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A new sprinkler peraiubulates Hurón streeti _-_ It takes a $3 bilí for one tnonth's ice thia season, _______ The democratie ward caucuses are called for to-uiorrow evening. The lectures of Marian B. Baxter at the opera house last Sabbath are highly spoken of. t The " Olympia " will meet at Mr. Gwinner's residence next Monday evening at the usual hour. ____ The reform club next Sunday afternoon noon will be addressed by Mr. Wheeler, of Dundee. _ Fifty couple tripped their toes and clickcd their hcels at the armory hop last Fri day night. ________ Three raore liquor dealers have paid their tax at the county treasurer's offiee, adding f 330 to the funds. J. A. Polhemus on 4th street, and Dr. Frothingham, on División streot, have put down now tar walks. The cireuses all shy around Ann Arbor as usual this year, much to the discomfiture of the average small boy. Illness prevented Kev. J. T. Sunderland trom attending the Unitarian convention at Kalamazoo last Tuesday. - The evening express upon the Michigan Central now leavcs this station at 9:55 instead af 9:38 as herotofore. The city proposes to receive sealed proposals fbr cleaning the streets up to to-morrow, at the recorder's office. The democratie couuty onvention to elect delegates to the state conveolion, mcota at the court house next Thur-day. II. K. Ailes has fbr some time been abHent putting in uiaehiuory in a grist mili at (Jolumbiaville, in Lapeer county. Hiv. Vm. Oeorge, of Dundee, was present at the general M. E. conference at Cinciiuiati, for a few days last week. The young people's society of the M. E. Church, held a social at the house of Chas. II. Worden, last Saturday evening. Aid. Mathewson of the fifth ward is ro pairing his house. The old Webster house on Ann street is being repaired also. The lectures of Will Carleton will be a the Presbyterian church, and not in the opera house, ad previously aunounced. Yigilant fire company is to have charge of the steamer when it arrivés, and aUo a all fires. So says the coinmoiT oouncil. Several bieyclists went to Ypbilanti urn back last Öunday. This "animal" seem to be a favorite one for Sunday riding. ? The last issue of the Dundeo Reporter had an account of the Rev. Joseph Cook's recent lecture at university. hall, in this city. Workuien have been patehing up the front of the uiain univeisiiy building where the stucco had bccome broken, this week. Luther James wants $6,000 for the old jail square fora public park I Too muchee big hcap iuodIuo ! too little smallee heap dirt _ John Lowry, of the star wind mili company, started lor Fargo, Dakota, on the 12th inst., to seo to the business of the company at that place. Soine of the early risers last Friday morning assert that there was a slight lïust on the grouud. We wero up with the sou bul didu't see any. The state convention oi' printers proposed to be held at Detroit on to day, has been postponed for the present. Not a sufficieut number of responsos. The house of Prof. .Ferry's refbrred to laat week, was purchasod by (Jüo. (Jlarken and.has beeu moved upon a lot on Ann street, west of Main. County Clerk Clark is happy. The township derk of one town, Lodi,- Lcopold Blaess, clerk- haa roported a eompt jury list for the current year ! A Bronson man bas invouted a "grave protector" which promises to let tho dead rest in peace- instead of piceos, as they often du at the medical college. A new orosa walk is being made across Huron street in front of the postomce. The same will be an aooommodation which numerous pedestrians will appreciate. The Kvening News eays: "Ann Arbor has a social sensation that the Democrat does not want to tackle and none of the other papers dire touoh." What a loie ! Don't forget the grand temperance mass meeting one week from to-day at the opera house. Speeches, music, basket picnic :md cverythinK tlse worth hearing or seeing. Aslight hl;wc in tfcekitohenof Cook's hot 1 last Friday afternoon brought out the lire eompany in doublé quiok time, but the tire was extiuguished beforo ny harm wa. done. "The causes and cures of intemperance' and "The golden hom " are the two sub jects Will Carleton will leoture upon thi and to-morrowcveiiingNiit the l'rcsbytoriat ouureh. The Grand Rápida Saturdav Review says: "The Ann Arbor Courier, than which no abler paper ia published in the State." How our face is diffused with lu.shes. _ Owners of poor sidewalks shake in their hoes when Aid. Kittredgc, chairman of he sidewalk committee enters an appearnce. He is earning laurels in that line ust at present. Tho building of Ludwig Walz, on Liberty trect, which had to be taken down after he brick work was quite finished, is now carly rebuilt. It has been quito a loss in ime and moncy. 