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g( COMPOUND SYRUP jv WASTING DISEASES, suca as AHthtna, Hrourhltli. 4'unNnmptton, Brain l'.liuux( uu. ('hronle oiixiipatlon, t'hronio lirrhra. !? MM-inia or Lo of ÜTEEVOTJS rPOWZEIR, Are posltlvely nd speedlly curud by Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites The mcrlt of this remarkaWe remedy Is due to 11 peculiar property of reetorlDg the wasted tissues of tbe body tu tlieir orlKlnal Himnos nd vigor. It ia well kDown that for every thought and aetlon there Is death or decay of an mnonnt of material proportkraaU' to the magnitude of the thought or action. Thls waste ia upplied by the unimpaired nntritlve fnnctioiiK. The precociouB actlvity of youtbs, the cnthnsiastic strnggle for we&lth und fame in the middle aged, and oíd age itwlf canse an undue decy of material i;ervouB force. PRO8TRATION. Edwin Clay, of Pugwash, Nuva Scotia, wrttcs as follows : .Mr Jaxks I. Faixowa, Sir, Haring, while at your establishment, carefuUj axamlned jour prencriptions, ánd the raethod of preparing yonr Compoand Syrnp of HypophMphltes, I flt anxious to glve it a fair trial in my practtce. For the biet twelvo moDths I have done so. and find that in lncipient consamption, and other diseases of the throat and langa, it has dono wondere. In restoring persons sufferïng from the effect of dlptherla, and the couh following typhoid fever, prevalent in this región, it 1b the best remedial agent I have ever used. But for persons snffering from exhaustion of the powers of the brain and nerveus system, from long-contlnued study or teaching, or In those case of exhaustion frora which so many young men suffer, I know of no better medicine for restoratlon to health than yoor Compoand Syrup of Hypophosphilcs. H. G. Addy, M. D., St. John, N. B., writes aa tollow: Mr. Jaxes I. Fellow, Chemitt, Dear Sir,- Having used yonr ('ompound Syrnp of Hypophosphltes for Bome time in my practlce, 1 have no hesitation in recommending it to my patiënt who are snffering from general dobllity, or any disense of the langs, knowing that, even in cases utterly hopeless, It affords relief. 80LD BY ALL DRCGGIST8. Pbici 1.50 Per Bottlk. 979-989 L.. S. Lereb, Atjtnt, Ann Arbor. MÍLDREÑ Cry Tor Pitcher's Castoria. They like It bccause it tssweet; Mothers like Castoria because it gives health to the child ; and Physiciaus, because it coutains no morphino or mlueral. Castoria Is Nut ure's Reinetly for assinillatlng the Food. It cures Wind Colic, the ralslng or Sour Ciirel and Dlarrhoea, allays FererIdUMH and kills Worms. Thns the Cbild lias health and the Mother obtains rest. Pleasant, Cheap, and Reliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most efl'cctlve Pain-rolieving agents for KAN and BBAST the world has ever known. Over 1,o(K,(iiio Botlleo sold laat jrear! The reasons for this unprecedentcd popularity are evident ; the Centaur Xjiniments are made to deserve confidence, they are absorbad into the strncture ; they always cure and nevar disappoint. No pereon need longer suffer with PAIN in the BACK, Rheumatism or Stiil Joints, for the CENTAUR Liniments will snrely extermínate the Pain. There Is no Strain, Sprain, Cut Soald, linrn, Brnise, Ntinir, Gall or Lameness, to Tí hleh Mankind or Diimli Bruteare snbject, that does not respond to this Soothing Balm. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only relime pain , bat they incite healthy action subdue injtammation, and cure, whether the symptoms proceed from woundt of the fteêi, or Neuralgia of the Ntnet ; from contracted Oords or a icalded hand; from a tprained ankle or a gathed Jool whether from dlsgustlng PIMPLES on a LADÏ'S FACE or a slralned joint on a norse" t Leg. The agony produced by a Barn or Scald ; vwrtifl calion from Frost-bitee ; Swellingi from Stralns ; the torturei of Bheumalism ; Crippled lor lie by some Dcglected accident ; a valuable harte or a Doctor' BUI may all be taved from One Bottle of Centanr Liniment. No Housekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Teamster, o Liveryman, can afford to be without these wonderful LinimenU. They can be procurad in any part of tht globe for CO OenU and 11.00 a bottle. Trial bottle .'.' Cents. Swallowing FOISON Spurt) oí disgwting mucous from the nostrils o apon the tonrilt, Watery Eyes, SmiJtet, Buzzing In the Ears, Deaness, crackling sensatlons In the head Intermittent Pains over the Eycs, Futid lireath Nasal Twang, Scabs in the Nostrils, and Tlckling ia the Throat, are M(.v OF CATARRH. No other vch loatfuomi, treacherons and under mining malady curses mankind. One-fifth of on CMtdren die ot dlseanes generaled by lts Infectiont Poison, and one-fourth of living men and women drag out miserable exlstences from the same cause WMU asleep, the impuritiet in the nostrlls are necessarlly twallowed into the ttomach and inhaUd into the lungs to poison every part of the syitem. Dr. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Cnre ab sorbs the purulent virus, and kills the geeds of poison in the farthest paris of the system. It will not only relieve, bat eer tainly cure Catarrh at any stage. It 1 the only remedy which, in our jodgment has ever yet really cured a case of Chroni Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cnred O. G. Presbnry, Prop. West End Hotel, Long Branch Cured of 20 yeare Chronlc Catarrh. S. Benedict, Jr, Jeweler, 697 Iirodway, New York, (member of family) Cured of Chronic Catarrh. E. H. Brown 339 Canal St, N. Y., Cured of 11 year Chronic Catarrh. J. D. McDonald, 710 Broadway. N. Y. (Sistcr-in-law Cnred of 40 years Chronic Catarrh. Mrs. John Donghty, Fishklll, N. Y., Cnred of 8 years Chronic Ctiiarrh. Mr. Jacob Swaitz, Jr., 200 Warren Street, Jerse City, Cured of 18 ytars Chronic Catarrh. A. B. Ttinrn, 183 Montxgne St., Brooklyn, (self an son) Cared of Catarrh. Rev. W in. Anderson, Fordham, N. Y., Cared of 20 years Chronic Catarrh. MUe. Almee, Opera Prima Donna, " I have recotve very great benefit from it." A. McKlnney, K. K. Pree., 33 Broad 8t., N. Y.: " M family experienced immediate relief." He, &c, &c., Ac., ÍK. Wel De Meyer's Catarrh Cure is th most important Medical Diacevery sinc Vaccination. It is sokl by all Drnggists or delirered by D. B. Dewey & Co., 4( Dey St., N. Y., at $1.50 a packajre. T clubs, 8ix packa;es for $7.50. Dr. We De Meyer's Treatlse Is sent free to any body. 951-1002- eow FARM FOR SALE. I will Bell flfty acres of land, on the soutb. Ide o the road, lncluding brlck house, two barns and car riage house ; or elghty-seven acras on the nortb sld of the road, includlng the J. Wlng place, wlth goo bulldlugs ; or will sell the wbole farm combined, as purchaser may desire. The land is located on th Dexter road, three and one-half miles west of An Arbor City, and Is in a vcry fine state of cultivation Terms to soit parchase. If not sold by April lst I will let the same on shares. Will also let the Ftl more farm of one hundred acres adjoinlng the above W5tf J. W. lirudrord.