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An $800 residence is to be built by S. Guerin. The new windmill and town pump are a sucoess. The postoffioe is being improved upon the inside with paint. Mr. H. L. Woed has been making quite extensive repairs to his house and B. Barnes do. Speaking of the Chelsea cornet band, the Herald asks: " Where oh, where, have ye gone? " Confirmation at St. Mary'sohurehcalled in town many pyople and the mercbants profited thercby. The Herald says "the blessíng of a house is its piety." We always supposed the baby held that position. Prof. W, H. Meek had a fair oudience last week in attendance upon his lecture in aid of the oounty pioneer society. One of tbe restaurants of this place suddenly disappeared a few day9 ago, and Gilbert now monopolizes the business. The library association has sufficient funda to procure a number of new books, the same being the resul t of home talent theatricals. Rudolph Kruse, who lives in Sylvan, had both of his legs fractured, one above the knee and the other bclow the ankle, while attempting to stop a runaway team recently. Otie of our ChelRea men claims to be the largest shipper of eggs in the county. The Chelsea Horald haa brightened up wonderfully within the past few weeks and bids fair to rival any of the many good papers of this eounty. Mr. Allison is to be conpratulated upon the improvement. Tlie women's Christian temperanco union of this village mot on the 20th instant for their annual election. The following officers werc elected : President, Mrs. D. G. Hoag ; first vice-president, Mrs. L. A. Morton ; second vice-president, Mrs. Berry ; third vice-president, Mrs. Tompkios ; correspopding secretary, Mrs. S. D. Harrington; reoording secretary, Mra. Ira Freer ; treasurer, Ms. ohn Taylor ; collector, Mrs. C. S. Laird TJjjese officers constitute the executive cowmittee. YPSILANTI. Sypt. of public instruotion, Cornelius A. Gower, was in tbc city last week. Tbe V psilaotia osnuates that our surgeons are either wording iijraclL8 or- lying about it. Prof. Samuel Dickey, oL Albion, is to lecture ltórea rfe gist on "l'luck and Power." The American Uuion jtejegrafh oompany is running a line along th D. H. & S. W. railway, having scoured the ligbt of way. The woman's work and loan ezhibition will be held in the building on Congress street formerly occupicd by S. Post. Articles of interest are earnestly solioitcd by the ludios. , Tho funeral of S. M. Putney, notod last week, was conducted by Father De Bever, of the Catholic churob, although Putn.y had never been a Catholic. A oouple of young fellows were bluffed off by tbeir girls the other night who dared thom to go to tho ministers and have the oeremony performed. They daren't. The Detroit district association of the woman's missionary society of the M. E. Cburch, commenoed its session at Ypsilanti yesterday, and will continue tbrough today. Aftcrnoon and evening sessions were held yesterday, while to-day there will be three sessions. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. II. Bayliss, Mrs. P. D. York, Miss S. A. Rulison, of Flint, Miss Alice Winchell, Miss Mary Walker. Mrs. J. Kendall, Miss Libbie Austin, Miss F. K. Dunning, Silas Far mer, and Rev. W. H. Poole, bavo boen and are takiDg part in the exercises. The new city council met on Monday evening. Mayor-elect Allen delivered one of the best inaugural addresses that was ever given. He recommended an increase of cisterna and a new steasn fire engine for the east side of the river, besides a number of other improvements. The debt of the city is now only $5,000, and this will be paid on the lst of February next. The old alderuien were re-elected.except in the Fifih ward. The council re-elected the following, all present incumbents : . Clerk, Frank Joslin; treasurer, F. P. Bogardus; attorney, C. R. Whitman ; marshal, A. H. Smitb. ; poormaster, O. G. La Ruo ; physician, Dr. E. Batwell. Ex-mayor Barnes, in nis valedictory, complimented the old oouncil for their services while he has been the chief ruler of the city.