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Prof. Wilsey has opened a braucli music store at Dexter. Win. Turner won the billiard cue at the tournameut last weck. Joba Reynolds, an Knglish inesmerist, at the opera hyuse Monday eveniog. The monthly shoot of the Ann Arbor Bchutzenbund takes place next Monday. m A new ten cent buss has been put on the course. A brand new, handsoine vehicle. The Miunis' orchestra dancing school closes with a hop to-night at the armory hall. t A coffin was fished out of the river last Sunday near the old Maybee plice by Geo. Buil. We uuderstand tbat evening services will be discontinued in the Unitarian church for the present. And now the board of health desires novae desks to file away the rapidly accumulating papers. The prettiest knowu way to trim a ladies bat is to place it on a trim bead over a lisudsuui'! face. The Vandewarker store on Main street, is to be occupied by Johu Kook witb a stock of fuiniiuie. Oue Harry Doyden is wanted for the thcf't of a luirse and carriage iroui Micbael Conley, of Webster. The Germau binging society, Mocnnerchur, had a very pleasant social Wednesday evening, at llu-ir room. A social h-is been organized by Miss Ella Hill liaving in e'outetnplatiou advauceuient in the Kreneh language. A concert is to be given at arinory hall eveniug of next weck by the young men's musical society. Rev. Dan. R. Shier will speak upon the constitutionaf amendment at Moorcville, next Sabbath, at 3 u'clock p. 111. "The moouliglit night huw cume, The luvluytai of the year, Tlie KHllaut lieaii ridus out with Hls girl, Aud poui'8 LaQy io her tur." We phould have been pleased to have seen the top hall' of this weck's Ypsilanti Seatinel. The bottom half cauie to us all right. D. Henniog is liaving a ncw apple house ereoted upou the site of the one destroyed by fire a ycar or two since, near the M . C. depot. The temperanoo meeting at the opera house will be addressed by Mrs. Marian B. Baxter, from Charlotte, next Sunday afteroooo. Myron H. Webb, of Saline; JohnCook, of Chelsea; and Kandall Schuyler, of Milan, have been drawn as United States jurors. The horse of O. B. Schuyler ran away Wednesday last near the depot, making pretty fast time, but not injuring things very bad. A new sidewalk is being built around the Germán M. E. Churoh, corner of División and Liberty streets. A much needed improvement. The Evening New9 loeates the new bridge now being erected in this city, over the "Hudson river." Not quite so far cast, if yon please. Don't forget the temperance rally in this city on Friday of next week, at the opera house. All the faithful will gather in their strength. If a female, or any other individual, uon't give his or her age truly and promptly to the census takor, he or sho is Hable tobefined $100. firemcn's park was re-opencd for the summer last Sabbath. Aids. A. D. Besinier and Herman Hutzel made speeches pon the occasion. The Orchard Lake military academy boat club hve purehased of I'rank Ilangsterfer the barge f'ormei ly owncd by the Ann Artwr boating club. Aruoaway on Miller avenue Wednesy wreoked a wagon badly to which it was &ched. The horse was the propcrty of Mr. Van Nostrand. Two Communications respecting Rev. 08. Wiley, are unavoidably crowded out of thia issue, together with other matter, wh"h will appear nr xt week. The ladies' library association will have sotiiil luLvting at the house of Israel "1!. Washtenaw avenue, next Monday evning. Musieand mdingi. A gravel uud Ireight train got mixed up i0e wy, at Oedde, last week Wednes' '' Sveral car.s were damaged slightly ail(J trains delaycd a few hnurs. Sunday afternoon last the Hamburg re'wm olub was addressed by Mr. J. W. 'i, of Scio, and Messrs. Esalinger, C. Bilan and Gidley, of this city. (] Tbe futal of J. C. Burkhardt, whose gecose was noticed last week, was attended ' uav afternoon by a large concourse of r'enda anu relativei. lic was a member ie mutual benefit associatioD of Del")lt. we are informcd. Those attending the Evcnim; News crcursion will be trcated to $500 worth of fireworks on the sutnmit of Mt. Washington, on or about the 13th of July. "To fuse, ia to die! " shouts the Newaygo Tribune, of the greenback party. From what we have noticed of the elections recently, guess they must have fused. Prof. T. P. Wilson's address before the reform olub last Sunday was not only an interestiDg onc, but unusually instructive, and showed much study and research. Somo one has Ra'ld a miss " Is as good oa a mlle." Now, who ever heard of nny one sqneezlng a mile?