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BmJ Eslate for Salo. QTATB UK MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, se. In the matter of the estáte of Mary C'. Glad in, dccea.-ci. NbttM is herehy iven, that in puisuance uf an order grantcd to the undoralgned, executor of the laat will and testament of aaid deceaaed, by tin: llon. KdL'Hr o. Durlee, Judm of Probate oi f-hkL County uf Wnyne, on th tanto day of Kehruary, A. D. lsi. thare will be sold at iublic vendui', to the hiijliuHt bidder, ut thu city of Anu Arbor, In the County of Wahtenw, and State of Michigan, at the maiu entrame to Ihu coun house In saiil city on Katurday, tlie ÜSth day of May, A. U. 1880, at two o clock p. m. of sald day, tliu followiin; deecribud renl ednte, to wit : The undivid d one-third of ilu cenain piece or pnreel of land sitúate In toe city of Aun Arbor, Washtenaw Couaty, Michigan, and known ik t.venty-om' ind one-hnlf (ïlUi fect in width oiV the north sida of lot b (6) Ln Clock one (1) Kouth of Huron etruet, In ranwe four (4) east, iu the city of Aun Arbor ; also the up of the alley long the east end of lots ftve (5) and six (6) in oaid block one(l). Detroit, April 12, 1880. WINTIIKOP G.SAWYEK, Ejecutor. MICHAKL UKENNAN, Attorney for Exocutor Eslaíe oí Lukc W. Hlodgett. QTATEOKMlCUlQAN,CountyorWahtouaw,B. At ¦ Mulon of the Probate Court for the County ot Waohteuuw, holilt-n lt the Probate oflice, in the city of Ann Arbor, 00 l' the Ihirteenth day of April, in thf yi'iir on thoosand eight hundred and i'iu'hty. l'rt-tent, William D. Uarrimun, Judije oi Probate. In the matter of the ectate of Luke W. Dlodcett, d. Wonter Blodgett, ndmlniatrator of cald tétate, conifB into court and reprearnts that he ia now pit'pnx'ii to render hia final account as such Thereapon it ie ordered, that Thunulay, tl. e llxth day of May next, at ten oVlock iu the ioreiiooii, ba assiued for i'xainiiiini; ui:d allowinir aoOO uccoimt, and that the heire at law of naid deceaaed, and al! othar pwiona Intsraated In Kaid 't;iu.', at tequtnd to nppear at h ji'-hÍ(iii ol lald rourt, the -n t.i he bolden at the Probate (MHee In tba 'ity of Ann Arbor, in said couuiy and -hou causa, u any than b,why the B.iid account should DOl D nllowed. And it is further ordered, that ald admlnlitrator L'ive notice to the penona Intareoted In i-aid e-tate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by caufinij a coi.y ot th h ordor to be puMlahed In the Ann Arlior Courter, a newxpapcr printed and circiilatinK in uld county, two auoceaalva weeka pmtou to said day of lieiiriiii;. (A tille copy.) WILLIAM D. UAKKIMAN, ,,,. Jndge oí" i'rohat'. WM. O. DOTÏ, Probate Kek'letur. K75-W8