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The bicyelo has made its appcarance and eurgeons are advertised for. A nuinber of the citizens of this place propose takiog ia the national coavention at Chicago. L. H. Busb has scttled with the executors of his father1 s estáte and received $1,117.33. All of the saloon keepers except eno are said to have had tbeir bonds approvcd by the council. A Baptist social was held at the residence of Jas. Woir, Thursday, p. in., and a general good time eDJoyed. An incipie'nt fire ncarCharley Sandford's baru was discovered and put out on Monday of last week, before any datnage was done. In Sharon John Schlicht is building a new barn, while Geo. Osborn and Frank Gillett are building additions to their barns. It is understood that the High farm east of the Center has been bought by Mr.Rowe, of Detroit. Prof. McMahon, of the Milwaukee.Wis., high Bchool, a former Sharon boy, and a gradúate of the university, has in press a work on " Demosthenose and Politieal illoquence in Greece, translated from the Prench, Greek and Latin." JThe Enterprise says : Wheat flour is recomraended as probably the best article to throw over a fire caused by spilling and igniting of keroscno. Flour is something most always to be found in every house, and it uiight be well enou;h to remember this. Rev. Mr. Gilluian, of this place, recently delivered an anniversary address before the I. O. O. F., at Maplc Ilapids, and also ' 1 ' ' ''' '" ' f '¦-- ttiixu church at that place the following Sabbat h a. m., and in the evening lectured before the young people's teinperance society. According to the Euterprise, 27 of Manehester's citizens don't want the" streets turned into a public pasture, and so petitioned the council ; while 75 citizens have presented a remonstranee. That council must now appreciate the " ragged edge " business. Pride and lovo for good looks of the place says "yes," but policy says "no." Policy generally wins. STONY CREEK. It's a gpod season for wind milis. Mr. Peter Rogers has put upa" Storm King." Mr. Vandine's house has been much mproved by paint. See Mr. Barr's " Royce " inowers and reapers, they will suit you. Dr. Cotton has left Stony Creck for Clyde. INo practn. m. m Mr. lleath is pradually failing, and snt' foring much. Mr. Drake is no better. The annual clection of officers took place with the Prcsbyterian society last Sunday. The mail is brought throe times a wenk to Stony Creek now, through the enterprise of the p. m. Rcvs. Dunning, Blum and snme others went from this place to hcar Rev. Joscph Cook at Anti Arbor. W. E. Dunning lias as complete a strain of light Brahnia fowls as can be found anywhere, and eggs so cheap that all can buy. The third quarterly meeting of the Methodist church was held last Sabbath, the pastor officiating. Thcre were scveral aceessions to the church. YPSILANTI. The "zealots" and "pleiades" jaw each other at the normal. The city debt is $5,000, and will be paid February lst, 1881, it is thought. Prof. McLouth lectured upon " Galileo " last Saturduy night at normal hall. Clarence Bray has gone west to live. Botter hoalth wanted with a ncw home. Allen Buck goes to Cleveland n a few days in the employ of the Cleveland paper company. W. I. Penniinan has gone to Illinois to see about bis patent car coupler, and will go from there to New York. The thing is settled for sure this time. The phoenix society dieussed the advisability of re-nominating Gen. Grant, and decided in the ucgative. The young people, girls especially, have been amusing themselves by ringing people's bells and then "scooting" away to let the people greet the open air. Bad practico. Owen Fawcelt returned home last Wednesday for a two weeks' rest. During his stay he will appear with a company of home talent at the opera house, it ia expected. It isstutedthat W. G. Vinton, of Detroit, has purchased the Laiblo place, one of the very finest suburban residences in this city, and thinks of making it his home in the future. E. A. Bovee, of' the famous Rosebud Iudian agency, arrivi'd hre last week. Ile thinks that Maj. Newell will be reinstated, as his successor is charged with intoxication too often. V isil:intian : " A genuine curiosity may be sccii at Mr. Littlefield's, justeast of the city - an eyeless chicken, born without even a place for eyes, but pcrfectly hoalthy every other way." Dr. Batwell, the rccently re-elected city I)hysieian, has served several years in the position, and is much liked. O. G. LaRue, as superintendent of the poor, bas alsb made a goud officer. The Commercial Fays that Rcv. E. i ti-, f'ormerly pastor of the Baptibt ohuroh, n tfaia oity, but more recently of Greenvillc, has accepted the pastorato of the Baptist churoh at Lapoer. The woman's loan exhibition oponed yosterday afternoon, with af'airattendanoe, and a most excellent display. The womon bave worked faithfully and well in bohalf of this enterprise, and their effjrts deservc success. Don't f'ail to go and