- [Wheeling Sunday Leader. Yes, but we've squeezed a miss a good many miles, haevn't we, pard? The notiee of the board of health in an another column will be most excellent reading for some of our citizens who are negligent about cleaning up theirpremises. E. Treadwell and Noah W. Cheever, executors of the estáte of Hiram Arnold, have appealed to the circuit court from the settlement made by the judge of probate. Rev. E. O. Haven, formerly chancellor of Michigan University, was electod bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the general conference, at Cincinnati, Wednesday. In glancing around the city we see that it is quite cxtensively billed for the Miller's International Exposition at Cincinnati, Ohio, which opens May 31 st and closes June 26th. The residence of Frank Howard, on Catharine streef, adjoining the Samuel Sutherland homestead, is already enclosed. The workmen have made rapid time in its erection. Christmas has been decided by the courts to be a legal holiday under the statute. The case was brought up by a liauor dealer who was arrested for keeping his saloon open that day. Last Saturday while Mr. Godfrey, aman some 80 years of age, who lives in Pittsfield, was in an apple tree trimming the litnbs, he slipped and feil to the ground and dislocated his shoulder. "A rain as was a rain," commenced descending last Monday at about 1:30 a. m., and coutinued tlirougüout the day at intervals. It made vegetation come f'orward wit h a hop, skip and jump. On a vacant lot in the eastern portion of the city is ,a sign reading: "This lot for sale - inquire within." Now the question is how far in will a fellow have to go to obtaia the desired information? -++ The new dwellings of Henry McMaster and Miss Kearney, the first a frame, the second a brick, are being rapidly completed. They will add considerably to the good looksof Bowery street when finished. Geo. Kellett, a workman at the agricultural works, injured his arm quite severely one day last week, and afterward poisoned the MM by bathing it in unclean water. Ha i reported somewhat recovered at present. The faimers of'Aua Arbortown, aocording to supervisor Foster's report, harvested 73,648 bushels of wheat from 3,363 acres, which made an average of 21.53 bushels per acre. There were 27 births and 17 dtaths reported. The " Every Saturday " published at Detroit, has the " colly wobblers" occasionally. We account for it on the ground that ita owner and publisher is infiuenced by his relationship to one of the great legal lights euiployed by Douglas & Co. Acquatic sports, it is said, are to be revivified in this city this summer, and who knows but a Showacemmette crew is lying dormant among us ! only awaiting (he magie touch of the oar o'er the raging waters of the placid Hurón - mili dam. The subject of Will Carleton's lecture, to be given on the 21st for the benefit of the reform club and pioneer society, will be "the causes and cures for intemperance." His subject for the 22d is not given. The lectures are to be given in Hill's opera house. A lively runaway occurred Tuesday a. m. , on Huron street, up which the team - two horses with a two-seated carriage attached - ran to División, up División to Washington, down Washington to Main, where they were stopped, and no harm done particularly. J. C. Bontecou, Dan. R. Shier, Judge R. E. Phinney, Mrs. O. B. Schuyler and others, will speak at the county temperance convention nezt Friday. A bai-ket picnic will also be held and an enjoyable time generally be had. Come along I It will do you good. The air is redolent with apple blossoms and spring flowers, while the beautif'ul green, which once more covers the earth and trees, combines to make these May days delightfu!. But few cities can boast of as handsome streets and yards, as fair Ann Arbor, either. Frank, a little son of Martin Seabolt, who lives the second door north of this office, whüe walking with his father on the foot-path of the mili dam last Sabbath al'ternoon, accidently etumbled and feil in, but was rescued by his father with only a thorough wetting. The latest thing in mutual benefit insurance is the formation of a company at