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'W. TREMAIÑ C3-ElSrEE,_A.L íilllfi ASÍ! OKiriCK AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Norlh Itilii-li iiiMiniiKT Comp'r (of London and Kdinburgh,) C'&piUl f I3,IJWJ,IJUU. Oold. Detroit Flre and Marine int# Co CMh AeseU fiam.üOil. SprlngfW l! In. Coinp'j. ofMaM. Caíh Aséete $1,800,000. II o war 1 In. Co., or New lork Cah Aaeet $1,000,000. Agrie ultaral Iiiuranc Couipj WATKRTOWN, - NEW YORK, Cash Aséete 11,200,000. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly mjj OLD AND RELIABLeTI Db. Sanford's Ltvteb Invigobatob' is a Standard Family Rcmedy fOi ' diseases of the Livor, Stomach jfÈk' and Bowels. - It is Purely'Lr' Vegetable. - It never ? WW Tl Debilitates- It is %H I f' É U ïf I! Er '" Il:v prftPtici'J il I ¦L"'"1 hy tlic pu1iíc.í ¦W 5 lor more tliun 35 v r J p , with nnpri'CPtli ntod ri'sultë. v SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Í SS T w saniFnRn m n lea bhoadwat. r ASYIlKVCKKTiril.l. TKI.I. TOV ITS K,:i' TITIO. J (ew-!n) L. S. i.i:ic( n, u.i.vr. il The Only Remedy 1 n THAT ACTS AT TUE SA ME TIME 0.1' I JTHELIVER, V THE BOWELS, ¦ ¦ andtheKIDNEYS.W i J Tliia combtned action givct it W m derf ui power to cure all düease. BWhy Are_We 8ick?i Because we allow these great orgaiie y Jfo bewme clogged út torpid, andm Wpoisonouahumorsare therefore orcodt , i into the blood ihat should be expeUed m ¦ III I.lOl'SNKSS, PILES, CONSTIPATIOX, L . i KIDNKÏ COMPLAIXTS, HtlSABT II VISEASES, FEMAI.R T HBS8E8, AND NEKTOLS ¦ DISOKDEKS, '1 Jy caitsinqfru arion of these otyanaW. J ond restoring their power to thrów off F' M Whj Suffer BlHon puin nfl íhMl F M Whr t armen teil wlth PileR. Conat ipnl n t m [i Whr friehtenedOTerdisortlered Kiilnrri lf I Waf en.liirc ncrrooi or lck hrirfacliui li Hhr hl? sleepleu niglits ! U II rt KIDNEY WORT ani rfjote (nl J tUalth. It it a drrj, vegetable compoUTidand1 H Ono packosv wlll makc Bix qU of lledldne. U j í?tí i cf your Drugrltt, is will order Um for you. Piice, $1.00. f "j WELLS, EIKU233CH X CO., Pmrfttat I ilg (WUIwDjpatpaM.) Burilngtou, yj. 954-1005-ch c w Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. %¦ (íbrmorly Dr. Craig't Jfidruy Cure .1 A vegetable preparatlon and tba onlr aar reinedjr la the wnrlii for Hrlrht'a DIkmt, niaibelea, and ALL Mldur;, Uier, aad l riry DUram. "Teatlmouiaia of toe hijheit order In prooi or these BtatemebU. For the cure of nímbete. cil for Wai ner'a Safe llr !¦ l'nrt. awTFor the cure of nrlf lit' and the pthtr aiüeaaea, c&M for Warner'a SmTe üidjiej and KJrer furr. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the bst Blood PurlOer. and sUmuIaua every function to more bealthful acuou, MÍ ia thus a benefit In all dlseasea. It cures Scraftiloaa and othersktn tnf tlon and Dlseases, iududing Cuneen, I cera, and otherSore. Dyaprpala. Weiiknew oftbe 9tomafa, Conal I palion. Ml,„„., Urnrral DeblIHr, etc, are cured by the Safe Bitten. It la u nequaled as an appctlier and regular tonlc. Bottles of two stzes ; prlces SOe. and $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qulckly civex Rnl and Sl.ep to the mfft tlnr, cures Headnclie and Neuralaav. preveDU '¦llepllotlu, and relieves Bferrooa Proatrutlon brouglit on by excesaive drtnlt, otmwork, mental shocks, and otïïer causes. Powerful os It la to stop pain and aoothe (111turbed Nerves, it never fnjurea the aystem, whether taken In nmall or large doses. Bullios of two sizea; prlces, SOc and $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an fmmedlate and active stlmulun for a Torpid Llrer. and cuve CoiUnuu DyidihI. I nmHFVPTl É loQineta. Bífloui Diar1 Í.1J1JW lTIAj Mrh. Mlrl rtr I FTTHilwflT I iBk nd "¦ llJ 'bou Id I idÉRKXUfl J I be ufied whenever ine ¦ ¦SH Inwijd" iKitoperHe IH-H HwB fret'ly uní rreularlr. H I? De ultfr 1-111 rtqalr. ¦¦ ¦ npiTflm M ¦" ¦'' '¦' ""' r IllW'UIWlttj H t...rk. Trlr tft U. ¦ I fiB In H, ..frj.b.JJ. MiTtlB RBhSOfl 1'ropHftor. I iizTTTKWkaË roohester, k. y nj TtloUl. 965-1010 MAC IÍ X ÏNT I S T - IMHís AHÍ WORK IX IIIS UNE. Ki. tica, AKncnlturlMiichlni'ry,Sewln(rMchlii d Liicks reptlnd. TurntnK, Key-fltt!n(; and (íriua)t' pnimptly done. Keepa a tiooá aseortmen' ' utlerj, Locka and Toóla, which will be íold cbep. No. 36 South Main Street, ANN ARBOB. W"98