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Clianccry Jíotlce. STATU OP MICHIGAN- The Circuit Conrt for the Couuty of Washtenaw, In chancery. FrederIck D. Jonkins, complalnant, vb. Kllza A. McDonald, drfendunl. At a r-esslon of said couj-t, holden at the Coort Hmn, in tliu cily ol Ann Arbor, on WedDcsiay, tne Iwentynrst day of April, A. D. lsso, nt, the llou. Gouverüeur HurrU, Circuit Jndm. Bill of Complaint in thls caue having been ttlud on the nin h day of April. A. I). 1880; and it iow ealinfactorily nppi-nring lohis court. upou tue prooi liy Bffldniil. Ihm the ilrlendaut In thia cant fc.Hl A. McDonald. rt'BÍut-8 out ui tbia state. 1 il resident or the State of Texaa ; on moiion or HradleT F. i iratiriT. solicltor, and of counjel for the cobpluinaDl, it i ordered the id defendant, Kliza A. McDonuld. appeftrand&DHwer the bil] of complaiol in thl cauxc, witiin threu months from the dale of Ihie order. ÜOUYKUNEUR MORRIS, Circuit Jodge. 13. F. Urinoir, Solicitor, and ol Counsel Tor the Complainant. S6-9l. Estáte of Josiiua 6. LeUud. QTATK OY MlCUHiAN.County of Waehteniw.lfc At seeslon of the Probate Court for tbe Countv ot Wiwhten. holden at the Probate Offlce, in the City of Ann Arhor, on Monday, the twenty-iixth day oí April. In the jear oue thouxand eight bundred auo eighty. Present, Wllltani D. Harriman, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Johna G. I.elanJ, dertamd. Charles H Worden executor of the iwt vvill and testament of said deceaed comes mt court and representa that he is now prepared to render hls final account as such executor Thureupon it Is ordered, that Friday, the fourteentn day of May next, at ten o'clock in the fore" Doon, lc nftiKned for exjitnininK and lilowtaf ucn account, and that the dívUee, legateeí and hi'irf aw of sald deceaxed and all other pcrsonn lnteresteo in sald i-Ktate, are nquired to appear at a eeneion h said court, then to he holden at the Probati1 offlce, m the city of Ann Arbor ,in eaid county.and show eau, Ifany there be, why the naid account ehould nol k allowed. And it is furthcr ordered, that fald cxefotor (five notice to the persons interwtcd in "ld i-sUte. of the ueiulcucy of said account, and the hearlijK thiuof. hy caueinK a copy of thls order to be V'r liilu'iliu the Aun Arhor C'ouriíT.anewípaper printen itnii clrcmliilna in .-aid conntj, two succesive wee pruviuua t" tiaid day of heuriu;. (A true copy). W11X1AM D. IIAKKIMAS, Judge ofProhatr WM. (1. DOTY, Probate Rc-ister. 9!4-9") AH kind of Book-HindlDK done Tbe Courier office ¦ ethort notire.