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Nichols Shepard & Co.

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.BatíleCreelIclL "311 EiUbUlhMl OFICINAL AND ONLY GENUINE O ftgjy Bp Threshing Machinery and Portable SrajEfl Iirt TUK NT VNDAUO or excellence throughovt the Grain fcjjtfctflfr'MgfefcJJ 'r+J 1 V I ( IIU'SS for firaln Pavin, Tim-SftTiDg, Perfect ÍB TKnEÏ PW C" 'ÍNt'OMIAUABLK'nttMiíey of Material, Perfeettvn "jjtgg f VyrJ M li l I.;H - 1 r Mr vpíríor work la oU Wnrf of „ ' w -¦ -¦ SEr (nV j j jmothj.t ctTor, auil all other Seeda. AWTOMIII.NGI.Y IntBLK ud Wndcrfully ' '¦ MJ half tbO nsunl (tfrf indMtl. DnrtóiUtj, 8-tV; Koonomy, mud Wauty ntlrelr uiifcno a In oth.r Makel. (lMAwa Out .ti Md SlMU-Pavur 8S ÏMnoriWptnw ad Vont Inaou BiudncM hy chb boas. Itboyt clinge of nunc, loomtloo, or muageBwot, furnihci s slroag gutirsoteo for apcrior foods nd houorablo dwaling. g% J. IITIftM I Th0 vonderful iuccch and popularlty of iW F 1-""" OAU I lUn I ourViMMATonMftchincrj hasdriveo othor _-v7 X machine! to the wall ; henee various maken are uow at temptê. WÊBBSSStB log to build and palia off laferlor and inongrel ioiltatluos of MHaaBH Jmm , our famout goods. ¦'"-ƒ( r 'S? bT ih xpcrlmental and worthless machinerv. If vmi tuv ' -l T BlNltN at all, cet the '01UtltNALw and tho "GENCLNI: m E&s3LBÉMÊÉU WJÍT (C7Fir ftill partlonlani eall on onr dealer , or wrfte jjT"" IB to o for Illuatrat' '1 Circulan, whlcb we mail fruc. Addro MHHÉH VJyt KICHOLS, SHEPAED & CO., Battle Creek, Mich. -MM'Taflg?Ür-:- r'HWHI 97-i-lUOU