The Cattle Drive From Texas
The Dodgo City Globe's latest advices froin Texas clearly iodicate that the cattle drive from that State to the northern niarketB will exceed that of 1879 by at least 75,000 head ; that Dodge City will be the haadquarters for cattle men, and that threefourths of the oattle that come north will concéntrate at Dodge. Nearly al! th drove owners who have driven oattle to nortWn markets for the past three years, as well as many new ones, may again be found on the list this year. Tlys year the cattle trade has opooed unusually brisk in Texas, and oattle are held at surprisingly high figures, which has very mach stimulated the cattle market, and caused, we fear, an undue excitement amoug the cattle drovcrs of that state. While the demand north, particularly this eeotion, is very great and eontinually incrcasing year after year, we do not believe that the prices at whicb cattle are held in Texas can be fully sustained in this section, where the oost of delivery is added to the price paid; nor do -o bolieve that there will be a corresponding increase in the price in northern markets for that particular class of cattle. The large increase of cattle in southern Texas, we fear, does not. i'uliy mmtaii) tliis increase iu prioe, and tho oattle manipulators of Victoria, Texas, have unduly exoitedthe market by making the followinRofferinKH : Ypnrlings, $fi ; twoyear olds, $10 to $12, aud three-yearqlds, $17 to $18. To say that these are the highest figures that cattle have been held at in that state for years, is a f'act that we think no one that is fully informed ou the subject will deny.
Market Prices
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier