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Common Council. Proceedings

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The eouneil niet id special session itioiiday evening, the 17th, at 7J o'elock. Roll called. Absent Aids. Ferdon and Kittredge. Minutes of previous meeting read aud approvcd. l'RESENTATION OP PET1TION8. A petition signed by 1'. Donovan, A. Hcrz, Dan. Donovan, E. M. Moore and 44 other citizens and tax-payers of tho city ol Ann Arbor, askiug tho oouimoo council to grant the Ann Arbor and Northoastern railroad the right of way across the f'ollowing named streets : Chubb and Mann, near the city milis in the 3d ward, and Washtenaw, Codar, Pontiac, Jones, Travor and Mili streets, in tho fifth ward, and also to run their telegraph wires over the same. Wliich, aftcr much discussion participated in by Aids. Hutzel and Ross, ooniplaining of the way the T. & A. A. R. R. had left the streets already crossed by them, and by Messrs. II. C. Waldron, Jas. B. Gott and Prof. Greene in behalf of the company, was referred to the street oommittee with power to act. Petition of J. Austin Scott and 12 others for a lamp post to be erected on Wauhteuw ave., near the residence of B. Day. Referred to usual oomimtipc. Tho following anonymous communieation was referred to sidewalk committee : To the common counell, etc. :- I would respectfully cali your uttcution to the dangerout eonditiou of the sidewalk on tho north sido o Nortli struot, belween Thayer and State street A communication from Chief of Pólice Johnson requesting the appointment o Hcnry Knapp as special policcman at the M. C. railroad depot, to serve without cost to the city. Request granted. The saloon boods of John D. Hcinrich, with L. Gruner and A. D. Seyler as surety ; of G. Henry Binder, with Ecnanuel Mann and Jacob Laubengayer as surety ; and o: Wm. Graham, with Frank Ruck and L. Gruner as surety, were roeived and acoepted. The following communication was received froin hook and ladder oompany, signed by all its officers and members : At a meeting of deflance hook aud ladder company the following resolutlons wwre adopted: W'iikbeas, The oommon counctl has mude no provlHlons for the pay of Ureiuen for the eumiiiiu yeur, therefore, Jletolvttt, Thai we, the mombers of denance hook and ladder coinpauy, of the city of Anu Arbor, conxider oureelvOK uuder no obllgatlim to Haid city ilh Ilri'.mt'ii. Rtsolveú, That wh turn out to no lire au a compauy nntll there bo 8ome provUiou for paylug ub for so dolng. Htsolved, That we present a copy of thee ivsolut ions to the oommon oouncli. On motion of Aid. Hut zei the oorumunication was tabled. Aid. Ross moved that the chicf eogineer be instrueted to roturn tho koys to the boys and replace the oíd lock which he had taken off. Motion not seconded. REPORTS OP SPECIAL C0MMITTBK8. Aid. Hutzel, from the committee to settlo with the lato oity treasurer, reported as follows : To the council, etc. :- Wo have exnmined the accounts of Mr. F. U. Woodruffand llnd tlium all al islui-Lory, with balauues In the dlflureiil fundH as follows : lst ward fund_ $ 372 99 d " _ 7ot im :ti " " 91 lltl " " '.". 10 01 5th M 4' „, 3(jo 4i 6th ' M „ jo lli General fund 1,401) :fi Oeneral streut mud „ ] 'lso 76 i'muingent fuud „ 1,339 70 toietary _ 51 uk log tax mi sn Report accepted, adopted, and committee dischargcd. Aid. Martin, from committee on firo department, reportod : Your commlttOH would recommend that protectlon and huron euuine oouipanios hIiouIiI Mb have a ineinhorshlp of :m. and tho luwo caris 12moinlera each ; and lluit vlgllum oompuny shall conulgt of HU mvmlwrs aud hoso cart of IS; and also that each lire company with lts hose ompany liolil thelr electlons Jointly. Wo would further recommend that vlKtlaut company havu charge of tho Bteainur 011 lts arrlval, and at all flres tlils company act a relief to other cumpaulm under the dlrectlon of the chlof