
Notice to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, b. Notice is liereby given, that by an order of tbe Embate Court for tue County of Washtenaw, mude oní the seventeenth day of May, A. D. I8S0, six niontbs from that date were allowed for credltora to ' present their clainu agaiust the estáte of Gllbert Allen, late of naid county, deccased, nnd that all credltora of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at tbe Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the 17th day ol November neit, and that auch claims will be heard before sald court, on Tueeday, the 17th day of August, and on Wedneiday, the 17th day of November next, at ten o'clock in the foren oon of each of said days. Datcd Ann Arbor, May 17th. A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, , 987-981 Judi-e of Probate. i Q.OTO WINANS c BERRY FOR MERCHAIVT TAILORIG For the folio win reasone: Ut. Our work is all flrst-clasa. ï'l. Mr. Iierry la the only cutter in the State who can give yon a perfect flt without trying on. 3d. We have the largest assortmeBt in the State, i havlnc over 00 different stylcs to aelect from la ¦ foreign and domestic Wooleñt and WirrUcds. '¦ Ith. We use none bnt flrst-clase trlmmlns. 5!h. We are fnll 20 per cent, below Detroit pricen. ] WINANS & BERRY, 956-1007 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. W. W. BLISS & CO., WHOLESALE AND KETA1L TOBACCO HOUSE All Gooods Soli at Detroit Prices. A-rents for GLOBE and SEAL OF DETKOIT tobneco. N0. 7 EAST HURON STREET. 881yr T) INSEY & SEABOLT'S B AKERY, GROCERY AJTD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wö keep conatantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLB8ALB AND RBTAIL TRADS. We shall also keep a mpply of , 8WIFT A DBDBBL'S BK8T WHITE WHKA1 FLOUB, DELHI FLOUK. KVK FLOUR, BUCKWHBAT FLOUH. CORN MEAL, FESD, Ac, r. At Wholesale and retall. a general stock ol GROCERIESAltD PROVISIONS conxtiintly on band, wblch will be solí on ae reaaon able terms as at any other house in tbc city. Caen pald for Botter, Kggs, and Country Trodnci generalij, I tST"Goods dcltverod to any part of the city wiu 1 out extra charge. yr KINBKY A 8BABOLT. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Havlns Just graduatcd from the Conservatory of Muslc at StuttKart, Uermany, where he reccived a thorouh education, and lnitructluns in tbe latot mathoai of tearhinK iniinic, Is now preparcd to itlve Lmaona In llnriiioii , and on the Flano and OrKaii Hanos tuut-d on rensonablc termt. Koou)K,uortbeast corner of Main and Liberty np-stalrs, Ann Arbor, Mich. 949-1000 "UUR SALE. I hare a (rood FLOUKIISU MII.L of four run of stone, that I will sell or cichangc for property In Washtenaw C'onnty. 9ftltf RUS A. BKAL.
Probate Court
Probate Notice
Winans & Berry
Tailors & Clothing Designers
W. W. Bliss & Co.
Rinsey & Seabolt's Bakery Grocery and Flour & Feed Store
Classes & Instruction
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Gilbert Allen
William D. Harriman
Prof. Reuben Kempf
Rice A. Beal
No 11 S Main St
7 E Huron St