QatarrH IS lï CUBADU 1 THOSE who hare suffe f d from the Tarloas aud complicati-d forms of tl.; by Catarrh, and hive trled many physirhtiie and vcdlcn wUuoutrellul or euro, awnluW anawerto 1 1:1a queat ion wlth considerable anili'ty. And vi'1 'h y in.iy ; fur no dlsease that cao bo mintlom-d ! ., utiirersally prcvalcnt and so rtlvo to hoalth na Cttarrh. ftronohltl?, Asthuia, CoukIis, ntl serlous nul ir quently lat l alfections oí tho lunes folio w. In many Instaures, n case of simple luit di ¦_ rh. Other nympattietlc alfections, suc' n deai'm I cyi'Hijiht, nnrt. loss of senao of smcll, muy l;u rvferrod to h minor but nuvcrthcleu serlous rosults of nOffleoted ntiirrh, bad enough In themtelTM, bnt iu nothlnif comparo! with the dnnrorous affectlons of thu tlirout and lunjfs likely to follow. IT CA BL CURED. IT can be enred. There Ib no rtoubt about lt. The lmmedíate relli-f t.,1 iúr i .y H.vNroRD'B Radical Ccbk rou Catakiiii m -ut a Hlijrht evidvncc of what muy follow n piTwIuuit ;ko of tuis remedy. Tlie bard, lncruatcd mutttT thnt bas logirad In the nasal pabtages Ib removed wlth a ffew hpplic il loní ; tlm uUrntion and inílammatlon BuhJuod aml healtl; tlmtntlre menihranoai Unlnpsof tïio hrad arechansed and purifled. ConBtitutlonaliy lis mtion Ís Diatoi a powi-rfiU purlfyíntf gnt, di't-tro Iiik 1 lis 00ort6 throngh tho system -i poisoi, thc destructivo ajíont In catarrbal dlBCaucs. A BOMPLIGATED CASE. Gentlemen, - Mycao Ís brlcíly asfollows: I haye had Catftrrli lor i i u ïi Wát wlth Increaalnff soverlty. For njne y raí 1 ujt breatíiad tlirouKb ono nosírll. 1 hix-f dmppirttrl Ín thn throf.t, a very bad couali, niihm.t io bad k- bo obllgcd to tke a remedy for lt at nlRlit before b Ing abloto lic down and Bleep, and a constant dnll patp ii my tead. híy hcad was at times so luH of cutnrrlial nintt-T as to Injuro my sensu of heaiinL d courat-ljirt to set ui severa! tlmea Ín tho night to elcar ltnnd my thIcat Dffnre I could Blcep. Kvory oue ol V.. (UntressluK nyniptums has tilBappearpd undertho uso of not quito three bottlos of Sanfübu's Radical Cu rb. Vy lipajing U fully reetored. I bavo no antlinmtic symptornn, no routïh, no dropplngB in tho throat, no headactu-, and in every way Dotter thfin I have been fr yoars. I coni 1 íeél ih cncets of tb e Cvkk on ; - , and, Ín fact, evory pnrt of I WTlnt íini bceu done Ín my case Ís wholly ine efi'cut of thc Iíadical ( mw. Very n-ppcrtfnllv, LAWKKXCE. FlTCHBUBG, Oct. 11 Infforsed by a Prominent Druggist. I hereby certlfy that Mr. LflWTonco porchaaed tho Radical Cubk oí me, and from time to time made m íamüliir wlth hlsrase. Ibellcvc biaetat'-ment to he trae in eywry particular, JAS. P. DEIíBY. riTCHDÜEO, UCt. 14. Each packatre contalns l)r. Sanford's Improved Inhatlii Tubo, and f 11 dlrectlons for lts use lu all cases. Prlco, f 