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FBRDON LÜMBBR YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mannfacturcr and Desleí 1 8ACINAW tMi-8 -UVhll LUMBER, LATH AND SHINÖLES. We Invite all to eire at eall, and examine ooi tock beforu purchuW eüwwnere. ALSO AGKNT FOK ACKSON SEWER PIPE C0.( AND HKU.H FIRB BiUCK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. K.KKCH, Hapt. fcb.l,'T9 HANGSTERFERË OT8TBR AND KE CREAM 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PkRTIES IND BANQUETS A 8PBCIALTT. Wodálng Cakca, Ice Cruam, Macaroona and Crc4m MIDI TO OBDSB O eHOBT NOTICI. Whlunan'a Frenen Candió. Freeh Figs, Malaga Qrapes, Florida Orangea, c., c., KIPT OOXaTAKTLT OU SAXD AT HANGSTERFER'S 30 AND 33 MAIN STREKT. BOATS TO RENT AND FOR BALK. 960-1010 Ayer's Sarsaparilla FOR PUBIFTING THE BLOOD. I ! Thta compoand of the ,jm [ Vegetable AltcratlTM. íS WSffllMtfyhí' Sari-aparllla, Dock.StülSWmEsflítSX "t'i. nd MaDdrake, lrb "TBrr wlth the lodldu" of Pot" S 1 Ifc moet eflectual cure of a jj I "tP aeriea of complainta that - are very prevalent and ¦" BB alHictiníf. Itpurltteattae blood, parces out the lurktag humer Ín the ayatcm, that aodenniue healtb and aettle Into troubleaoine dUordera. Bruptione of the ikin are the appearanee on the sarrace of hnmora that ahonld be expelled Trom the blood. Interaal derangemenu are the determiuation of theae lame bumor to tome Interna! organ, or organa, whose actlon they derange, and wbose KUbbtance they dlaeage and dntioj. Ayer'a SarsaparUbt expela theee hnmore from the blood. When they are gone th dlaordcn they producá diaappeu, auch a Ulceratlona o! the Llver, Stomach, Kldneye, Lnngí, Bruptlona and Kruptlve Diseasee of the Skin.St. Anthony'B Flre, Rose or Bryalpela, Plmplet, Huatulofl, Blotchea. Bolle, Tumor. Tetter and Salt Rheum, Bcald Huid. Ringworm, Ulcera and Sores, Rhenmatlam, Nenralgia, Paln Ín the Bonen, 8ide and Head, Female WeakneB, Stertllty, Leucorrhiea ariatng from iuternal nlceration and uterlne díeae, Dropuy, Dyapepeta, Kmaclation and üeneral Deblllty. Wlth thelr departure, healtb retama. PRSPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytlcal Chtmlata. Sold by All Drtigglata and Dealere In Medicinea. TR-lOlOeSw NOTICE. To avoid imposition, purchssersof Waltham Watches will observe that every genuine watch, whether Rold or silver, bears our trade-mark on both cate and movement. Gold cases are stamped "A. W. Co..M and pruarantee certincates accompanyiiifr them. Silver cases are Btatnped "Am. Watch Co., Waltham, Mass., Sterling Silter," and are accompanied by gtiarantee certiíicates, 8rned R. E. liobbins, Treasurer. The name "Waltliani" is plainly engraved upon all moveraents, irrespective of other distinoriiishing marks. w caution is rendered necessary by rciison oí tile mci Ut tko Waltluim cases are frequently separata! from their mvvements, and put upon worthless movements of other makers, and tice versa, thus affecting iiijuriously the performance of the watches and, vitiating their guárante, which is intended to cover only the complete watches wholly made by the Waltham Company. It is necessary, also, because it i no notorious as to be a public scandal, that there is great fraud in the metal quality of botli gola and silver cases as now generally sold. We have demunatrated by fregutnt estay that many gold and silter easet offered in the market, are debated from 1O to 30 per cent, from the quality they assume to be. Tliis is a fraud uKu tlie purchaser, and accounts for the low prices at which suclt cased watches have been sold. AM. WATCH CO., Walthmm, Mass. The genuine Watches of the American Watch Co., of Waltham (cases as well as movements), are offered in great variety and at Iowe8t prices by their agenta, M. S. SMITH & CO., Jewelers, Coriir Teoiwiri ui Ttftnra Am. Detroit. Only One Price. Plain Figures. on-ioaa TlkJi]JnJ BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. b TO 10 PER ACRE! ntronc WolUl Sor tropa! HailrtMkd iliroafla Cntr or Ljuida. IIAlihj ('límalo. Ichoob and dioirhi. ln(-IlliP-nt PopnlaUuo. HICHCST REWARD TO FAKMEKS. TIii'üc landa are a lonc dlaUnce Kast of iho MlMlMlpnl Klver. lirge ftmitnnl naved Ín travel mi-I trnnnporttloD of erom. Deftcrlptlv iiftmphlet Ín Engllah and (Irrnini. Addrt! . O. HCUHART. Coumlaalonar, (Irand Rapldi, Mlchlcao. 81-1003 DANDELION Dr. White1 Dandellon Alteraüve, the Qreftt Blood Puriflcr and Kenovator. A apeeifle for Llver Complntnt, BlltouiDenfl, Chilla and Fever, Dydpepeia, Kldney Dlaeaae, RhcnmaÜBiu aod CoDatlpallon of the Bowela. Hemovea pimplos and eallowoeas from the fktn, prodaclng a clear complexión. It la purelj voeUible, purfectlv harmleeii and pleiuant to take, l'ini buttlea only $1, and evory bottle warrauted. PULMONARIA. a Zi inr Oougha, Colda, Asthma Itronchitii, Croop. Wbooplne Congh and Inclplent Conntimption. Fifty renta pi-r Wtle. Large hottlea $1 , and evry totllu warrauted. Por tale In Ann Arbor by Kberharh A Son, and dniicffltn everywhere. 06&-1010 T0 FRUIT 6R0WEKS and GARDENEBS. Twenty acres for aale on rewonable terna, by H. KOUK1Í.N i w mllea west of Ann Arbor, on tbe Dexter road. Oood bnildlnea. Fonrtoen aerea Ín laruv and amall frulta of tbe beat varietlea. The Imlrtnct' ie the beat quality of land for eardenlng. Airo bouae and fonr IoIk Ín the ñfih ward. Ann 'Ity, for sale chaap. KDqnlre of II. KOi.KKs, m tbe prumlaea, or of J. ü. A. HKHH1ON4. Or N. B. i:OVÍKT. Aun Arbor, Peb. 6, 1880. 73 W