onKlnuor and hls nSHistant.s We wonld further recommend tlmt (ha hook and ladder company conslst of 26 members. ThecoiiimlIUu, in i'xiunlnluK tlm Ure ¦ftpanu lus, fouud viglLuut tuKte Btft need&d rMuring lmmedlatoly, and avn ordwrs to have ft dono andar the CUraoUOD of thechlef onzineer, al a cost not to exceed $30. We woulil recomniend that protectlon eugine and bose rairt be repalred and painted soon as posKible. Your committee would aak for further timo to cousider on the location of tbe eth waril englue house, and in erecting the fire alarm. We would cali the attentlon of the counc.ll to the necessity of a clstern on the south slde of the uuiversity, and Ihat walls be sunk in tha creek, at the Toot of Hurou, Washington and Liberty Btreets, and near the mluera! springs house. After consultlng the mayor, chief engineerand forenien of the companles.we woulil recommend that the flremen be paid the snm of 76 cents at each actual flre, and before returning from the flre the roll be called and the list of those In attendance be glvi-n to the chlef englneer ; that he cali a meeting of the flre warden for the purpie of conferring together In regard to tne duties asslgned them ; and would recommend that the Janltors sleep In theengine houses. Aid. Hutzel : Your committee to whora was referrod the petitlon for a ciBtern for flre purpoeaa, at the intcrRCction of JorTerson and Kifth streets, have examined the locntlon and flnd that a cisteru Is a muoh noeded improvement in that portion of our city. We therefore recommend that tho request of the petltionors be granted. On ïuotion of Aid. Bcsimer the report was referred to the general fund couimittce with authority to advertisa for propnsals the construction of the same. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Keech : Resolved, That upon tho di-llvery Of the fuuds now iu hls hands, as ascertaliicd (ind de" lermlned by a committee of thls eounoll ajpolutod for that purpoee, the bond oi exTreasurer Woodruffaro declarad t be uull and void, and his boudsmen relleveil from lurthor liabllity thereon. Resolved, That the recorder he authorlzod and instructud to writoacross the fac-eof said bond "oanoeled by order of the cominon couiicll." afflxlng thereto the date when thls aotlon shall take eiruct, and also hls otliclul seal of ofüce. Adopted. By Aid. Ilutzel : Resolved, That tha flnanee mininitloe are hereby Inatmated i porouaae a new Hel of treiuturer'H bK)kN and nlre a oompetenl bookkeeper to tart the wiinn, whlch sli.'ill hereafter be used as a guidu for our city tieasunr. Carried. By Aid. Keeeh : Whkkkak, A cominittee of the coinmon councll, appointed to settle wiih l'eter 1). WoiKlruff, lat+ city treasuror, litivfl examlned hls accounts and vouchers, and flud them correct In every particular, therefore, Remivéd, That the thauks of the councll be extended to Mr. Woodrutr for the ahle and thoroughly efficiënt marnier In which he haa ptrlormed the responslble duties of his oftlce during the past yuur. Adopted. Also : Whkkkas. M. J. Riley complains of bavlng hls rights interfered wlth by partías fenclng the east end of llickory street, so that he cannot go to and from his land, owned at the east end of sald street, therefore be lt Jiemlved, That the street Committee an rcquested to look Into thls matter and taku such actlon as they may deem uecesssiry. Carried. By Aid. Mathewson : Resolved, That the several bridges spanning the liaron rlver In the city of Ann Arbor be numbered as follows: The upper bridge, betweeu Poutiac and Hroadway itreets, oear Swifts mlll.he No. 1. and the bridge on Wall street, or middle bridge, to be No. 2. and the bridge on the river road, or lower bridge, to be No. 3, and to be deslgnated by such numbers. Carried. On motion of Aid. Kellogg, N. Felch was elccted a fire warden for tho 5th ward. The bonds of the city treasurer as ainended were acceptod by tho council. Adiourned.