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Republican State Convention

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The state conyention for the purpose of choosing delegates to represent the party at the comiug national convention, to be held in Chicago ; tochoose a new state central eommittee and elect a chairman for the sumo, met at the Detroit opera house, Wodnesday at 11 o'clock. Quite every county in the State was representad, and the gathcring was such an onc as only sure victory for a party can rally. A great honor was oonferred upou this county by making Oapt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, chairman of the oouvention, both temporary and permanent. The permaneut officers were : rresldent-E. P. Allen, Washtenaw. Svcretary- Jas. O'Doimell, Jacksou. Presldeuts- Ueo. W. Hough, John M. Oxborne, 1). K. Cook, Wra. Chamberialn, Samuel A. YiimiHim, J. C. Wllson, W. W. Andrews, 0. F. Uitwon, 8. M. Stepheaaon. Prof. Moses Coit Tyler, of this city, was also honored by the ohairmanship of the eommittee upon resolutions, and trom that oommittee eubmitted the following report, which was adopted : 1. The repnblican party of Micklgan, In councll assemhled. gratefully and reveri'Dtly rccall the meinury of iw Iwo illuxtrious chlef who have fallen since oor last conveuüon - William A. Howard and Zachariah Chandler- and In ihls city, where they sleep In thetr graves side by side, we solemnly piedle runewed fidullty to the gruut and aacred principies tor wbich these men lived and dled. 2. Tbose principie are exact Justice, and tbe eecuritr of all clvll and polltical richta of all men, of whatuver race or natlonallty, and in wliatevur oectlonofthe country; tne bailot-box madu and kept acceeolble to every citizen, without peril and without intimidaliou ; the rule of the majuriiy as exprt'ssud in an honest ballot, honestly cast and honeatly coumod ; absolute fldellty to all public and private obllK&tlont ; a sound currency as the only syetem that is honeat and tuat gfvea to the laboring men fair and jut protection ; and the authority of the iiation aa expressiou of the will of the American people. 3. That the cholee of the repnblican of Mlchl gan for the president is James Q. Blaine ; and the delegatea chosen tlne day to the Chicago couvention are requestcd to nse all proper cfforts to sucare hie nomlnatton. 4. That we pledLe our cordial and hearty support to the nomlnees of ihe uatlonal repúblicas convenUon at Chicago. DELEQATÏS. Jas. F. Joy, of Detroit, Maj. E. C. Watkins, Omar D. Conger, and Perry Haiiuah were choscn as delega tes at large to the nalioDal convention, while the different districts elected as folio ws: First district- Delégate : Wra. G. Thompson, D. O. Farrand. Altérnate: W. H. Coots und S. W. Walker. Second District- Delegates : J. D. Konan and Lewls R. Pennfleld. Alternates : C. R. Müler and A. J. Sawyer. Thlrd District- Delegates : C. D. Randall and otorgan Bates. Alternates : D. R. Cooke and Ij. O. Taylor. FourtU District- Delgates : A. H. Morrlson and J. W. Freuch. Alternates : J. Andrews and S. T. Reed. Fiflti District- Eelegates: Maj. A. B. Watson and üeorge A. Farr. Alternates: D. MoLaiiglilln and W. B. Williams. Sixth District- Delegates: Chas. Klpp and .1 . M. Ailains. Alternates : A. T. Níchols aud I. Mann. Seveuth District- Delegates : B. W. Huton and Wm. Jenney. Altérnate: J. C. Waterbury aud J. B. Muore. Eighth DlsirH-l- Delegates: T. N. Stevens and K O. Avery. Alternates : J. S. Kasten and B. E. Warren. Nlnth District- Delegates : 8. Blodgett and J. H. (Jhandler. Alternates: M. P. Uale and S. M. ijtephenson. It will Ip nnflcoJ thaí our city lor the third time received recognition in the election of Hon. A. J. Sawyer as delégate to Chicago. STATE CKHTRAL COMMITTBE. Senator Henry P. Baldwin was electec chairman of the state commjttee and the following were ohosen as members of saic committeer First district- Wm Llvlngslone, Jr. and E W. Gottrell, of Wayne. Second district- T. 8. Applegate.of Lenawee Rice A. Beal. of Wasutenaw. TUlrd district- John C. Sharp, of Jackson; O C. Tompklns, of Calhonn. Fourth district- Jaraus Mouroe, of Van Buren ; J. M. Shephard, of Casa. Flfth district- E. Q. D. Holden, of Kent; C D. Nelsou. of Muskegon. Slxth district- W.S. Qeorge, of Ingham; N Kilpatrick, of Shlawassee. Seventh district-Wm. Hartsuff, of St. Clalr Edgar Weeks, of Macomh. EÜght dlstrlctT. C. Philips, of Bay; W. N Browu, of Isabella. Nlnth district- Ed. Breltung, of Uoughton Thomas T. Bates, of Grand Traverse. It being proposed that the sum of $100 be raised with which to purchase a portraii itlto SíWeáWr-ttfe' suggcstlon was" acted upon and $175 raised within a few min utes. The extra $75 was voted to the families of the life-service crew who lost their lives while npon duty recently.