Too Much Boom
The iron boom, it seems, was too muco of a boom. Iron has deolined, considerab!y, both pig and manufactured, and further declines are looked for. Wbile a reasonable rise, consistent with the demands of trade, would have been a good thing for the country as well as the manufacturers, the thing was pushed too fast. One great trouble with manufacturera in this country is they are not satisfied with reasonable profits and sales; but if they see a possible opportunity will forcé the niarket completely beyond the requireraents, and consequently a reaction sets in. In this rcaction the people generally are effectcd, the same as they are in a rising or aotive market. And not alone in the iron trade has the market been forced beyond the demand. Woolen goods in oertain departments, carpets especially, have fconc back to war and inflation prices. Olassjumped up suddenly, and numcrous things, not necessary to merition. The consequence must be that a decline will set in. The market should have been allowed to rise gradually and then it would have been upon a solid footing. Hot house prices will not stand. " Slow, but sure," would be a better motto for Americans who desiro prosperity that is permanent.
Market Prices
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier