Common Council
Council met in regular monthly session Monday evening. Roll called, all present. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITION8. An invitation was receivcd from the 5th ward ladies' docoration sori"'' ?- "'"u the servio oe held on the 30th iaat. Accepted, and Aids. Bosimer, Fleming and Mathewson appointed a committee to procure conveyances. A petition for a large cistern to bc conslructed at the interscction of Jefferson and 5th streets, signed by JoeT. Jacobs, John Henley, Mack & Schmid, and 20 others, was received and referrcd to general fund committee. A petition for a lamp post on the cast side of Main strect, between Liberty and William ; also for one on the south side of Washington street, nejr the M. K. Church sheds, received and referred. A petition for a sidewalk on Wall street, in the 5th ward, between Aldrich and Broadway, was received and referred. Marshal Johnson presentedthe names of A. W. Porter and Chris. Millman for reappointment as patrolmen, and the council elected them to the position. Wm. Shaw was appointed doputy marshal at the T. & A. A. depot, and Jasper huns at the opera house, both to serve without cost to the oity. City treasurer Woodruff reported his usual monthly balances. The bonds of O. F. Webster, city treasurer elect, in the sum of $80,000, with Chas. Spoor, Wm. McCreery, J. W. Knight, J. W. Thompson, P. Baeh, E. Wells, John Heuley, J. M. Wheeler, and C. H. llichmond, as surety ; of tho city recorder, in the sum of $500, with John W. llunt and J. R. Ilenderson aa surety ! of the city marshal, in the sum of $500, with A. V. Robinson and A. Kearney as eurety, were receivod and referred to the city attorney. Also the following saloon bonds, in the gum of $2,000 each. The first mencioned is the keeper, the two foltowing are surety ; which were accepted by the council. Anton Tenfcl- Uliich Sctialble, John Holnzman; Mtchael Btei'b- Bernhard Kouder, Frederick lialchelder ; Jacob Holfttelteiv-Jacob Beok, Win. Allabv; Wm. Frank- Wm. Herz, Hwny Nnuliou"; Wm. Molntyre- Geo. Clnrken Kdward Kleioliis; Johu Goetz, Jr.- Frederlok Sohlelchur. Kern hardt Hender ; Nicholas Flscher- Jacob Halier, Jubn Wcltbreclit; Tlios. F I.eouard- John N. Gott. . H. Geur; Anson I). and Frrd. Ik'simur- Henry Mat thPWË, John 11 Dow: Aiixust Hit, 'llios. Walker, Frank H. (irlnian; (Jlias. Huuper- John Hiuuvr, A. I. Beylat; Werner & Vniulerford- l'hlllp Cnandlcr, Kredurlck S!ern[; F. Rettlch- David Kinley, Mcwes Heabolt; I,udwl Wal- Frel Wokner. Henry Eruue ; (ico. F I.ulz- Lewls Fritz ('hrislian Sehmtd; ('has. Kltson- H. Kltrcdce, JohuFmv; J J. Koch- John O. Koch, John Kooh ; Chas. Binder- Fred. Sclmiid, Christian Walker; N. 11. Iirnkc -Fretl. Sorg, Brnanuel I.uirk; John M. Uould- John Lynch. John Armbruster; r-ewlsKchlelcher- CaHper Rlnney, Xavier Zivckman; Fnil. Hans Antón Elsele A D.fteyler; Bacene Oaterlln L. Qruner, Mlohael Hi-iii.iiiHii ; ChrlBthin Loeflor- Autnn Klsele, Andrew K. Hehmidt; Alhren,t üwlnner- Gottlleb Lulck. LewUUertit'iler; Geo. Ardner- Jolin Krey, John Laughlan ; John Clalr- Thos. Ea,rl, John N. Gott; Glirigtlan Hnil- J. ('hrl.tlani .Sohinld, Tilomas RauKeubrger ; Hfiiry Uorn- Lwwls Fritz, H.-nry Walsch. The list of officers of tho firc department for the coming year, and the list of mombership for the paut year entitlcd to the $5, paid by the oity, were received, and warrants ordered drawn for the nmount. 157 nauies were upon the list. REPORTS FHOM COMMITTEÍS. The general fund committee reportec the following bilis which were allowed as reconimended : R. A. Beal. printing _ $ 81 00 Jas. Tolberv lumber_ 6 4 O'Maraand Flynn, cleanlng hose 3 0C C. Burnham, oleanlnK englne and hose 3 SC Delaney A Hlll, flre dept. repairs. „ 8 Jus. Atklnson, steward a W S. Butler, lamp lighting 4 S( Geq. Walder, setting lamp post 5( Ij C. Comstock, lamp llghtíng 75 QasLightCo 85 4t Total „ 199 49 The tinancecominittee reported bilis from the different wsrd funda as follows : lst ward fund „ 39 90 3d " " ...'.'...'.'.'.'.'. 80 45 tth " "¦.".¦.vzi"';:::":::::":::: ? 6th " 56 61 5th ward oeraetery fund „ 25 82 General streel fund 4 50 Uontingent fund _ $153 8 A bilí of $49.81 from the Western Electric Manufacturing Co. for material for alarm connecting lower town engine house was left over to next meeting. Keport aceepted. Frank A. Ortman having been assessed twice on the same property, on motion of Aid. Keech, a warrant for $15.60 was druwn payable to hitn. Aid. Martin, from special cominiUee to purchase lire engine, hose, etc., reported the purchases made, and that the matter of purchasing site for Gth ward engine house bc rcferred to committee on fire department. Accepted. Aid. Ilutzcl, from committee to settle with city treasorer, asked and was ranted further time. RKSOLUTIONS. By Aid. Keech : Resolved, That all policemen or watchmeu assluiuci 10 special duty, except the regular polfee appointed by the coiincil, shall beappolutek by the mayor or chlef of pólice. Further, Retolved, That the mayor shall upon making such anpointinents, report the arae to the oliief 0 pólice as soon as possible. Adopted. Also: ltetolved, That the coramittee appointed by the last councll to look after Iianover sauare, be. re-appolnted by thls councll for the same purpose, with power to act. Resotvtd, That the same committee are authorized by thls councll to have fences of a suitable kind constructed at the four corners of the court house square, to be pald out of the contingent lund. Adopted. [This committee consisted of Aids. Ferdon, Besimer and Martin.] By Aid. Hutzel : That a naptha lamp post be erected upon Lawrence street, as asked by petition last week. Carried. By Aid. Keech : Retolved, That the committee on the fire ] partment are authorized by thls councll to haveprluted blanks with locatlon of the different public clslerns, thelr depth, etc., and RetolvcS, That it shall bo the duty of the marshal and hls patrolmen to flll out such ¦ blanks under the dlrection of the committee on flre department, so that (hey can report 1 on same at eacU regular mettiiiK of this ' ¦il. Adopted. By Aid. Hutiel : 1 Retolved, That the chief engineer and committee on flre department be empowered to ( employ a competent man to take charge or the engine when ft comes, and to receive lnstructioMK until a regular appointment is made by the councll. Carried. By Aid. Besimer : That in view of tho faot that many of the bridges of the city are out of repair, and may be found neeessary to be repaired at any time, therefore, j Retolved, That the general street committee have full power to bulld or repair the name when uecessary between now and the next meeting of the councll. Adopted. Also: Jietoived, That the recorder be pcrmltted to - purchase sultable books of record to be let to ¦ the lowest bidder. Adopted. Also : Retolved, That the city treasurer be and Is hereby dlrected to turn over all finid in hls hands now due school district No. 1, which 1 have been oolleoted from dog tax. Adopted. By Aid. Keech : ) Retolved, That it Is understood by this eoun! cll that the flremen receive no oompenaatlon ' for services for the year commenolng April 15, J 1880. Thls understandlng beln? based upon ' the recommendatlon of a ooramlttee of the I flre department made to this councll. Adopted. By Aid. Matthewson : That the orders for Rtreet work in the Sth ' ward be drawn as cash orders, there belng buíflclent funds for that purpose. Carried. a On uiüiion of Aid. Ferdon oouncil adjourned subjeot to cali of the mayor.
Common Council
Mack & Schmid
Ann Arbor Police Department
Ann Arbor Fire Department
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Joe T. Jacobs
John Henley
A. W. Porter
Chris Millman
Wm. Shaw
Jasper Imus
O. F. Webster
Chas. Spoor
William McCreery
J. W. Knight
J. W. Thompson
P. Bach
E. Wells
J. M. Wheeler
C. H. Richmond
John W. Hunt
J. R. Henderson
A. V. Robinson
A. Kearney
Frank A. Ortman