1)111 l.í,:-r-.VM, 1HUIII IK,i'TOlm i mt-VM) b. S. LKHl II, AGKN'l'. PERMAKLNTLY CURES L XIDNEY DISËASSSf P pi Constipation and Piles. V I 1R. I!. II. I.!tK,oh!lcr..Tt.,y,j J "In .-.v-, of KIDHET TUOl'BS.LLS Ithuk 1 BOtod Ilke a charm. tt hiiKcaprd many Tcry M H bud iiiv . ol' I' I LES nl hu nc v t r fulied to 9 H NELSO.N FAIKCnjXiD, uf st. Albums Vt-, H ray. lt I of [-Icvlcjw Taluc. ÏTtcon ',rt V youm o( trrviit hiiir.'rlnf front Flleri nd Cos !M I tlvcncHn !t com. tciy ourvd me." I C. S. HOC A-ON, o: : uk!!, mij, ''one! 1 pc!íiceliartdonc wonden fjr tnc lti oom L JÊ pk-tely curlnc a nevcr Ï.Wer and Kldncy Bj d it has lirnví) i T POWER a ' J BECAÜSR IT ACTS ON TIIKH ¦ I,IVT:n,THn BOWTIS ANO KXD-I I m:ys at the sa jut TPtB. P J Beoause It cloansca tho syatem of H H thepofsonouc ':iori That devolopo K ¦ In Kldncyand Li cnses.Bil-H loueness, Ocnetioatlon, ¦ Piles, orín Rhoumr :u,n, Neuralgia ï LJ and Fema Ie disorders. I KXANEY-WOBV la o dry vegetable 1 H pound lid can bc ent by muil prvpuUL J Oni pnrkagp irlll mxke kI qta nf medicine. B 9 Tinr it : I WÏLL3, ECHASD30 4 CO., Picjrietcn, I J 3 BTUnt- , Yt. B 954-1005- ch o w Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. (íbrmerlv Dr. Oaipt Sïdnev Citrr ) A vesetalilB preparatinn and the only are r+xurtiy ui tne World for Bricbt' ïrfatwr niabet nd AtL Klau.j, Hver, and Testimoniáis of the bighet order la proof of these statement!. M-For the cure of Diabetes, cU for Wus ner'l Safe niabrt Inrr. WTlor the cure of liriglifa nl the nthr -ndMLVPcá.WarnerI " Hld-J' WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is thebest Itlooil Purlfler. and stlmulatel every function to more heaithful aciiou, and is thuaa benefit in all disejwi It cures Srroftilou and othprUkln Frni. "0rïrnnddomere:aC'U11DS "". ' IV ¦ixp.ln. llMkn of the mmHh, i.u.J Ipx.on. Dlulnw., amrral bil! Ity. etc., are cured by the Safe Bitten. It 1 uueqnaled u an ppetlierand regular tonlc. Boules of two sues ; pnces, 50c. and 81 0 WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qmckly kItpí Hnt and Meep to the sufferin, curis II;ii.l,,rli,. and NruralKla, preveuu ï.pllpptir nu, and relieves I."- u. Pro Iration brougliton by excesslve drink, ovrWDrk, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stop pain and loothe dllturbed Ierves, it liever injures the syaiimi, whethir taken In small or lance doses llottles of two silos ; pnces, 8Oc. aud 81-00. WARNER'S SAFE P1LLS Are an inimediate and active stlmului for a picure Coitlvtneu, DyippiU, Bil' ¦ fffWjHWP É louintfi, feilloui CUrI BUMViUliU k rha, UaUrlt. Fv.r ¦ Irállld3Jl#irT3 IÉÉ nd atltl shMi!1 I UgtfSHJ HH be usad wheuavar the I VytnVB VB bowels do not opérate iiLIjLULH VrH frei'ly and rpularly. HLLü I frv olhpr tllu rrqulriirk ¦ IWTl JTiïi7m ¦ "¦" ''"" '" 'lorouk I ¦VwmMÉÉÉMB Jl urV. I'rirp S& et. bol. I PW"4BmMMl] '"''' h' Urli I fStaZlilB H' "¦ Warner & Co" W tl grTWV Jl RonHKSTF.R n. Y. Q2aa V CT 'Srnl for PupkUt Vii lulu IOKS ANY W(iKK IN Hls LINE. Boilinva, Agricultura] M:ichlnrry,Srwine Machine ; il Lurka rapalrod. Turning, Kev-flttlng and rind""-' prompt! dom. Keape : eood as-nrtment "f Uitlery, 1 oki and TooK whlch win he nold efaeap, No. 36 South Main Street, ANH ARBOR, 938-83