1 Vrliaps we are prejudiced upon the point a lidie, but these different liver, kidey, and other pad advertisements are making some of our journals vie with the Jolice News in illustrations. The Baptist churoh and Sabbath school will give an excursión to Toledo and Put-inJay on the 5th of June next. The first of the season, and a pleasant route. Of ourse everybody will go. It is stated that the lot on lluron stroet ust cast of ex-Mayor Sniith's residence, is o bo purchased by the ladios'.library assoiation, on which they propose to ereot a new building for library purposes. The Olympia society of this city, took a ow on the river about forty strong, rcquirng some fiftecn boats to accoinmodate ,hem, last Monday night, as they rowed over the limpid waters of the Huron. Mrs. N. H. Pierce says if the city will lonate $3,000 shewill agree to raise the remaining $3,000 to purchase the old jail quare for a public park. As we remark elsewhere, too much money for too little dirt. _ Judging frotn the report in the Clinton News, Messrs. Schumacher and Frazer woke up the people over there a little upon temperance,and assisted in making thethird ariniversary of the Clinton reform club a succes?. The pioneer " taterbug" in all his frisky estiveuess has come to greet the early solmum tuberosum. He bas stationed himself'upon the hills and bidishis time with iendish glee, utterly fearless of Paris green, etc. A map of Bay View camp ground has ii-i'ii sent tn this office. It looks all rigbt, and probably Í8 all right. But a fellow would have to keep acompass in bis pocket to thread all the avenues and not get mixed up on them. Two wouien went into C. II. Worden's yard Thursday night of last week and gathered a large quantity of tulips and other lowers in blossom. They were remarkably cool about the thing, seeming to care very little for being discovered. If one can judge from the number of fiahpoles, lines and hooks, and minnow paHs in the hands of boys, from full size down, to be seen every day wending their way Iako and riverward, the finny tribe must have their ranks woefuliydepleted. If' cditors see'anything worth roproducing in a paper, let them eilher steal it entirely, or else give the paper from which it is taken proper credit. This crediting items and articles to "Ex." is a direct insult, and calis for blood. Grand Raplcls ha a greater number of pretty Lheol tíirls Ulan luis un y otber city ín the lamí, i -G. H. Democrat. And CeUar Springs tho nost Intelligent ol any vlllagu in the Uulou.- ' Viluí Spríugs Clipper. , Guoss neither of the above writers ever , isited Ann Arbor, or they woulJ know , H'ttrr tban to uiake such a.ssertions. The uinnunt ofindebtedness of the Aun rborcity band is $105, which they wuh ' x pay ofi", the same having been expended for instrumenta since the división. Chas. Boylan is soliciting subscriptions" for this purpose, and ought to meet with good suojess. The university hospital (regular) is quite Pull. Prof. Maclean has been compelled to hold a publie clinic every day, and sometimos twice a day, for sometime past. Yesterday rnany important cases were presented and four oritical operations were performed. If you desire to be richly entertained, and at the same time aid a good cause, attcnd the entertainments to be given at the Presbyterian church this and to-morrow evenng8! by Will Carleton, in aid of the pioneer ociety and red ribbon club.' It will be well worth while. It looks very much as though the people ownirrg property in the vicinity of Jefferson at the intersection of Fifth street were to nave some proteotion for the samo. The ouncil last Monday night ordered proposals taken for the construction of a largo cisern at that point. Good. -- With the mating of birds and the fragrance of the sweet blossoms of spring, and he warm, languid, delightful breezes of Hay, bearing delicióos ennui on every wave, comes the sweet, ezhilerating, exasperatng, soul-inspiring tones of the eternal, inbrnal " blar9ted " hand organ. Wodnesday morning last, Everett B. Clark, county olerk, received an order for a certified copy of a decree in chancery, given about forty years ago. The same was done in a few minutes. The ncw arrangement of files and papers saving probably many days labor in searching for the dosired document. An item is going the rounds of the state ros fomething like this : " The Ann ArMr band is going to the tournament at Flint providing they can obtaiu some decent clothes to wear. " The boys are all pretty decently dressed, tbankyou, but they would liko a uniform very muoh, although they do not intended going to the tournament. The item in regard to Geo. Kellett, of the agricultural works last week, was incorrect. Heinjuredtwo fingersof the leit hand with a cutting box, on April lOtli, and oaught cold in them the following week, which causedhimtobo"laidup," anddid nofrbathe the wounds in impuro water as stated. He has so far recovered as to be ablc to work again. Miss Julia M. Barry of this city, was marricd last week Tuursday to Mr. C. A. Dibble, of Marshall, at the Presbyterian church, by Kcv. Dr. Brown. The couple have gone east upon a wedding tour, but expect to return by the 26th, when a 'reception wiil be given them at the residenre of the bride's inother. Mr. D. oxpects to lócate among the Gophers. Help is asked froui the citizens of this city for the freedmen refugecs who have flocked into Kansas, and aro very much in Deed of everything that goes to sustain life. Jjast Habbath at the M. E. church a conimittee was appointed to receivo any aid that the charitably inclinod might offer and we presume other churches did similarly. lt is thought the churches of the city will tako up this cause, and that a depot will be established where cast offganuents may aluo be gathercd and forwarded. The