CatarrH IS IT CURABLE? rpnoSE vho have suffered from the rarloui and com-L pi t,aU'(l foriüP of dií-ciiM' uhbuincd by Catarrh, and have trlcil ninuy physlclans atul romerlies without relief or care, a wnii i ac auuwrr to tlils Questlou wlth considernliiü amlcty. And well they may ; lor no dlaeaae that can bo iiuutioncci U o ünlveraallr pro vale ut and bo dr Tnc'.lve to hcalth as Catarrli. Bronchitis, Asthma, ('oughB, üd serloua and frcquently fat 1 affecllona of thu lurijfa fo'low, In irmny lnutanrca, a case of simple bnt nctíltctod Caturrh. Other sympathetlc affecüon, ene m drai".i'M, Impaired eveRiRht, and loss of sense of in 11. n. iv 1 - n ii rrcdto a mliior but neverthele Borl.'iig r utiiM of netflectcd Catarrh, had enongh in th'TiiM'lVvH, huí na nothlnjí conipared wlth the danser,oiii affectlons of the throat aua langs llkely to follow. IT CAN BE CURED, T T oad be curcd. Tlier1 Is no doubt about It. The tml medial r ftcf I by Sahfobd's Radical ti uk kou Catai.kii Ib but a nllglit evidvnee of what r.i.y follow a pcrslBti'i.t uno of tiiïs remedy. The hard, lii .usted ïuiittiT t!-iu has lodjted In the nasal nauagei :s i 'MiTtvod wlth i í -w a pp lic ut! o na ; tho ulccratlon and iiiil.immatlon siihdm'l and hld: tïio entlre memhrtnnm li-iineKOf tlw hmd arecleanaed andpurifled. Conïtüutiu ai y ita actiun 6 that oí a poworful purlfylng ¦ t. ri'trev(nff li lts con-fie thmugh the syBtem polont the Ucfitructivc agent In cftt&rrhal I GORÏPLIGATED CASE. Gentlemen, - Mycttfo Is hriefly s follow : Ihave had Otftrrh ri#r :¦ D jrean, euch yiar wlth incrcaelnjc severii i . Kur nlne vtacs I 1 :id not breathed Uiroïyfh. one nottrll. 1 ha f dropplns in thn throat, a very bad coufrh, a-th:na cubad asió bu obllgid to takü a retnody for lt at nlglit before "huii-if ublo 10 llo down and sleep, hiuI a i oiíStaiH dull pain In my head. My hoad waa at times so lull oí rnturrhal luattcr aa to injure my peiiK' uf hrarliig m d coiup 1 inc to & t up Bcveral timen In the nljilit to elcar lt and my thK.ut tfore I could ¦loep. Every one of these difltrcaalnKfcymptomBhaadlK[;)i,irrl unücr tho use of not quite thre bottïes of SaF'ird'b Radical Ct-Rï. My hearlnjj lafullyreitored I bare no athmatlc syniptom. no couKh. no dropplnfi id tho, no heaüachu, and In every wav better ihan 1 havo biM-n furyears. I could foei the effect of the Ci'kk on iny nppcilui, on my kldneys, and, in fact every part of my sj Pteip. What hu been done In mj case la whoüy the elFoct of the Radical Cctik. V.-ry rpectruUy, C, H. LAWIiKNCK. FiTcnBüRO, Oct. 14. ïndorsed bj a Prominent Drnggist. I hereby certify that Mr. Lawronce purchased the Radical Cu kb of me, and trom timo to time made me familiar wlth hls case. Ibellevc hls statement to he true In every particular. JAS. P. DERBY. KlTCHBUKO, OCt. 14. Eacb package containa Dr. Sanford'B Improved In hallnK Tubf. tiutl lull dlructlous for lts uae In all cual Prlce, $1. Forsalo by all Wholesale and rotail druK11 and dealers throiighoat the l'nlted States and Canada WKKK3 & POTTER, General Agenta and Wbolesale DruggltB, HoHton, Masn. Volt ic plastêf Au Kloctro-CHlvanlc Battery comblimd wltl a hlcïIy Meilcatod 8trfntthenlng Plastr formlng the bett Plattr lor pain aul aoUu In World of MinUcine. REFERENCE8. Dr. E. M. Rlker, Montgomcry, O. Mr. TranceB HHrrlm.t' . Orlati'1, Me. Hakfll Lcwla. Eaq., Mllfon!, Del. Mr. Klchard