1. For sal !y uil wbolcsale andrutuil drugtrluta and deñlers thromíliont thc Initd Stntea and Cañadas. WKEK9 & POTTEK, Guuoral Aent and WholesalO IruKíílts, Boston, MaRS. VOLTAIC PIASTER An KlectTo-Gnlvanlo Batíery combintnl with a hlffhly Medlcatf-fl 8troniylhfnlng Piaster, formina lh best Platr for pains and oches la tho World of Medicino. REFERENCES. Dr. E. M. F.lkor, MontKompry, O. Mr. Krauccs Harriman, Diland, Me. Hoslcell Luwlï, Esq., Mltfortt, Dol. Mrs. lilchard Üoimaii. Lynchburg, Va. J. B. 8aminls, Ksq., Wmoua, Mlnn. Mrs. J. A. Tuzzlc!, Mrmphls, Tenn. U. IÏ. (iooch, Kmi., Ortwego, Kan. Dr. Willaríl Colllns, Bucksnort, Mo. O. W. Bostwlck, Ksg., Mt. étorlinír, O. Mrs. Kllzí Young, Cambrldffo, Mus;i. francis Baker, Ksq.,Círulnnatl, O. Mrs. J. M. Koblnson, E. OrrinRton, Me. N. bhlvcrlck, Ksq., " Independent " Ottlce. N. Y. Mrs. Eliza J.Duffleld, Hume, II). Geo. tiray, Esq., Montlccllo, Mlnn. Mr. Chas, lloonds, Woodhull, 111. Vi'. II. H. McKinney,Morrow, O. Mrs. R. L. Stevens.T'ort Wayno, Ind. Wm. S. Klniiiis, Madlsointlle, Ky. .Mr. B. Bñdlr, St. Louls, Mo. Mortlmer Lyon, Esq., San Francisco, Cal. And hundreda of otlu-rs. COLLIN8' VOLTAIC PLA8TCRS Care when all other remedies fall. Coplea of letters detalllna sorne astonishln cureB when all other remedies hací beta trled without ¦uccosb, wlll bo malled free, bo that correspondence may be had lf dfslrcd. For the cure of Lamo Back and weakneesea prcnllar to femalrs. ('olijns' Voltaio Plastees are superior to all otbiT exterual romedius. PRICE, 25 CENTS. Be careful to cali for Collinb' Voltato Plastbb Icst you Kt some worthless imitatlon. Sold by all wholoBale and retall druifKitH throutrbont ihe United Stfttos and Cañadas, and by "WEEKS & POTTKU, Proprletors, Boston, Mass. TUTTS PiLLS! symptSmsÍtT1 torpid liver. Loes of Appetito. Nausea, bowcla costive. acpartTjftuupdürthe ihouldertabiïïtyoftempërTixiw BpintarXosgoj BOmorii yvëSTmeaa, DiviMñéST' tm5gártPotTfl??7h?Ty35! ïugntTiiigËIycoIoreaürïneT IF THESE ¦WABNINGSAKEUNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BEDEVELOPED. TTJTT'S FILLS nro osperfnlly adaptml to eurh caHPM, onodoHC cflectHBuch u rtmnge ol't'i-liiiK nu lo njHtonmh the Hiitfercr. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TT7TT :- Dear Sir : For tn yeara I haO beeo a martyr to Dynpepsia, Conatipation and Pil8. Last Sprinír your Pilla weren-uommended; I naed tbem. I am nowa wc 11 man, hay good appotite, digestión perfect, recular Btoofe, piles pon, and haveoained fortj'poundtífltí-'rbcy are wnrththfirwiglitinrold Rkv. R. L. SIMPSON.I. _fflnUe. Ky. They IncreaHetheAppt'iite, aud cause Üio body to Tnke on Flcsh, thns the eysiom is nourisbrd, aud by theirTonic Artion cu t1 i Digestivo OrwiuiN, Recular stooN are prt dnred. PrlcegIciitB. 