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POR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres In the western part of the State, valued at $,000, which I wil] exchange for Ann ¦ irbor City property. KICE A, BRAL. STBKBTEB'S WORM DESTRÓYER. I; Especially adapted to destroy what in known as the PIN W0RMS, i And hifihly recommcnded for the cnrc of 1 EPILBPTIO FITS, Ani lor the cure f varions forme of Convulsión and Nervoui Aflectione, and Blood Puriller. It contaius NO CALOMEL OR JALAP. No worm lozengere, worm cakes or syrnps aro known to destmy thia troublesome dlsrase. No cantor oll or other pbystca are neco-sary to taken alter using this medicine. I herewlih publish a fi:w of the mauy name of persons that have used this If your drapgiatp or or dealers in medicines do not have it for sale, eend direct to the undersigned. Kach bottle has my hand -bill around the bottle in the Engllnh, Ourman, and Holland lain.-uag.-s and ha the dlrcctione more fally than on the bottle. Mr. Qo. Q. Stbkktk, Dear Sir - I used your Worm Destróyer for one, of my childrcn, who wan relieved in a very short time of a great many of those lroiibleome, and am pleased to recommend your medicine to the public. Very respectfuUj, Grand Haven, Mich., Feb. 1, 1880. To whom it may concern : Thii is to certify that we have ned Steketee s Worm Destróyer and found it au eicellont medicine. It does all Mr. Steketee claims for it. PETBR RORNOELJB, J. C. DbJONGB, B.8TU1T, A, S. WHITE, W. O. MERVBNNE, A. WKLMBKS, M . WESTBKLOO, A. VAN Offl TAL, EDWARD RIPLO, JOHN DVRIÏ8. PRICE 95 CENTS. geo. g. Steketee, SOLE MlOrKIETOR, 89 Monroe Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ank yonr Drugglst for STEKETEES WORM DESTRÓYER. TA ICE NO OTUBR. For sale by Reuil Drdggist, and at wholeale by til the Wholesale Uruggisti in Detroit, Chicairo and (Jrand Rapids. 85-D88 LIC AL NOTICE8. Notice to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Conoty of Waahtenaw.M. Notice is hereby glven, that by an order of ihe Probate Conrt for the County of Waehtenaw. made on the nlnolecnth day of April, A. D. 18), six mouths from that date werc aliowed for creditor to iireseni their claim agatnst the estáte of Tilomas Walst), late of said connty, deceased, and that all creditore or said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Conrt, at the Probate Oftice lu the City of Ann Arbor, for examtnation and nllowance, on or before the nineteenth day of October next, and that such claims will be heard before said court, on Monday, the nineteenth day of July, and on Tuesday, the nineteenth day of October next, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated Ann Arbor, April 19, A. D. 1880. WI1.UAM D. I1AKKIMAN, 981-987 Judge of Probate. Coinmisstoners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of The nndcrslgned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commiasionera to recelve, examine and mlju-t all claims and demanda of all persons niatnst the cstaie of Nathan Stlyer, late of naid countv, deceased. hereby tfive notice that six mouths from date are ollowed, )y ordprof aaid Probate Court, for crcditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceaseit. and that they will meet ut tlm late of said d'-Cfased, in tht' Townshlp of Norlhfleld, in said county, on the Saturday the seventeenth day of July, and on Monday, the eighteenth day of Octooer uext, at ten o'ciock a. m., of each of said days, to receive, examine and adiust said claims. Uatcd. April 17th, 188a SKLDK.N V. SIHUTI.EFF, 1 WILt.IAM P. GKOVKS, Commlseioncrs. WILI.1AM DüTY. 12985 Estalo of Gilbert Allen. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, ss. At n sossion of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Washteunw, liolden at the Probate Oltlce ín the city of Aun Arbor, on Satnrday, tlie (-eM-'iitt'enih day of April, in the ycar one thoueuml i'iirht Imndred and ehfhty. Prudent, Williuui 1. ilarrliniui, Judge ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Gilbert Allen, deceaaed. On reading and fillng the pciition, duly verified.of Edward 1'. A lien, attoruey lor widow aiul heirs of deceased, praying that Fred C. Woud or some otber eultable peraon may be appolnted adminlatrator of the estáte of said deccuscd. ThiTeupon tt is ordered, that Monday, tho Bcveutt-enth duy of May next, at ten o'ciock in th forenoon, be assigued for the hearing of said petition, and that tbe heirs at law of said decea.sed, and all other persona interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesslon of said court, theu to be holden at the Probate OOlce, In the City ol Aon Arbor, and ahow cause, if any ther be, hy the prayi-r ol the netitiouer should not be irriint ed. And it is further ordered, that said petltionei glve notice to the persona tntereeted in aaid estutc, of the pendency of said petiliou, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of this order to be putv IIhM.M [n lili! Aun Arbor Vourier, :i newspaper prmtvd and circulatiuL' in said county, threesuect-ssive weeka previoua lo said dav of hearing. (A true copy.) WIl.i.IAM O. HARRIMAN, Jndte of Prolxitr. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Register. M H8 Estáte of Luke TV. Ulodgett. QTATK OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw, ss. At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County o Washtenuw, holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday the ihirtiiuth day o April, in the year one thousand eight huudred m: i'ii'hiy. Preceut, William D. Uarriman, Judge o Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Luko W. Blodgett, deceased. Worater Blodgett. admlniatrator of stilt ewiate, comee into court and representa that lie is now prepared to ronder hia flnul account ae such admlnistrator'. Tliereupon It is ordered, that Thnraday, the sitb dy pf May next, at ten o'clodt in the fore nuoD, he (aalgiMd 1 ir cxaminlng and allowlng ucb account, and tlial Uiu heirs at law of sait deoeaaed, and all other persons interuated in aait o-taui, are reqaird tq appear at a aimslon o said court, thon to be bolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in satd county, and show cause, if any there he. why the siid account should Bot be aliowed. And it is further ordered, tha siild edmlnlstmtor glve notice to tbe persons lr.iT'-Wl'd In saM estáte, of tbe pendency of said accölint. :md Uwi hearing thereof, by csusing a cop1 Ofthisor'der tobe pnhltiínc'a ili thc'Xnn Arbor Cour r; a hewspaper 'rinled'1 and dreulating in aaid Cu;ity, tg1iucceBlve weeks (irevioii to ld 4uy yf htnriöi;. (A trué copy.) W11.UAM D. ÏIAKUIMAN, Ju(We i.l lJrotnit 1 WM. Ci. DOTY, Prolato Register. 975-978