student of this city will seo a alight rcpctition of their cnthusiam n the followiiiK Fontence froni the N. Y. Tribune: " M. ltemenyi has so delighted the Oberlin students that when last weck he visited the town for tho second titne, they met him at tho station, took the horses from the carriagc, and attaching a long ropo, themselves drew him to the hotel." Co. A's new uniforma have been oomplcte'd by Mr. Sprague, and they will appeu in them for the first time on the 30th mst. The boys have tried on their suits, found (hem perfecdy satisfactory in every way, and accepted of the same. The timo given on the contract was Thuraday noon, and at that hour the same was oompleted, for all of which Mr. Sprague desrvea commondation. The American Union telegraph company will have their wires running into the expositioo building at Chicago, and ao place all their offices throughout the United States in direct connection with the convention while in session. Their office in this city is upon the corner of Hurón and Main streets, and Mr. Colby, the operator, has instructions to hold himself in readinesa for lively work upon that day. Tho prospective rifle team of Co. A, held another shdot Wednesday forenoon. At their uext meeting the general average will be declared, and a team selected to represent the compaoy at the state trial of ekill in this line. Tbe members of this company will attend tbe Episcopal church Sabbath of next week, in the forenoon, Rev. Wyllys Hall bcing the chaplain of the regiment. Whcn the new steamer comes a name will be wanted. In most of our ei ties they have adopted the custom of naming the steamers either after their own city or for the most public spirited man in the community, who would contribute the largest amount of moncy to the firemen's fund for the honor. The latter might prove a profitable and satisfactory way of settling the question here. The editor of the Courier is indebted to the students of Eastman college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., fora complimentary ticket to attend the annual excursión down the Hudson, Saturday, May 22, 1880. Let's see. The Courier is issued Friday morning. ( i we will not have time to get there in scason as Pougbkeepsie ia a good ways off, and so will have to decline. Just as many thanks for the invitation, however.' . Charles Bennett, of the fifth ward, a young man about 17 years old, broke both boncs of the left leg, near the ankle, last Wednesday afternoon, by jumping out of a wagon. Tho horses started just as he jumped, causing him to miss bis calculations with the above result. He had been previously crippled by a reaper, losing a portion of one footthereby, which waa undoubtedly partially the cause of the accident. He was attonded by Dr. Breakey. Prof. Maolean attended the annual meeting of the Michigan state medical society at Grand Kapids, and was elected ono of the socioty's delégate to the American medical association, whioh uieets in N. Y. during the first week of June. Dr. Breakey receivod a similar compliment from tho iation. The Grand llapids papers state that Prof. Maclean's clinical lecture delivered before the society was listened to " with a great deal of attention." The street comiuittec are to oversee the construction of tlio new railroad leading out of the city nortli wharevor the track crosses , any of thu streets. While not wishing to (auno the railroad any unnocessary trouhle, we do ihink that thi.s committee ought to sec that the work is done as it should be. The right of the people are parauiount over all others, and the streets on which they travel should bc kept as free from obstructions and impedimenta as posoible. Last Tuesday afternoon, a youog tramp, claiming to hail from Toledo, Ohio, and giving his name as U'm. Blake, met with an accident at the Toledo & Ann Arbor depot by which helost a limb. Hewasevidently attcmpting to secure a ride gratis upon the Toledo freight, and in some manner slipped and feil, the car passing over his right limb. Dr. Maclean of the university, amputated the leg, and the patiënt was taken to the university hospital. He is only about 15 vears of age. Alva Tllill, formerly of this city, and a son-in-law of C. Bliss, hut now superintendent of' the watch department ia M. S. Smith & Co. 's, Detroit, has in ven tod and received letters patent upon a nut lock. The invention has been thoroughly tried in various places the past year, and is pronounced perfect in its workings. As the railroad companies of the United States annually lose betwecn four and five millions nuts, the valuo of the invention can be estimated. Thcre is without the least doubt a good sized fortune in the invention. The county clerk informa us that many curious things are uDearthed by himself and Justice Winegar in their work of overhauling and rearranging in a proper manner, the old papers of his office. Among others the records show that in the month of January, 1839, fifty cases were commenced in the circuit oourt ; more than would be cotumenced for six months at present. The large number at that time is accounted for by its being immediately after the general collapse of the wildcat banks, and many of the suits were instituted by the receivers. _______ At the business meeting of the reform club on Wednesday