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FERDON LUMBER YARE JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mannfacturer and Dealer In 8ACINAW i GANG-SAWED LUMBËR, LATH AND SHINÖLES. We Invite all to rlve un a cali, and examine oni stock beforu purchaslug elsewhere. AL80 AOJSNT FOR ! JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8ELL8 FIHB BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKI II, Hnpt. feb.13,'79 HAWGSTERFER'S OYSTER AND ICE CREAM PAELORS, 30 AID 32 MAIN ST. , CATERING FOR PARTIES IND BANQUETS A 8PKCIALTY. Wedding Cakes, Ice Cream, Macaroons aiid Crcam Klas Pyramlds XADX TO OBOKB OH HOKT NOTICI. Whilman'H Frenen Candioe, Freeh Flgs, Malaga Grapcs, Florida Oranges, &c, Ac., KKPT CON8TANTLT ON BiKD AT HANGSTERFER'S 3O AND 32 MAIN STREET. BOATS TO RENT AND WOU SALD. 969-1010 ANTON EISELE, DBALKK IN MMEÜUÏÏIIU The public Is invited to cali and examine specimens of the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN., MARBLE Of whlch we havo a nnpply of new degens. It Ie pnperior to'any marblc in beauty and durability, and tanca the place of öcutcb Granlte. PRICES i o i:k i il w i.k. WORK AI.L WAKIIANTEÜ. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Cathcrine Sts. ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. 9151Í Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOU RESTORING GRAT HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITTANO COLOR fiPyBÈP new, care, dlaappointment, and "hereditary V[ the hair pray, and elther ííjí rfJt-J[ fe 0ftriumtnclInt.iUoihcil renews toe growth ; and alwaya nrely reBtores 1U cnlor, when faded ar gray. It stimulatee the nnlritive organs to healtby activlty, and preserves both the halr aud lts beauty. Tbua braahy, weak or lckly hair becomes glossy, pllable and etrengthened ; loei hnlr regrows wlth llvoly ezpresslon ; fatllng halr Is checked and establlihed thln hair thlckens ; and fadod or gray haira resume their original color. lts operatiuu i. „rfi and it cures dandrnff, hcals all humor, and keeps the scalp cooi, ciean ana son- onder whlch condlüons dlseases of the scalp are imposslble. As a dressing for Iadlea' hair, the Vioor is pralsed for it grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft lustre and rlchneas of tone it imparte. PRKPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytlcal ChemlsU. Sold by all Drngglets and Dealers In Medicine. , B73-1010-e6w Unacrupulous partle are falsely reprwienllng to mauüfa"turth' '' "" 8elBl ao'rta of our Milria Mjulc (o Ontrr br na bear ¦tamn ni. 1...I. lii.l.. l.k .... 1 k., Uitlr, P CHICAGO, S Lema nn ATi, J AU Othersare Falsely Repreaented. WILSON BROS. Importlng and Jobblng Men's Furnlshers. 980-993 Manufacturar of or all kinds, SM:kï FIFZS, and all Sbsst Iron Work 814, 210, 218 üoorram 8t. WeB, TIIIRD AN1 KOURTII STS., iJ8tr0lt, JTLlCll. , Eopilrlns long. Elrttl ud SoUtr Flato fot Stil. SeríoOT To Inventora and Mechanics. PatenU and How to Obtaln Tkrm. PamphUts of ttO pages free, apon rccelpt of sUmpe for postume. Addri'ss GILMORE, 8M1TÜ & CO„ Sollcitore of Patente, Box 81, 92W Washington, D. C. TO FRUIT GROWEBS and GARDENERS. Twanly acres for sale on reaaonable term, by H. two miles west or Ann Arbor, on the Deztai rond. Good buildinis. PoHrtcnai acrei In lan,'(' and small fruitf of th beat varlutles. The i'.il inrc is the best (uality of lnnd lor gardening. Al I uil fourlolK In thenfihward, Ann Arbor rity, for Kale chrap. Knqnlre nf II. l(o(TEKS on the premleua, or of J. Q. A. 8K8S1ON8. Or N. B. COVBRT. Ann Arbor, Fch. 5, 1880. 973-988 jy ILLIAM W. NICHOLS, Buccessorto G. W North. Office, 18 Sontn Main Streot, oppoalte National Bank. Reuldnce Ï7 Llb erty Stroot. Nitrous oxide gaa' admlnleterwd wben roquested. gtj