see it. The good templar's social last Saturday eveuinR was entertaiaed by Mr. W. B. Clarke, who told those present what he kuew aboutthe niamiuoth cave, of Kentucky. loo oreain was served. To morrow night the : play "Off the Stage," by home talent, is to be brought out. Burglars entered the Germán Ludieran churoh recently, purloined the altar cloth aud other articlea, and also broke open the contribution box and appropriated its contenteDts. That cloven-hoofed individual has the sacreligious scamps marked who committed the deed. The city raised by tax last ycar $12,900, and reoeived $2,500 into the treasury through other sources. At the close of the year there was $1,000 in the treasury unexpended. Some of the city fathers must have forgotten something. Money in the treasury at the end of the year ! How pc-rfectly preposterous ! If all who are now engagod in solling liquid perdition pay the tax upon the business, the sum of $11,000 additional will have to be raisod by tax to moet the city's current expenses for the year. By reference w tho Hquor tax table in another column, it will be seen that the saloons i.„„.. il „owl in f sriO whic.h addcd to he above makes $13,560, needed to run ;ho city for 1880. Mayor Allen's inaugural is an excellent locutuent, but be oouldn't resist giving the people just a little of the right kind of ;affy : " You are callcd upon to legislate 'or a city famed for the quiet and good srder of its inhabitants, its energy and business enterprise. There are few communities where the citizens are so well united in helping every enterprise that promises good to the people. Suoh a My needa little legislation. The law is a "terror tocvildoers" only, andwe have few such. Pass as few ordinances as possible and see that these are obeyed." The Ypsilantian says: "The new city of ficers, like the oouncil itself, are revsmped from the old. Frank Joslin, the clerk,has made a good one for one, two, three, - a long time, and will soon become so acoustomed to the position, that he will pine away to a shadow when a succeseor is appointed, if ever one is. ühe work of the office was very considerably increased upon the last amendment of the charter, and Joslin has carried out his duties in a business-like and excellent manner. Charles R. Whitman, city attorney, has acoeptably filled that position for one term." DEXTER. What has become of the sudden boom Co. I ? ha9 it collapsed again ? Have you had the measles? If not, come to Dextcr and gel thein. We've got lots of 'em, and some to spare. O. E. Hoyt, late publisher of the Leader, sold his housebold goods last Tuesday at auction, prcparatory to going cast. T. C. Etchells met with quite a loss this week, when on his way to Detroit. He went to the city to buy goods and pay for some, but when he got there he dihcovered that he was minus his pocketbook and $250. He thinks he lost it, having put on a new suit of elothes with pockets not as jm, au . ¦.. . 1 ¦_ 1 f - " aCCUStorued to carry it. LastTuesday aftcrnoon our village was thrown into great exciteinentover a case of poisoning. The facts, as your reporter has been able to obtain are about as follows : Mr. Lee Easton, lives about four miles south from here. He came to town in the morning and bought an ounce, as he called for and supposed to have reoeived, of fluid extract of dandelion, from John Croarkin. By some unaccountable mistake he was given fluid extract of belladonna instead of dandelion. Upon arriving home he took a teaspoonful of the extract just before eating, but before he got tbrough with his dinner he discovered that some one must have made a big mistake. He immediately was brought to town, and the doctors set to work to save his life. When he carne he could not walk and speak but little. Most of the doctors were out of town at the time. Drs. Lee and Chase were the only one that "il(l be found. They, with the ast-istance of Mr. Easton'o Ui1 'bihWiI hard that afternobn. Dr. Ziegenfuss came to their aUtunee in a short timo. The usual anti dotes were applied in addition to friution and elcctricity, and the man was 6aved. Drs. Lee, Ziegenfuss and Chase stayed up with him on Tuesday night, and on Wednesday the man feit like hiroself, only very weak with some pains here and there. His rcspiration went down to five per minute about 8 o'clock, and life and death seemed aluiOHt to balance each other at times. Mr. Croarkin is a druggist of 20 years' experieuce, and how hc could have made the mistake is inexplicable. Ho is usually very careful, and says he never made a mistake in his life that hc knows of. The bottles containiog tüe belladonna and dandeliou stood together on the shelf, and by some procesa his hand was guided to the wrong one. As it is the mistake turned out better than any one expected it would. Should it have proved fatal the consequences can not now be foretold. When it is stated that from one to four drops is the dose of belladonna, you will roadily see that a teaspoonful is too much.