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"POR SALE. I have a good, well-bullt liouse mul lot, sltuated on Elizabeth street, No. 15. Tbere Ís a good barn and wood-shed on the place. The property Is new and In good repair. Ternas very liberal. Apply to 977-989 MRS. E. E. WINSLOW. T)ROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Haviní Just craduated from the Conservatory of Muaic at Stuttjíarl, OtTraany, where he recetved a thirnui;h oducution, and Instrnctlous in tbe latent methods of teachint; music, fs now prepared to glve I.' i ii Huriiioii) , aud on tlic Piano and Oran. Pianos tunod on reaeouablu terme. Ktoms,nurtheaat corner of Main aud Liberty streetg, up-Mtairs, Aun Arbor, Mich. 949-1000 "1OFFIN8 AND CASES . FULL STOCK AT MARTIN" '8. Al' ord(r nroaotlv 4ttrHed ?". T) F. B0YLAN, Real Katate Aeenry. Farms and Houaca bought, sold, rentcd, ropalred and iusnred. Office at WOLVBRINK STOKB, 980tf Córner of Hurón and Flfth Street. -TO THECITIZENS jFJNN ARBOR. The Boarfl of Health i onli respectfflly cali the attentlon of Gitizens to the oriinances per"tainim to the Cleaninpf Taults, faterclosets, etc., hefore the lst of June to the immeftiate cleaninpf tact-yaris ani alleys ani to the prevention of throwins slops, garhap, etc, in the streets and alleys. The orflinances wlll he strictly enforcefl. COIVRAD OEORG, Sec'y Board of Health. Aun Arbor, May O, 1880. W. W. BLISS & CO., WnoLBSALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO HM HOUSE All Gooods Sola at Detroit Prices. Agenta for GLOBE and SEAL OP DETUOIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. 981yr THE - KeadeH of this notice is invited to cali on us when visiting DETROIT. We promise a cordial welcome and an attractive display of rich and artistic wares. M. S. SMITH & CO., Jewelers, Silversmiths, Watchmakers, and Dealers in Gems, Corner of Woodward and1 Jefferson Avenues. ["Particular attention given to mail orders. 977-1029 [HOP BITTERS (A Modiclnc, noc a Drink,) rTAINS Hors, in iiï BfAÜDRAKK, l ANDKUOV A_HD TUK ïlTtrT Aíílt ItEHT MEDICAL UAIJTIBH OF ALL OTIIXU BZTTKKS. THET CITH.B AU Dlaeawa of the Stomach, Bowols, Elood, IJtot, I K idnoys, and l'rliiary Ornaim, Norvousocss, SIccjh lleaBQoas and espoci&Uy FcnuUo ComplaintH. $1000 IX GOU). WU1 be poli) for & caw they will not cu ro or help, or for anythlng impuro or lujuiioiu found In them. Alk yuur ilniKgiKt for Dop Bitters awl try tlu-m befare you sleep. Tke no othí-r. Hop Couob Cntfiisthe sweetest, safest and bost. Ask ChiMrcn. The Ilor Pad for Stomach, IJ vit and KMm-y I i. rlortoallolheni. Cures by absorptlun. Askdrugffist, D. I. C ia au ansolutc and Lmit 1 blo euro for drunkennesfi, uso of opluin, tob&cro and narcotica: ¦¦¦¦ Si-nd for circular. BbbbVHI Abovf told by dniegtiU. Hop DltUrt M (g.Co. rWhrfar, N . V,