J-'acts That IVo Kuow. If you are euffanu with a severo cough, cold, aathma, bronchitis, consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any afeotion of tho throat or lungs, we Icnoto that Dr. Kiiiff's New DUcovery will give you iiiunediatu relief. We know of hundreds of cases it has ootupletely cured, and that where all other medicines had failed. No otlier remedy can show one half many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Dr. King's New Discovery will cure you of asthoia, bronchitis, hay fever, consumption, severe coughs, colds, hoarseness, or any throat or lung disease, if you will cali at L. S. Loroh, Ann Arbor, drug store, you can get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size bottle for $1. 97&-980 "CIncho-Qninine," As a febrifuge, tonic and anti-periodic, is declared by physicians to be superior to Sulphate Quinine, and is vastly cheaper, the dose being the same. It can be obtained of all Druggists, or will be sent, postage prepaid, on reoeipt of price, $1.50 per ounoe, by Billinos, Clapp & Co., Chemists, Boston, Mass. In the cure of Consumption there is probably no known medicine equal to the Syrup of Hypophosphites prepared by Mr. James I. Fellown, chemist, St. John, N. B. A number of cases have come under our notice the past year when the resulta which have followed ita use have been astoöishing. We write this unsolicited by any one, and advise the afBicted to try it. EDITOR "COLONIAL FARMER." I - í' As a Cure for Piles i KidneyWort acts first by overcoming n i the mildest nianner all tendency to coiíatipation ; then by its great tonic and invigorI ating properües, it restores to bealth the debilitated and weakcned parts. Wehave 1 hundreds of ccrtified cures, where all else have failcd. Use it and suffer no longer. Don't Spoil Yonr Buttcr. Farmers, do not run the risk of spoiling your butter by using carrots, annatto or other cheap colors, when Wells, Richardson & Co. 's Perfected Butter Color ia o much better. It is harniless as salt, and never gives a duif ruddish color, or any taste or smell. It is made in a strictly scientifie nianner by a skillf'ul chemii-t, and eau always be relied on. Consuinptlon Cured. An old physician, retired from practico, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throatand Lung aifections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after haviog tested its wonderfal curative powers in thousands of case?, has felt t hs duty to niake t known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire t, tliis recipe, in Germán, French, or Englisli, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addre9sing with starup, naniinfr this paper, W. W. Siikakeh, 14'J Power' Black, Hochester, N. Y. 988-M8 c o w " I Don't Want Tliat Stuff," Is what a lady of Boston said to her husband when he brought home .lome medicine to cure her of sick headache and neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack thereafter, it was administered to her with such nmj rpmilts. that she continued its use until cured, and made tm eiuhusioetio in its prai?e. that she induced twenty-two of the best fatniliej in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That "stuff" is Hop Bitters. - tuk - ReadeH of this notice is invited to cali on us when visiting DETROIT. We promise a cordial welcome and an attractivc display of rich and artistic wares. M. S. SMITÏÏ & CO., Jewelers, Silversmiths, Watchmakers, and Dealers in Gems, Corner of Woodward and ¦ Jefferson Avenues, öLgParticular attention given to mail orders. 977-1029 l'rice within the reach of A1J. THe Mos! Popular BooKs Since Prinüng Was inTented. The fnll and complete lwture of COL. & G. INGERSOLL No. i. Mistakes of Moses. No. 2. Skulls. No. 3. Ghosts. No. 4. Heil. No. 5. Liberty of Man, Woman and Child. No.ó.Gods. No. 7. Intellectual Development. No. S. Human Kights. No. 9. Hereafter. No. 10. ReUgioot Intolcrancc. No. 11. Heretics and Hcresics. No. 13. Col. Ingersoll's Vindication of Thos. I'.niu-. No. 13. I'lca lor Indiviiluality and Arniiiinicnt of the Chiirch. No. 14. The Re1ÍKÍi of Our Day. No. 15. Personal Oeisra Denicd .No. 10. The Philosopher of Keason- Ilumboldt. PKioE r, curra i ¦¦. Col. Ingersoll and Hls Chicago Critlcs. A Lecture by the Rev. .lamen K. Applebee. l'rice 15 CentH. Cpsocb cf Chulos Stevart Fantll at the Exposition Buildiiili, Chicago, Kcbruury 2!, 1SS0. Togethcr with a short lüogr:iphy of his Life with I.arjje l'ortrait and Autou;raph on Cover Pne. Price 10 cents. ruil Eopsr: 01 tho Qtasd Eo-U:!on of Soldlsn ui IfrUoft of tb.0 lato wa", held at ChicaifO Nov. 12 to ir, '70, includinfrnl! Speeches, and thoseof Col. R. G. Inrersoll Col. Win, Vials, Samuel L. Clcmens (I:irk Twain's speech 011 Uabics). Price a Cents. "Llfo and Trip Aronal th World of Ooa. Orant." 15 Cents. "Last upoecï of Cosatsr Zach Chandlor," and Ilióraphical Skutch, with I.aryc Portrit of Mr. CSánater "ii ( 'over Paifc. 5 Cents. Comaos Sosco, tui? ss'Droams, Tho Solidos cf Eolia, in onu volume, by Thomas Paine. Price 25 C'ciitü. Arty itf th' aborr sent post-paid upan recript nf pTiC6t Aert'ntH wñntcd iiM'verv city flnd town. Liberal Terme. Addrcit, P. W. CA3B0LL, 101 Randolph Street Chicago Ills. A 1 KINDS OF BLANKS rniNTKD OR SHORT NOTIC AT THE COCBIEK JOB R00M8.
Patent Medicines
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption
Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites
Wells Richardson & Co.
Perfected Butter Color
W. W. Shearer
Hop Bitters
M. S. Smith & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
P. W. Carroll