Gorman. Lynchburíf, Va. J. B. Sammlg, Kxi-, Wlnonn, Mlnn. Mr. J. A. Tuzzle, Mpmphla, Tenn. H. B. Güorh, Eftu., Oswego. Rao. Dr. Wlllard Collln, Buctsnort, Mp. Ü. W. Bostwlck, EQ., Mt. SlerllMfr, o. Mn. KHz YounK. Cambriilift, Muss. Franc üakrr, Kig., Clnchmall. o. Mr. J. M. Koblnaon, E. Orrliitftun, Me. ". Shlverlck, Ksq., "IndfpcudtiU " Oülce, N. Y. Mrs. Kllza J. Dulfleld, Hume, 111. tico. Urajr, Esu., Montlcllo, Mli.n. Mm. Chaa. ltound, Woodhull, 111. TV. II. H. McKlnney. Morrow. O. Mrs. B. L. Btevens.Tort Waync, Ind. Wm. S. Blmmg, Madlsonvlllc, Ky. MnKjlredfñ. 8t. Louis. Mo. "' Anaruifift%f.r5??li.Cal. OOLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTEko Cnre when all other remedies fall. Coplea or letter detallinii aouio atonllüng cure whon all otlier r. ni. diva half been trled without neceas, wlll bo mulle, free, o tliat correapondence may bc had If dealrat For tho cure of Lama Back and weaknewes peculiar t females, Collin' VoLtaio Flastxbb are superior to all other externa! remedies. PRICE. 2 CENT8. Bfl careful tocall forCoLLiNS' qvtxjo Plastik lts yon ftet aomc worthle lmltatlon. 6old by all wholeaale and rctall lrUKt{ltR tliruufrhout the United State and Canada, and by WKEK8 & POTTER, Proprleiora Botton, Maa. umi ;i:h HOP BITTEES (A Mlirinot not u Drfnk,) CONTAINS HOPS, BrCIU. MAXDUAKE, DANDEI, ION, Akd ttuc Iukkst axd Iïcst Mli-ical Qüautixh or ALL OTIIKK BnTXBS. TXH3TT OTJHE Au DlsoaM? of the Stomach, Bowcls, Clood, IJTor, Kklneys, and Uriiiary Orann, Ncrrousness, Hleepleasnem and tvpecially Fcmale Complalntu. 81000 IN GOLD. ¦1 be paiil fnr a caao they will not euro or help, or anything iiupuro or lnjurioua found In tbcm. I Afffr your dnijïplht for Dop Bittors and try thom before you Hlci-p. Takc no ut her. Hor Couon Cure Is the cweetcst, saf eet and best, Ak Cbildren. Tho Hop I' ad for Storaach, Livor and Kitlncy m tnptrlor to all othors. Cures b j abeorption. Aak druttot. D. I. C. la aji abüoluto and lrresiatiblo cure for drunkennecs, um of opium, tobaooo and narcotica: ¦¦¦¦1 Snd for circular. BHHH Above xld by clniöiUu. Hop Bitten Mfg.O. Rochtr, N. Y. 961-990 TUTTfS PILLS ïndorsed by PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHEBE. THE 8REATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH Of THE AQE. TIITTC' Dll I O TüTT hal ¦ lUI lO rlLLO eeded in comblniuit In nitïF Qirii Hfinarur thfise tïiö thehcrehCUBt SICK HEADACHE. tonxcM. viiwin imi ¦ M tleaof aSTRiNOTuiHo, T S PILLS PTOOATivE,andaPnCURE DYSPEPSIA. "ffiï „t "ppart ,.__,_ . . . oSect in to Incitase tho TIITT'Q Pil I C appetits by uujiing tha IUI I O TILLO food to properly uCURE CONSTIPATION. lUte. fhn.theaya tem ia noarished, ftnd TIITT'P Dll I C ly thi-lrtonicaotlooon IUII O rlLLO thu dige.tlvo orane, TURF Pil Ft rcgnlarand Iwaltby - t-UKt riLtb. vBcuatiOM ara pro TÜTT'S PILLS "t"8 nvito with CUREFEVERaÍdaGUL SS?LEPSEHRSwÍL1S the; iiiflufiice of tücso TIITT'C Dll IC pllls, lndlc4Uc8 tbrir aI U I I O II LLO daplability to nouriah CURE BILIOUS COLIC. thc hce 1elr TIITT'C Dll I C vous ebilltT. melanlUll O lILLO choly, dyspepidft, wartr..- uinMrv r._.ui. ingotheniuclcB,!ilngCore KIDNtlComplalnt. pShneM of the liver, MlaMMI . ¦¦¦ ¦ chronic constipation. T 'S PILLS andlmnartlnBhealth IUII V II LLO „ireog, to ie ayataas. CUflE TORPID LIVER. buld verywher: TIITT'SPILLS r1" IUI I O rlLLO 63 Murr.r Htreet, iMPART APPETITE. MKW YOBJL 961-1005