CatarrH IS IT CURABLE? rTlHOSE who havo tmffcri'd from tlic varlous and comJL plie.atod foriUB of dbteaite fUMiiiticil by Catarrh, and haro trtod niftiiy physiclwis and remedien wltuoutreliof or cure, awalt tno answcr to thls queatlon ltn considerable anilety. And wcil thoy may ; lor no difleaae thtit cao be mcDtloncd Is m unlT;raalIy prevalcnt and fio destructivo to bealth as Catarrh. Bronchitis, Aethnia, Coughs, nd serlou and frequontly fut 1 affectlons of tho lunes folio w. In muur Instanccs, a caso of simple but ncftiected Catarrb. öther sytnpathetic alfectloni. suc' M dt'afncus, lmpalrcd eyufcifrm, ttnd lot of sonso of emell, may be rt'ft-rreiï to au minor bnt ncverthnleM surlous ri'Hiittrt of DOtflcted Catarrh, bad enotiffh In 4bonilrf, but as nothlni? comparecí wtth the daniferoui affoctiona of tho tliruat aud iuiitfB Ultoly to fullow. IT CAN BE CURED. IT can be cared. TTiere Is no dooht abont lt. Tho lm medíate relief attonlct hy öaxtokd'o Kadigax. Cïrk fok Catahkii Is lut a Bilglit üTidcnce of whal may follow a perstmeot uso of tuis remcdy. Tho hard, Incrustad matter that limt loducd In the nanal ntuuinRO It rcruovod wlth a fevappllcaUons ; tho ulccratlon and lnöwnmatlon Bubdued and healed ; thccntlrn meniranoui llnlngs of the head are cleansed and parlfled. ConHt Itut tonal ty lts actloa Is that of a powerful purlfylujf ageot, dciitroylng In lts courno throtijh the Rystein the acid poison, tho destructiva agent In c et turbal diMMM A COMPLIGATED CASE. Gentlemen, - My ruw, 1 briefly as follow : I havo had CaUrrli for ten yoars, eacb vt;ir wlth lnrrealntf hverlty. Kor nlne ycar I had not breathed throuffb OTie nostrll. I han dropplUKS In the throat, a vury bad couch, asthmanobad aatobr obligcd to tako a remedy for lt at nlffht befnre bola Hble to Ut1 down and sleep, and a constant dnll pain In my head. My hoad was at time 10 full of catarrhal matter as to lojuru my tense of hearing and compcl mo-to gvt up several timen In tlio nlK'it to clear lt and my orfore I could sleep. K vcry one of these dlBtrowtiiK1 flymjitoDis has-dUappenred iimlorthe use of not quito threo bottles of SajítobiVb Radical Cr. My hearinje 'a fXilly rertored. 1 hare no asthinatlc syniptoms, no coui;h, no drouplngs in tbe throat, no headache, and In ovcry way tctttr than I hiivo been for years. I coutd foei the uflecta of tbo Cuna on iny nppctito, on my kldneya, aud, In fact, every part of my syntem. Víiat ha bceu dono In mj case lt wholly the effect of tho Ratucal Cm. Very respoctfully, C. H. LAWltKNCfi. Fitchbueg, Üct. 14. Indorsed by a Prominent Druggist. I hereby certlfY that Mr. Lawrence purchased t&e Radical (Thi of mo, and from time to time made me familiar wlth hincase. Ibcllove hls statement to be trae 1 t-vcry particular. JAS. P. DKKUÏ. FlTCUBUBO, OCt. 11. Each package contalns Dr. Pan for rt 's ImproVed InhallnK Tutu1, and full dlrQCtlous for lts use in all case. Frlce, f 1 . For Rale by all wlmletalo and retall drugf lsu and dealers thronffhont th TTnltod stutci and ('aaadas. WKKK8 Ai POTTKR. General Agents and Wboletale J;ruKtflnU, Buetuu, Mass. ÖCOLIINS'D ; ypLTAIC PLASTER Au Electro-fialvanlc Battery oorablned with ' n hljfhly Medinttod Strencthenlnif Piaster, fomiiiijc th bent I'lasUir for jiulun and adíes In the World of MixUdne. REFEREN0E8. Dr. E. M. Rlker, Montgomerj, O. Mrs. Francés Harrlmnit, Orluml, Me. Haakull LewU, Kbq., MlifurJ. Iel. Mm. Richard Gornian.Lfnchbnrg, Va. J. B. Samml, Kbq., Wlnona, Mina. Mr. J. A. Tuzzle, Mcmphls, Tena. I 11. II. Gooch.Ksq., Oswego, Kan. Dr. Wlllard CoUln, Bucksport, Mo. O. W. Bostwlck, Esq., Mt. Sterling, O. Mm. Kil;. Yottng, Cambridge, Mus. Francia Hakcr, Ksq., Clnclnnati, O. Mri. J. M. Roblnaon, B. Orrlneton, Mr-. N. Shlverlck, Ksq., " Independent " Otncc, N. Y. Mr. Kllza J. Duffleld. Hume, 111. 