Detroit, to be known as the "good samaritan mutual association. " It is to be composed of women only ; to be governed by six trustees ; and to insure for $1,500 and $1,000 according to ages. The city band discoursed sweet music for the many listeners upon the streets near the court house last Wednesday evening. They also went to the 5th ward on Thursday evening and gave them an open air concert. The band is to take part in the decoration day services. A little two-year-old named Walter Lawrence was found fioating in a cistern by his mother, last Saturday, at their residence, corner of Main and High streets. The mother drew him out, and by hard labor and a physician's skill, he was brought back to life. A narrow escape. Rev. J. T. Sunderland, pastor of the Unitarian church of this city, and Prof. P. T. Wilson, of the homeopathie department of the university, are down for addresses upon the programme of the Unitarian conference, to be held in Kalamazoo on the 17th, 18th and 19th inst. There is said to be a man at Luray, Va., who becamo convinoed, whon young, that kissing was wickcd, Christ was betrayed with a kiss. He resolved never to kiss anybody. He has been married twenty years, and is the father of eleven children, but has never kissed his wife or one of his offspring. If this story be true, the man's wife ought to make him kiss the broomstick. The old house, No. 50 Washington ' streef, on a lot bclonging to ProF. Perry, has been sold to parties who are trundling it away. We understand that Prof. Perry expects soon to erect an elegant residonce upon the lot, which will be an improvement to that portion of our city. Ann Arbor typographical unión No. 154, elected the following offieers Thursday evening of last week : president, Tas. I?. Saunders; vice-president, C. G. Cook ; secretary, Edward Pierco ; treasurer, Robert Shannon; suarg. nt-at-artns, J. Gruen ; delégate to the international unión, C. G. Cook. Henry entworth officially notifies the public that all who debire to attend the national republican convención, at Chicago June 2d, will be perraitted to purchase excursión tickets at the rate of two cents per mile each way, tbr all trains May 31, June lst and 2d, limited to return until the 5th inclusive. The sum of f 50 has been donated annually by Dr. J. N. Eckles, of San Francisco, to the homeopathie college, to be expended in any luanner the authorities might choose. It has been decided to expend the same as a nucleus for a museum, to be known as the Eckles museum of pathological and anatomical specimens. Open cisterns are but death trapa for children. In less than one week we have noticed the death of three children in different sections of the state through falliDg into cisterns and drowning, while a narrow escape of a little one, spoken of elsewherc, brings the thing pretty near home, and yet parcnts will be criminally ncgligcnt about tbis danger. The Ypsilanti Sentinel insinuates that there is nothing left of the reform club of thaj, city but a wreek. Pcrhaps it went to pieces as many have in other cities, by a peculiar)}1 fatal disease known as too much clique. It is sure to be fatal if it strikes any organization of the kind, no matter how grand the object or how worthy the membership. The meeting of the ladies' library association held ou May 3d was adjourned until May 17th, when it will be held in the parlor of the Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock p. m. Although notice of the previous meeting was seut to nearly 200 ladies, but 26 wcre present. It hoped a much largor number will be ablc to attend the adjourned meeting. The sandstone out of which the court house is in part constructed is being badly demoralized by exposure to the elements. Especially is this so upon the nortli side, where some of the stones seem to be dissolving almost. The finish is fafit disappearing from the surf'age, and unless sometbing checks the disintegration tfeere may be danger to the structurc. Why is tbis so? Isaac N. S. Poster had a prize last Friday which hc was displaying to his friends, in the shape of an cel about two feet in length, which his son Goorge had caught the night previous in the Gcddes pond, below the city. Souiè three or four years ago the fish commiásionera plaoed 6,000 eel fry in the Hurou river at this place, and this is supposed to be one of