last, Mr. Henry Laubengayer was chosen marshal of the day, with power to appoint assistants; and Messrs. C. II. Worden, Isaao Dunn and Neboo Sutherland were appointed as the committee of arrangements for the mass moeting on the 28th inst. The president was authorizcd to hire the band, and a general invitation is extended to all citizens who pyuipathize with the movement to decurutu their buildings, also to turn out with teams or on foot, and make this a temperance gala day. President Schumacher was appointed as a soliciting committee to secure laüdg for the occasion. If some charitably inclined individual, who has lots of money and but few heirs to quarrel over it after his or her domise, would only leave a fuud with which to upholster tiro seats in university hall, it would be a deed causing an everlasting debt of gratitude to his or her- oh, foT that new pronoun - moniory. Perhaps if a grand entertainment, some five or ten hours in length would bo gotton np, and the next legislatura inrited to listen to the same, thoy inight mako an appropriation for the object, out of sheer pity for the inhabitanta of the city. ___t_m_l Last Monday, at about 5 o'clock p. m., tho school house in distriot No. 6, Ann Arbor town, known as the Morey district, was burned to tho ground. After schoof had been dismissed, and while the teacher yet reniained, she noticed a man peering in at the biind.s, hut upon investigaron the man ditappearcd. Shortly after tne teaclier was in an adjoining field gathering flowers, when sim happenedto gaze in the direotio of the school house, and beheld it in flames. A few hands working near by were notified, and a few things saved, but nearly cverything was destroyed. No trace of the noendiary lias been found as yct. The state homoeopathic hospital aid associatioo desires to cali the attention of the public to their mission, andasksthe co-operation of all who have at heart the relief of the suffering poor. The president of the university says : " I hope, therefore, that this praiseworthy effort of the ladies who have organized the Michigan state homeopathie hospital aid association may be crowned with success. I believe the officers lately chosen will faithfully devote any money sent to them, to the humane object for which they solicit contributions." All oommunications should be addressed to Mrs. S. M. Coe, chairman state executive board, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The board of trustees of the gymnasium fund of Michigan University have issucd a circular " to the alumni and other friends of the university of Michigan," calling for oontributions in any sums, to aid the "gymnasium fund." fhe students of the university by entertainmenta and in various other ways, have accumulated $778.28, and E. C. Hegeier, of La Salie, 111., has donated $250, making a total of $1,028.28, now in the fund. The oausc is an excellent one. It is well knowu that a sound body is quite a necessity to a sound mind, and the exercise gained in a gymnasium will be invaluable to the students. Generously inclined people here have a most excellent chance to aid a worthy object. The reading of Miss Ella June Mead at university hall last Friday night, was eertaiuly deserving of a far larger audience than greeted her. The first piece rendered, " Bugle song," from Tennyson, was as fine a thing as we ever listened to, and had she rendered it the last thing instead of the first, the impression upon the audience would certainly have been better, for the comic selections were a trifle overacted, but yet finely rendered. The reporter's sympathy went out to the boys who had been to so much expense and labor in securing this lady and advertising her, yet he would suggest that the audience in attendancc were not to blame for the failure of the enterprise, and that the introduotory remarks oontaining such sentences as, " Such a crowd as this is," or " This kind of an audience," were certainly not in good taste. Indeed, he thought the quality of the audience was excellent, in fact the cream de la cream of Ann Arbor society. But seriously, the lady was worthy of excellent patronage, and should she ever return to this city we doubt not she would be greeted with a large audience. The third district of the Germán Evangelieal Synod of North America will meet at the Bethlehem Lutheran church on Wednesday, May 26th, Rev. J. B. Jud, of Mansfield, Ohio, president of the district, presiding. Rev. C. Siebenpfeiffer, general president of the wholo synod, consistiog of seven distriots, will deliver the opening sermon on Wodnesday the 26th, at 10;25 a. m. Everybody who understands the Germán language should hcar thispsominent speaker. Conferences will be held mornings from 9 to 12, and afternoons from 2 to 4:30, on VVednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Services every evening at 7:3Q, from VVednesday to Sunday, On Sunday niorning communion will be administered and in the afteruoon at 2:30 there will bc a mission festival addressed by sevcral ministers, having been missionaries themselves. On Sunday evening will be a farewell-service and conclusión. The choir of tho Bethlehem Lutheran churoh will sing at every service. About 100 ministers and delegates are expected to bo present and take part in tin: conference.