35MiiithvHimN. Y. Tüm ÏAIOYE Grat Hair or WHiñKints chanired to a Gloshy Buick by a siniíle iippluíition cit tnih Iyf. lt imparta A Mitnríil Clolor. &ct InKtnn(jinOQply. Sold DniííKistR. or sent Dy expresa on receipt of !f 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. STEKETBE'S WORM DESTRÓYER. Especlnlly adapted to deetroy what 8 known as the PIN WORMS, And highly recommended for the care of EPILEPTIO FITS, And ior tbfl cure f vurioum of ('onvuletons and Nervoim AflVctHm, and Iiloud Pnrifler. li contaitiri NO CALOMEL OR JALAP. No worm loBëngert, worm c:ik''s or syrups are known to doetroj iliiw liouttlrsome diMi-ase. No cantor oi) or other phyfica ar neeesMrj to bfl taken alter iiMiig tliie medicina. I herewitn pnblish a fcw of tbe niany uanun of peraoni ttmt llave used thie mndicitiv. If yonr drutjpiats or or dealers in medicines do not have it for nale, etmd dlrecl tu üv undcrBiL'iied. Kuch bottle his my hand-bili tround the bottlu in the BiiffliHh, Germán, ud Hulianil lacgaasea and has the dtrectione inore fully than on the buttlf. Mr. Geo. G. Steketek, Dear Sir- I uud your Worm DeBlroyer for oue of my children, who ni reltered in i very short time oí gratt riiany of tim-i' tronblesouid ciistomers, and am pleaaed to recommend your medicine to the public. Very respectfnlly, H1.V. VAN DEU VRIES. Grand Haven, Mich., Feb. 19, 1380. To whom it may COBCtra : This ls to ct-rtüy that vo bare D86d stcketee's Worm Destróyer and found it a" excellent medicino. Itdoe all Mr. Su-kutee claims for it. I'ETKR KORNOEL.TE, .1. C. I)v.TON(K, B. STUIT, A. 8. WHITE. W. C. MKHVKNXK, A. WKI.MKKS, M. WÏSTBKLOO. A. VANOPSrÁli. BUWAR1) RIPLO, JohS DaVRISB. l'KKi; 90 CBKM, GEO. G. TEKETEE, SOLK ruori.'ii'.ioi;, 89 Monroe Streef, Grand Rapids, Mich. ABk your Drngglft for STEKETEE'S WORM DESTK0YER. Takk xo i ni i ei:. For sale hy R.'tail Drngglata, and at wbnlesnlr liv ill tbe Wh.ili-Hiile DrugfrtíU m Detroit, Chlcaito and ¦ r.iu! liai'iil. 985-U88 maiaiik oi.nnw s EXCELSIOR HAIR WASH. 1q This Olebrated Artlcle alBa i_ 1'"-i'-ct. the Kreatoiit roBJ&FJ&SWy E Btorntive, invlirorntlriK nnd tM iSHlB ''UUR of nny rlyKJWP nr(. of the kind known O HtBWHBK to tDC human lumily. It M CJ Jy c!oan-.-s thn hair hikI -cnlp, vt. tOflKS removes ilaiidnii!, i'nlivens jSBK ""' "''- softena bair, flB3Sfc prodncillKil liintrul nppearI(F unce and lnducet a luxuriPal, March SO, 1830. untgrowth. l'Kl:i-Alii:i) BY ADAME GOLDMAN, TOLEDO, 0HI0. CEETiriCATE OF ANÁLISIS : To wiom U may concern:- have examined Maoi Goldman's 11ir Wasii, and tlnd it to contain ko lDgrAdlenl that wii] prora lmrtiul to the hair or Qt2p. lt is in no srnwe of tile word a hair dye. It onsiituontB are wcll calculated to actas 8edativ ind check tliat irrit ition of the ccalp that resulta in i .n excessive sveretion of daixlrulV, and an annoyint; i tebing. S. II. DOUGLAS. ,