them. "Hobbin' foreels" will be a pastiuie for the boys hereafter. Mr. Ii. Townseud, of Superior, has a Spanish mrrino ram, three years of age, that sheared the extraordinary fleeco of 34} pounds this year. His first fleece weighed 19} poands, and the second 32 pounds, making a total of 85Ï pounds for the three years. The growth of the last fleece was 120 days less than one year. Mr. T. refers to Wm. Bush, Arthur Covert, Geo. Campbell and John Young for proof, if any disbelieve the statement. Judge Harriman informa us that the new insane hospital at Pontiac is filled to overflowing with patients, and that to accommodate the new cases the private patients have to be discharged. The building was erected to accommodate 550 patients, and 650 are now being cared for there. It will not be many years before the state will have to erect another new asylum for the insane, so rapidis the iucrease. Will some one posted on the subject, please tèll us why a woman driver pays no attention to pedestrians, but drives ahead to the peril of men, women and children who may happen to be upon street crossings or in front of their vchiele? You rarely see a woman diiver "slowup" a horse to let a person pass, while the wan driver who does not do so is the exception, not the rule. If you never have noticed this fact, note it in the future. Who says Ann Arbor isn't becoming famous throughout Kurope? We recerftly noticed the frequent applications from the old country for agencies for Dr. Dr. Chase's receipt book, and now comes E. J. Knowlton, who last Monday n - ceived a cablegram from Hamburg, Germany, ordering 13 of his universal baths. He had previously shipped seven to the same destioation, making 20 in all thia month, sent direct to Germany. On Friday evening the 14tb, Miss Ella June Meade will give one of hor powerful and deservedly popular readings in university hall. Miss Meade appears under the auspices of the literary adelphi of the university. The object of the entertainment, which is to assist the society in making sorfie much needed improvementa in their hall, the excellence of it, and the low prioe of admission, 25 osnts, should draw a f uil house. Tickets at Andrews'. Circulars have been sent to all thoso in the county engaged in the "wine, beer and spirit trade," requesting them to meet at the opera house in this city, on Friday, the 14th, to-day, at 10 o'clock a. m. The purpose is to effect a county organization to act in concert with the Michigan liquor dealers protective assoeiation. The circular ends with this appeal : " If you do not want the temperanco faDatics to wipe your business out of existence, turn out to this meeting!! ! " The Chippewa County News says : "Professor M. W. Harrington, of the astronomical observatory of the state univemty, at Ann Arbor, wishes to procure all the information he can relative to the tornanadoes, old and new, which have occurred in Michigan. In the early days of the Sault a fearful cyclone pas-ed over the place, doing much damage. Perhaps some of our old citizens who were witnesses of the same could accoinraodate Prof. Harrington with valuable information regard ing it." ___-____ The Shiawassee American after quoting from the Courikr respeoting the ad uiisfortune of its editor, llon. John N. Ingersoll, says: "The above artiele, though it may not be entirely refuted, is the worst showing of the case, but it is very gratifying to receive the expressed sympathy of so many friends. We still hope for the best and shall continue the publication of the paper in the old beaten path we have heretuí'oru followed. The loss of sight will not entirely deber us from editorial labor, and wo hope to do as good and effectivi: work in the coming campaign as we have in the years gono by." It is gratifyinp to hear these brave and hopeful words. If we looked upon the darkest side, it was from fear of the worst and not from othcr motives. ____„ Last Wcdnesday niorning a son of J. D. Kief, of Manchester, named Addison D., was brought before Judgo Harriman, who granted an order of commitmcnt to the insane a-sylum at Pontiac. He is but 14 years old, and hasformerly been employed in the store of W. H. Pottle, of Manchester, as a elerk. About two weeks since symptoms of insanity began to develop, and he has been gradually growing worse since. The case seema to be a very sad one, but hopes are