The awnings are j awning. Tho reform club has been invited to particípate in deeoration day services. Mis Ella June Mead, on the 4th inst., is to give readings at University hall. Wm. A. Wheeler, of Pittafield, has sold the remainder of his farm, souie 86 acres. Joe T. Jaoobs, the clothier, has opened a stock of clothiag in Dexter for a few days. ______ Profs. Franklin and Wilson are to address the reform club nezt Sabbath afternoon. _______ A. W. Porter and Chris. Milman have been rcappoiuted as policemea the coming yer... The late residence of Prof. Frieze on Ann street, is now occupied by Rev. Wyllys Hall. m About a carload of Ypsilanti people carne up to hear Rev. Joseph Cook's lecture last Friday night. It-is tacitly understood by the supervisors of the couniy that they will comply with the law this year, and assess property at its ca.-h value. Mr. White, of lUnsselaer, N. Y., proprietor of HilI's opera house,is in the city the present week. The young man who would rise with the aun, should be eareful not to sit up too late wilh th daugliter. Daniel Wines is improving his house, corner 5th and Pakard Btreeta ; raising it up, re -paiuting. etc. The Toledo, Aun Arbor it Northeastern railroad has Henry W. Asliley for its auditor and treasurer. The Goodyear house at Manchester has changel landlords, Mr. Brenner taking the place of Jas. L. Stone. Mr. I'. Marshall of this place is building a new house for D. Heoning, on the old Wood farm, near Saline. Prof. Alvin Wilsey has withdrawn from the reform club choir, being with them for the last time last Sabbath. Parties are in the city negotiating for a telephone exchange. It would certainly be a graat convenience ofttimes. The temperance meeting at the Delhi school house last Sunday evening, was addressed by J. W. Wing, of Scio. There are four contestants for that $25 billiardcue: J. J. Walker, Fred.Durheim, Rom Granger and Mali Green. ? An improvement has been made in Spring street, by a good coat of gravel and the filling in of ruts and holes. Spring goods have been in great Jeniand for the rast few days. becauso of the exediügly warm rays of " old Sol." The members of the pomological society their meeting last Saturday, subicribed ?25 for the purchase of a new organ. Fred. Graf bas advertised his jewelry itook for sale. He is to close out business od work for J. Halier & Son in the future. "The cattle on a thousand hllls 'out rl foute to the mi Ikman's wealth : Ho doe tlje water fram the rlllg, Ttafs sllpped lnto the cana liy stealth," ï'ha Detroit Evening News saya ttaat the Ann Arbor reform ctub "will probably buy old ohurcb. for $24,200." What a 'hopper ! WO men and 50 teams are wanted to rk on the new railroad between this Plce and Wixom. There's a chance for !u Mr. Tramp. The residence of Mr. Scott, on south 8te street, near the corner of north University avenue, is progressing, the base""eot walls being np. O. W. Effner, of this city, has invent new apparatus for fire alarm. It is 901ple io construction, easüy handled, and be attatched to any bel!. one would seo a thing of beauty, just lel lim ride by some of the niany large cu oruhards in the vicinity and see thein 'heyarenow. in full bloom. Messrs. Minnis and Hangsterfer are to 'e a social for the benefit of the reform May 28th. There will be four brasa "as Dresent upon the occasion. The tread of the tramp is heard in the w gain, and the boys who by soberness mdiu-try do not have to tramp, are J to "chip in" the"ohink." Will Carlton has at lenth been engaged Ppear in this city, on the 2 lat 'and 22d S under the auspices of the county "'er society and the reform club. Jhe store formerly occupied by S. Sondh m, on Main street, has been rented by et n8i-l8yley Wl' haTe amoved their ot ladies furnishing goods therein. i MDtr8c"KbTAnn Arbor & heantern B. 11. from South Lyons to Win;, becn awarded to Budd & nd Work prOgre8s;ng rap(jly. A" the,third aoniversary of the ClinK Tl ' whichcommencesSundayi . '.- Frazer and Jo}n SchuT 'r, of thia „ty, are doWÜ for aadre9fl. Justicc Beahan gave young man namci Kennedy 90 days in Ionia, Monday mom ing. AU the business being oompleted - arrest, arraignment, sen te nee - in about 15 minutes. The patiënt at the homeopathie hospi tal f'rom Nashville, Mich., who was operate apon for oaloareoas formation in the blad der, noted last week, we are informed, has sinoe died. Tbe counoil hare ordered fenoes erecte upon the four corners of the eourt house square. What kind of fenoes - even tem porary- can be ereoted without spoiling the beauty of the square ? Last Friday night was pretty oold, am early gardens needed spring overcoata, but an overclouded sky and a gentle breeze aared peaehes, cherries, etc. It is to be hoped it will not recur again. The Adrián Press man makes an assertion but can he prove it? " Mr. Kapp is mayor of Ann Arbor. A very handy thing for the head of the city goverment, though ho will not handicap the couuoil." Nezt Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Sunderland, of the Unitarian churoh, proposes to review Rev. Jos. Cook's leoture, and will answer the question : " Who shall wash Lady Macbeth's red right hand? " The northern extensión of the T. & A. A. K. R. bids fair at present to be a reality, in the near future. Work with 150 hands, is being pushed lively, and the men have reoently been paid off, and everything is sailing smoothly along at present. "Ann Arbor is to have her picture taken, by J. Stover.of Madison, Wis." - Roscommon Pioneer. Yes, and it will be one ol the handsomest picture of Michigan's fair daughters. And don't you forget it. "The Evening News excursión to the sea is booming finely. More fun, fine soenery and emy travel for the money was never given." Stolen from one of the best daily papers in Michigan. Wonder if they will miss it ? Two of East Milan's roughs languish in the Aan Arbor jail. Too much forty rod whisky did it Better look out a little when in Ann Arbor, they don't bear the roughing that Dundee does. - [Dundee Reporter. -? The near approachof a Presidential election is evident from the fact that our county clerk has an unusual amount of first papers to make out for the foreign popuia tion. Twenty such were naturalized last Monday. The acting of the Barrett dramatic club at Ypsilanti last Friday night, is highly spoken of by our downthe-Huron neighbors, and we understand tbey left a very favorable impression of their abilily as amateur actors. Bills are out for a county mass teniperance convention, to be held in this city on the 28th of this month. The temperante people will endeavor to make it one of the largest and best meetings of the kind ever held in this city. The Courier saya, "advance sheets are fre?ut iitly exclianged by promlneat nwnpapern " 1 that b no the ('oukikh bad betler "atand In " wlth the Enterprise for one, then It would ;et tbe Manchester news a week earllér than It does now. - IMauchester EnterprtHe. Porhaps the Enterprise mightchange its day of publication for our accommodation. Street work will commence in the 4th ward soon, on Detroit street, the venerable l'itcr Carey having charge of the workmen. lile new alderman from the the fourth expeots to put the stroets in good condition in that portion of the city. Pólice court items : Chas. French, charged with stealing a $5 bilí, received a sentence Tuesday, of 15 days in jail ; Chas. Rhodes 20 days in jail for being drunk ; and Dr. Julius Bezzett, a veterinary surgeon, 10 days in jail for drunkenness. Ann Arbor will soon have reason to fee) proud of its city band, as the members are persevering, and by constant praotice are jecoming very proficient. It ia to be hoped tbe people will wake up to the importance of maintaining an organisation of the kind. We are told, an analysis found no traces of any drug in the stomach of Emma Uit, the Allegan suicide. It was the theory of some people that the girl had been drugged previous to being degraded, and the stomach was sent to the University for analysis. We are told that a little son of Mr. Commiskey - an account of whose little daughter's narrow escape we published last weck - feil in the river at the dam, last Sunday, and carne near drowning. He was resoued by Mr. Swartout, the telegraph operator at the M. C. depot. A " stage struck " young lady, was arrested by the offioers in this oity, on a telegram from Chicago, on Monday, and retained until the arrival of her parents Tuesday morning, who took her back home. She Was induced to run away by a yoang lady companion, so her parents say. The saloon keepers of this city have al) complied with the law, and paid tbe tax re? quired, exoept two or three. 13 pay the $200 tax; 16 the $65 tax for malt liquors, and2 the manufacturer'stax on malt liquors which is $25, on e very 1,000 gallons, or parta thereof. All paid under protest. The Jonesville Independent says that "Mrs. E. A. Warren, of Ann Arbor, is expected to speak on the subject of temperance in this village, soon. She bas been engaged in the work ten years and is highly spoken of by the pressof the state." Several loads of poungsters, members of the 3d ward school, held a May day party in cascade glen last Saturday. The air was a little disagreeable that day, but the young blood was not chilled by such a trifle, and joy and pleasure reigned supreme. Some of the saloon-keepers are having the law relativo to keeping open on Sunday enforoed against them. If our merchants and business men are compelled to close their doors Sunday, why shouldn't the saloons willingly do the same, and not wait for compulsión ? He was a little lawyer man, Who meekly bloahed wblle he began, Her poor dear buaband's will to eau. He imlled whlle thinking of hls fee, Then sald to her so tenderly : " Voii have a nlce lat legacy." And when he lay nezt day In bed Wlth piastors on hls broken head He wondered what on earth he sald. _ [Kxcuange. As we notice many boys with guns on their shoulders, and immense game bags slung to their sides, it wonld perbaps be timely to wam them that the laws of Michigan proteot all the aative song birds, and that the only ones which oan be killed are certain game birds at oertain times of the year. The farmers, to, are waking up to the servio of the bird.8 in dóstroyinginsecji and larva, and mosi'of them Will enforce these juut lawu, if they see them wantonly broken. M. J. Fanning, well known in this city, didn't like what a Orand Haven editor, Mr. John Lee, said about him, and tried to chastise said editor. He didn't sucoeed, however, and was made to suffer for his folly. And so again comes the warning to let editora alone, save in the way of kindness. W. W. Bliss, of the central cigar store, while passing this office yestorday recklessly dropped into ye reporters hand a "golden eagle" - cigar- equal in size to the prioe, whioh is $80 per 100 by wholesale. As a thorough test of this cigar will require several days, the quality will be reported on in a future issue. Rev. Joseph Cook, Boston's eloquent divine, delivered a powerful lecture last Friday evening before the students' Christian association. One of the fineat audiences of the season gathered to listen to the same, and by their strict attention for two and one-half hours proved their extreme interest in what he said. Prayers alone will not save your sons from the evils of intemperance, or your daughters from disgrace. A pleasant home where they and their company can spend their evenings, couibined with the love, affection and kindness of their parents will go farther toward accomplishing this end than any other one thing. Hon. Clarkson N. Potter, of N. Y., and Charles Dudley Warner are to be in this city on the 26th and 27th of this moatü. The occasion being the annual convention of the Psi Upsilon fraternity with the Phi chapter of the university. The new club house on State street and south University avenue, will also be dedicated at the same time. A little three-year old boy named Francis Kennedy, was kicked in the forehead and quite seriously injured, on Sunday afteraoon, bj' a horse running at large, in the vicinity of north Second street, just in the rear of north Main street. Horses have been in the habit of grazing in the street, we are told, in this vicinity, much to the daugtr of children. ¦ 3 CJüHOF The city treasureis of this city have heretofore each had their own way of keeping their accounts, much to the discomfiture of the committecs of the council appointed to settle with them, in many instanccs. The present committee will ree ommend that a uniform system of accounts be adopted for the guidance of the treasurers in the future. John C. Burkhardt, for some 12 or 15 years a successful business man of this city, died on Wednesday night last, at 12 o'clook, of inflammation of the lungs. He has di.splayed an unusual amount of energy in business, has been an honorable, npright man, and will be lamented by our citizons. He was but 33 years of age, and leaves a large fuinily to mourn his loss. We have consulted the oldest inhabitant in reference to weather probabilities, and have found out : that the coming season is to be one of terrible stornis. Hurricanes are to be innumerable, and thunder shake the earth with doublé its usual wont, and lightning devour whatever may come in its path. And all because we have had a thunder storm during every winter month. A horse with buggy uttached, the property of Eugene B. Arnold, while upon Felch street, Monday evening, instead of keeping in the street turned upon the track of the T. & A. A. railroad where it crosses the street, went a few yards and tumbled down the eubankment. The horse was finally eztricated and turned into a pasture near by to await further developments. It will be very gratifying to the many friends of Mr. B. Frank Bower in this city, to learn that the prosecution against kim for the death of L. D. Godfrey has been dismissed. He not even being required to make a defense, and as the evidence in the inquest plainly showed that the death was purely the result of accident, and not from intention or previous 11-will, the authorities found no cause of action. Orville E. Hoyt has sold the Dexter Leader to Rev. D. Edgar, formerly of Tecumseh, who took possession last Saturday. Mr. Hoyt has made the Leader a readable Journal, infusing energy and good senseinto its columns, and it is to be regrettod that the ill-health of his wife is suoh that a change of climate s absolutely neoessary. The best wish we oan give Mr. Edgar is that the Leadur may keep up to its already excellent standard. We are glad to notice tliat a policeman bas been appointed to serve at the opera tiouse. The gang of boys, rowdys, and roughs who 611 up the galleries and insult every respeotable person in the audience 'iy hooting, cat-oalls, whistling, hissing, and in various other ways, ought tobe made o respect the feelings of others, in some way. A good policeman, as Mr. Imus will undoabtedly be, will have a quieting effect on this rowdy element. ; t ¦ The litcrary Adelphi of the uoiversity lave secured a rich treat for the people by engaging the talented reader and impersonator, Miss Ella June Mead. She will appear in university hall, Friday evening, Hay 14th. The Council Bluffs Nonpareil sayg : " She has a olear and well cultivated Toice, and this with her exprossion and rilliancy of utteranco, carried hor audience with her from the beginning to the end of every recitation." It will be well worth ones while to hear her. While wandering through the old cemetery the other day, our reporter came upon an aged moss-grown stone which rcad : "REV. THOMAS WILEY, Minister of the M. E. Cliurch. dletl April 3d, 1835, aged 29. Wtdonot sorrow at tor (hou who Kave no Aope.'i Just 45 years ago this young minister of Jod was laid away in his last resting place. ïut who was he, and what his history? 's there any one now living in Ann Arbor who can teil? The new bridge in this city over the Huron river, for the Ann Arbor & Northeastern railroad, is to be quite an extensivo and expensive affair. It is to be 1,000 feetlong, and at the place where it crosses the M. C. l. 11., it will be 18} feetabove the track of that road. Prof. Oreene, of the univerity, is to be superintendent of itsconstruoion, and H. M. Ashley left for Saginaw ast Monday to purchase the lumber. Pile Iriving has commenoed on Chubb street, in he rear of Geo. W. Palmer's re.-udence. In a recent issue of the Michigan Chrisian Advocate, the following item appears, which speaks well for the pastor and congregation of the M. E. Church : "When lev. A. J. Richards visited Ann Arbor in he interest of the Alpena Mission Disrict, the pastor informed him that he would attend to tbat interest at his earliest convenience. On Sunday, the 18th inst., ie took a collcction amounting to $92. If 11 our pastors would do so, the preiling Ider might remain upon his district, where ie isgrqtly needed, instead of "stumping" be conference for nipans to keep his men rom starving." Lawrence Barrett played Riclielicu WeJnesdáy evemng to a large and exceedingly appreciative audience. The galleries especially ought to be oomplimented upon their good behavior. The acting of Barrett, of course will admit of naught bnt praise, but the support was not what it should have been. That is. there was too wide a chasni between him and his company, save perhapa in the character of Do Baradas. The poor rendering of De Mauprat's charaeter almost inarred the star himself. Julie was very fair to look upon, but lacked the force necessary to a truc representation. As an aid to our contemporaries throughout the state, and a matter of reference for ourselves and others interested, we have prepared the following table with reference to the insertion of "pomes" in the columna of the Courier. The rates being per line : Spring lyrlcs, 2...?.....V.... .. $ 2i Autuinn rhymen, 10 Ileaullftil show Jingle, ..... u obltnnry poetry _. _ tü' Odes to etliareal mlldnesi, .......'..'".'.... 1 00 Meter- by moonllght, (very expeuslve), 3 00 Temperunce sUumia, (full mensure),... 1214 Love sonnetg, „ i 50 Miscellaneous, such as " a broken heart ; ' ' an injured spine ; calcareous formation in the breast; unreciprocated affection ; "two hearts that beat as one;" etc., etc., will be received at special rates. The right reserved to rojeot any or all, or any portion of M88. An editor's poaition is a very peculiar one. If he happens to make the Blightest mistake, however trivial, a whole comruunity stands ready to correct him sharply - but few to credk him with the many things he does get right. If he omita anything he is lazy. If he speaks of things as they are, people are mad. If he smooths down the rough points, he is bribed. If he calis things by their proper nanics, he is unfit for the position of an editor. If he does not furnish his readers with jokes, he is a mullet. Then, if hc does, he is a rattlehead- lacking stability. If he condemns the wrong, he is a good fellow, but lacking discretion. If he Iets wrongs and injuries go unmentioned, he is a coward. If he indulges in personalities, he is a blackguard. If he does not his paper is dull and rit A greater portion of theyouth and beauty of Ann Arbor, and some who were not so very beautiful or youthful- we refer to the male portion, of course, in this last reniark - gatheredat the university hall last Tuesday evening tolisten to a public rehoarsal of the students' musical society and the Ann Arbor choral union, the two organizationshaving united. As far as your reporter was competent of judging, the membere taking part in the evening's services, reflected much credit upon themselves. The pieces rendered were difficult and highly artistic. Individually we should have preferred an occasional piece less elabórate, but the audience in general seemed deligbted with th programme as it was. It is the intention of these two organizations to act in concert hereafter, and to favor the people of the city next seaaon with several entertainments. A compromise has been effected in the Hiram Arnold will case contested before the probate court. Judge Harriman lias denied the will admission to probate, upon the oxecution of papers protecting the rights of the minor legatees. By the settlement Eugene B. Arnold isgiven the use of the farm in Scio during his lifetime, and quit-claims all further interest in theestate. The daughter of Byron Green, Mrs. Beaman, is to receive $10,000 upon arriving at the age of 35, which amount bas been placed in the hands of Philip Baoh, in trust; and his son, Clay Green, is to receive the same amount at 30 years of age, Christian Mack to retain the funds until such time. Mrs. Bagley and her two daughters are to receive $4,000 f they choose to accept it. Since the above was written we understand that the executors, Messrs. E. Treadwell and Noau W. Cheever, think of appealing from the decisión of the probate court. .'¦ Threo stout fellows have been about our streets for the last few days with a wagon and horses, buying rags. They are very careful to visit places where women only are at home, and make fair offera, but always ask if the rags have been weighed. They do their own weighing outside, and make out that 20, and 40 pounds are only five or seven. After the rags are in their possession they will only pay in tinware or soniething of the kind, and that of the poorost quality. One girl who had saved about 40 pounds, urn] iritonded paying her f'1 '" Vp-ilant ,-ui'l return out of them, was told that her rags weighed only five pounds, and shewas given a tincupinexchange. These men are imposing on the people of this county, and taking advantage of the helpless women and need publishing. They camp in the outskirts of the city, and probably add pilfering to the rest. They are hard looking cases, and consist of two men and a boy of 15, with a span of black horses. Look out for them. They seem. to be going through the city systematically, baving certain signs that they chalk upon the gate or sidewalks where thoy have opérate.
News Items
Human Interest
Ann Arbor Businesses
Ann Arbor Police Department
Hill's Opera House
Clubs & Organizations
Pomological Society
J. Haller & Son
Inventors, Inventions & Product Development
S. Sondheim
Budd & Williams
Ann Arbor & Northeastern Railroad
Crime & Criminals
Accidents - Water
'A Circle in the Sand'
Saloons & Taverns
W. W. Bliss & Co.
University of Michigan - Fraternities & Sororities
Musical Performances
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Henry Frieze
Joe T. Jacobs
A. W. Porter
Chris Milman
Rev. Wyllys Hall
Rev. Joseph Cook
Fred Graf
Geo. W. Efner
Will Carlton
R. E. Frazer
John Schu
John Schumacher
Peter Carey
Chas. French
Chas. Rhodes
Dr. Julius Bezzett
M. J. Fanning
Clarkson N. Potter
Charles Dudley Warner
John C. Burkhardt
Eugene B. Arnold
B. Frank Bower
L. D. Godfrey
Orville E. Hoyt
Rev. D. Edgar
Ella June Mead
Rev. Thomas Wiley
Hiram Arnold
Byron Green
Philip Bach
Clay Green
Christian Mack
E. Treadwell
Noah W. Cheever