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Ileal Estáte Tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, e. In tho matter of the estáte uf Mnry C. Gladwin, deceused. Notice ís heroby given, that in pureuanoe of au order grfcnttd to the unlTiiii;nd, execuior cil the laai w il I and testament "f uld !¦ cased, by the HoD. lidnar il !)i' M, J of l'rohate ol Baid C'oiiMiy of Wayne, on the tenth day of February, A. l. 1880, there wlll he solil at public vendne, to the the city uf Ai, n riMir, in tba Oenaty ,.f WaMitsntw, and Btaté oí Michigan, at the niaiu uii'iamr to the cur: bousa iu said city, on Satordny, the '-M'h day of May. A I). 1880, ai two o'clook P, ¦¦ ui ,iii day, iliu'lollowinir descriixx' ¦ ¦'-. to it : The undtvided one-third of ih& rertain picce nr pirct'l ui land nitnato In tht; city of Ann Arhor, Washtena Couniy, Michigan, and kiiiwn a twetity-oAe nrt nc-half (SI Kt feet In widtb off the nonh sido of lot live (5) in Woelt one (Dsonth of Ilurmi strpoi, In ranRe four (Deant, iu the cily of Ann Arlxjr ; als" 'lic DM of the Hev aloog the .rt-t oud of lots Bvc Ca) and U ((i) in aid blocC one 11).' Detroit, April 13, 1S80. K 1NTIIKOP G. SAWYBR, Ejecutor. MICUAEli URENNAN, Attorney for Executor. ¦ B88 Fstate of Lnke W. Itludgett. gjTATB OV MieillUAN.Countj uf Washtenaw, ns. 1 t Ktalao of the Probate Ooort for th lounty of WaeHteOa, holden ut ttte Probate ifflce, in the city of Aim Arbur, on Í 'iioduy llie ihlrlui-iith day o'f April, in tbe yeat pne toousaud eljrtit liunrtrcrt aml eintj. l'n:.-eiu, Willlain U. Uarrinun, Judge of ne. In the matter of tho ceMt'' of Luk,' W. Hlodcti, deceased. Worster lodgett, adininiatrator of Miiil estáte, comea into ennrt aud re il he Ik uow jremieil to runder hiM fiuiil iicrouut as such adxnjnntrator. Tin reapon lt Is nrilered, thit Thomday, tlic sixth d;iy of May next, ai uu 'clock in the foreniHiii, be wlutied lor eimilninit and allowiiiL.bucü uc.dui t, aml t.Kt the hetn at luw of xuid I, :iiid uil other persons interest, d ld utd - -t iir, art) requed lo apptar at a h-'mhíou of 8nld court, tlu ii to be holden at the Probate Office, tn the eity of Ann Arhor, in xaid county, and -huw cause, il nny tliere be. whj ihe niiti iciuuut liould nol be allowrd. And it r turther ordered, that iU! KdmiDMUwtor nive notice to the x Of the pt'iidency of suid ' aci"iint, and li,-arinï Ihereof, liy cauf ini.' a cupy il tli s order to be pubUauud In the .Vuu Arbor (mrier, a nmrapaper prtntal and ei reu latine Iu unl Connty, two lucceMlve weeks prcviuii tu saitl diy of hVirlnf. (A irue copy.) W1I.1.IAM U. HAlUilMAN, Jullie of Probate. ', B.G. l.iiTV, Probate U.'Clst.-r. 75-97S