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Tlint'ly Cantiog. Genuine Hop Bitters are put up in square panelea, amber-covered bottles, with white label on one side printed in black letters, and green hop cluster, and on the other side yellow paper with red letter ; revenue stamp over the cork. This is the only form in which Hop Bitters are put up, and tho solé right to inake, noli and use them is granted to the Hop Kitte MTg Co., of Kochester, N. Y., and Toronto, Ont., by patents, copyright and trade mark. All others put up in any other way or by any one else, claiming to be like it or pretending to contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and unfit for usc, and only put up to sell and chcat the people on the credit and popularity of the Hop Bitters. Take milnir. Pirectly around each bronchial tube where it enters the lungs, are about 20,000 minute air cells--in the entire lungs 600,000,000. A slight cold produciog bronehial inflanjmation, a gatbering of phlegiu and a slight difficulty in breatning quioklj involves the 20,000 air colls, and nnally. ïf not remedied, the whole 600,000,000 becomc clogged with pus which much be healüd or life will soon termínate. The world's great lung remedy, D&. Kinos New Discovery i'or Consumption, readily heals and permanently cures the very worst cases of lung dLseases, Coughs, Colds, tiokling in the throat, Asthma, lloarseness and difficulty of breáthing, in the sfaortMt time possible. Trial bottles ten cents. For sale by Brown& Co., Ann Arbor. 973-986 Consumptlon Cured. An oíd phy8Íoian, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India raissionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent oure for Consumption, Bronchitis, CaUrrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung afiections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Couiplaints, after baving tested its_ wonderfal curative powers in thousands of cases, has feit it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a demre to reliove human sufTering, 1 will send free of charge to all who desire it, this reoipe, in Germán, French, or English, with full directions for preparing and u?ing. Sent by mail by addrusning with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. ÖHïARIR, 149 J'owers' Jilock, liochetter, Wi Y. 95S-993 e o ff Kidnoy-Wortinhot weathersustainsthe syBtem and kecps up tho strength. Nüthing is more charming to the eye than clean, white linen of the tendorest hue. American BallBlue imparta it. Aak your grocer. 985 988 Vacaiit Places In the dental rauks will never oocur if you are particular with your tocth and cleansc theni every day with that famoua toothwash, SOZODONT. From youth to old age it will keep the enamel spotlesn and unimpaired. The teeth of persons who use SOZODONT have a peart-like whitenese, aiul the gums a roseate huo, while the breath is purified, and renderod sweet and fragrant. It is composod of rare antiseptio herbs and is entirely froe from the ob jeotionable and injurious ingredients of Tooth Pastes&c. 985-988 Malarial Dlscases Are now uiore suecessfully treated by a new agent, made from Peruvian Bark by Bilunqs, Clapp&Co .Chemists, Boston, Mass. It is called CINCHO QUININE, and is pronounced by physicians to be preferable in its action, and a perfect substituto for the Sulphate. The dose is the same, and it is sold at $1.50 por ounco by Druggists ; or it will be sent on receipt of price by the manufacturera. A Democrat Cured. A leading democrat of Burlington, Mr. E. M. Suiton, speaks in the highest terms of the curativo power of the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It first cured him of a distrcssing Kidney dÍ6ease, and he now uses it whenever he has any symptoms of biliousness or needa toning up. It acta efliciently on the bowels, and cures the cases of piles. Jersey Botter. Jersey butter is all the fashion, and it has become so, mainly because tho makers have kept up a uniform color through the year, using artificial color when necessary. Dairymen who wish to be in the fashion must use the Perfected Butter Color made by Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. From the easy exjectration, iiicreated respiratory power of the Lungs, and the removal ƒ irritation, manifest l'rom cessation of Cough and other alarming symptoms, after ubing Fellow's Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, no doubts remain of its powerful action on the organs of nutrition.