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The Literary Success Of The Century

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An eminent Engllsb authorlty recently pronounced Scrlbner'H Monthly 'the greatest Uterary auccess of the century." The New Englaud Journal of educatlon gaya : "America may well be prond of such a magazine." The Illiistrutud London News considera lt"oneof the marveU of the cluy." The London Ilhistrnted (Penny) paper says : "Wlth lts Inimitable flnlshed gems of drawlng and engravlng, It Is the wonder and adinlrutlon of the artworld." The April number Jnst lssued ends the XI Xth volume, whlch Is exceptlonally brllllant. The Nf -Zir%."fiv?BirV Sjieke ttTA&tk .SPV Eugene Schuyler on "Peter the Grent," as the most notable event In modern magazine llterature. The style Is so simple and yet so graphlc that it Interest not only men of letters but the young, and Is read as a text-book In the schools. It Is understood that the causes and beelnnlng of Nlhlllsm In Kussla wi 11 be traced by Mr. Schuyler In the oourse of htsnarrative. Kev. L)r. E(?i{leton wrlte of Mr. George W. Cable and hls story, "the Granilisslines," in Scribner: " II Cable can hold that galt, the rest of us who wrlte American storles must surrender to hlm. What a superb plece of work It is ! " Scribner's Is the only American perlodleal that has as yet estnbllshed a clrculatlon abroad; the edltlon in Eugland being 1Ü.5UU. It now enters upon ïis second decade, and the work winning a second hundred thousand at more tliim halt ii ml Ilion. The publlshera of Scribner announce that all new subscrlbors after thls date who tke the back numbers, beslnnlng November lat, will recelve lnstead of the six unbound numbers the bonnd volume, November '79, to April '80, (contalnlng all of "succeB wlth small fruits," the UrandTsHimes," and "Lonlsiana), without extra charge, i lic subscriptlon prlce 1m 4.(j a year. _______