entertained of the disease being only temporwy. Oh, daar! what nezt? A scientific writergives it as his opinión, and a positive fact, that tomatoea coutain all the elements of calomel, and " that he has known thcm to salivate persons 1 " If that be true, then we say, let 'em salivate ! yes, we ropeatit, sir, let 'em salivate ! for we propose to eat them aa long as our appetite continúes in the samo channel it does at present. There will bc death lurking in thcrutabuga nezt, while lettuce and cabbage leaves will have to grow with the skull and cross bones interwoven upon their suoculent leaves. - - - All who are friendly to the cause of tem perance, and especially those who are earnestly desirous of a more general dissemioation of knowledge of the effect of alcohol, will be pleased to learn that the W. C. T. U. of the university, have placed several volumes on the subject of tem perance on the shelves of the general library, and will, from time to time add to the numbers. It is the purpose of the committee to procure the best thought as far as possible. The subject is treated from the stand points of political economy and physiological science, as well as moráis, as will be seen from the titles of the books : Hargreave's Our Wasted Resources ; Pitman's Alcohol and the State ; Hunt'ê Alcohol as a Food and Medicine ; and Dr. B. W. Richardson's celebrated Cantón Lectures on Alcohol. Several English books are expected soon. Lists will be found on the bulletin board of the library. Tournament day, as the students have termed the day set aaide by thcm for field sports, occurs to-morrow, at the fair grounds. There will be both a morning and afternoon programme, and the thing bidü fair to be successful as far as the main objeot goes, that is, rare sport and athletic excellence. The following programme will be oarried out : MOKNINO 8ESSION. ;i. ui. lOMile walk _ 9 00 1 Hour go a8 you please 9 05 Standing broad Jump 9 10 Running long Jump _ 9 80 Running high jump 9 45 Hop step and Jump _ 10 00 Boxlng 10 15 si dr hold and collar and eibow wrestllug..,10 80 Throwing sleclge 10 45 Turowlngbaue ball 11 00 1 mlle run „ 11 15 Turulng pole „ 11 80 Wheelbarrow race- Chronlcle and Ünlversity editora 12 00 Sack race _ 12 15 Three-leged race 12 80 AFTBBNOON 8ESSION. p. m. Indlan club swinging 2 00 100 yard dash _ 2 15 1-4 inile run 2 30 Fenclng. 1, prellminary exercises ; 2, Claps evolutlons ; 8, class fenclng ; 4, contest for prize „ H 2 45 Drop kick 8 :t) Glass ball sliootlng 3 45 Rugby foot-ball game- literary departmeut vs. medical and pliarmacy 4 30 The fire department of our city seems to be in about such a state at present as the stomach of a person the tliinlor fourth day out on the ocean for the first time - in ralher an unsettled condition. The members didn't relish the resolution passed at the last council meeting, depnving them of all remuneration, and on that account defiance hook and ladder company resolved to disband, unless some understanding was arrived at, We are told that at a meeting of the committee on the fire department of the common council, and a committee of Cromen reoently, at the lesidence of chiet engineer Smith, an arrangement was substantially agreed upon that all firemen in service at an actual fire should receive 75 cents each for the same. II o w t h is will work, or how much of a saviDg it will be to the city over the old method of paying each $5.00 per yoar, remains to be seen, and will undoubtedly depend somewhat upon the number of fires occurring annually, as the department nutnbers about 140 members. There is some talk, we onderstand, of a thorn' roorganisutlon of the tlupartllieilt UOI1 an entirely new busis. However that may be, it will be exceedingly difficult to everobtain better or more efficiënt workers than the Ann Arbor fire departmeut has been in the past. Of course some new arrangement will doubtless be necessary when the steamer arrivés, but we doubt if the city will ever see a department superior to the "boys who have run with the machine" for the past few years. It is certainly something of a question just what should be done, and one tbat needs careful consideration and delibérate action. Just how to run the thing the most econmically and still retain the efficiency of the department, is soiueihing which the proper officials will hate occasion to delibérate upon.