1 Oeo. üray, Ksq.t Montlcello, Mlnn. Mrs. Chas. Honnilí, Woodhull, 111. W. II. H. McKlnney, Morrow, O. Mr. R. L. Steven, Tfort Wavnc, Ind. Wm. 8. Slmma, MadluonvlUe. Kr. Mr. E. Bredell, 8t. LouiD, Mo. Murtlmer Lyon, Eq., San Franclico, CaL And bondreds of others. OOLLINS' VOLTAIO PL.ASTCR8 Cnre when all other remedies f all. Copies of lettere detalllnK some astonlahlng cures when all other remedies bai been trled wlthont snecees, wlll be mnllol free, eo tbat correspondence may be had lf dcPtrcri For the enre of Lame Back and weaknesso pecnliar to females, Collims' Voltaio Pustxhs are superior to all other external remedies. PRICE. 5 CENT8. Be careful tocall forCoLjiws' Voltaio Fi.astkb lcBt you get somc worthles lmltatlon. 8old by all wholeBle and retall ilruxüiMa throughont the Unltnd States and Canada, and by WKEK8 FOTTKK, I"roprletors, Botton. Man. 9HQ.9W TUTT'S PILLS! SYMPTOMnn" TORPID LIVER. íbe back part. Puin undor t)io shot Jdürcunation V Tfboua lïTiïSFrT' tnhility of tpmpcr, Iiow spint. Loa ol ïLmiLJlm I - ¦ f tl, "ji. IF THESE WASBXNQS AKE ÜHHEEDED SfflIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVaOPEI TÜTT'8 PILLS nre cspeclnlly ndaptpd to ach cae9 mo dwn eflectH auch u ctmnafe of feelins bh to imtoniwh the wufferer. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TUTTt-DearSir: For tm year I have bwm a martyr to Vynpevei, CanaUpmiiou aod PiW. ImA Spniiifyour Pilla wwrorocotnineadod; I tued thrm. I iim now a wol Iraan. hav good ppéiit, difreiitioQ perfect, rorular Rtools, piles gronc, and havnumnwl lorty pounaílwh.ThyiirworthtbtirwHjrhtinitold They IncTf'aMtnTppmrpnd canflc tho body to Take n Fleitfa thas tho pywicni U nouri-hrd, and by thcirTonlc Art Ion oa the , DiffrMttve Orwnn#s Itiffiilar Stool are pro duced. Price 85 emú. 35 fflmrray Ht. N Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, GRAT 11.ih Olt WülRKtus vhanrad to a .i,osflv f Black by ft siatle npptication of tii w Dte. It iin, iiarts n, Nataral Oolur. acts IwttantanpKiiisly. S-:.i ' ty Dniffifist, or mint by expreiw on rwviptof #1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. ' , sooi-re6 i STEKETEEB WORM DESTRÓYER. Especlally adaptcd to deistroy what la known e the PIN WORMS, And highly recominended for !he cure of BPILEPTIC PITS, And lor the cure f variou forms of Convulsione and Nervous AfTt-cIlons, and Bloud PiiiMer. It conuins NO CALOMEL OR JALAP. No worm lozcngers, worm cakes or syrups are ktiown to deslroy this troublesomc disease. No castor olí or other physics are necexsary to be taken alter usiii thlii medicine. I hcrewlth publiah few of the many nainca of pureonn that have used this medicine. If your drnpglsts or or dealers in medicines do not have It for sale, sund direct to the nndsralenvd Kach bottle has my handliill around the bottïc in the Kmjllnh, Germán, and Holland Intigiinees and has the dlrections more fully thnn 011 the bottle. Mit. Oso. O. Stekbtke, Dear Sin- I used your Worm Destróyer for one of my children. who wan relicved in a vry Bbort time of a roat many of thoxe troableaoma costumen, and am plcased to recommend yonr medicine to the public. ery respuctíully, „ , _ KEV. VAX DEK VK1ES. Grand Ilaven, Mich., Feb. 19, laso. To whom It may concern : This is to curtify that we have used Steketcc V Worm Destróyer and fonnd it aii excellent medicine. It doea all Mr. Stuketce claims for it. PETER KOKNOELJE, ,1. O. UkJONGE B. STUIT, a. S. WHITE ' W. C. MKUVENNE, A. WJ5I.MEKS M. WBSTBfftOÓ, A. VAN OPSTAL, EDWAKI) HIPLO, JOÏ1N DïVKIBS. i'Kin: as ci:xts. GEO. G. TEKETEE, SOLK FHOI'KIKTOR, 89 Monroe Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ask yonr DniRist for STEKETEE'S WORM DESTRÓYER. TAKE NO 0TI1KH. For sale by Retall Drugj-lsts, and at Wholesale by all the Wholeiule DrufRlsts in Detroit, Ohicatro and Grand Kaind. 985-IWS HIADAJIK UOLDHAX'S EXCELSIOR HAIR WASII. jJ This ('cllirated Arttcle yK __ Posseisos the eroatunt nIVSIiwS B etoritivo, Invijforaling and JÈrf ?! ¦¦ healtn qnailtmi i( any artki RShWIBK '" ""' human Inniily. It TWjöiL' Jlj iB cleanHes the halr aiid ecnlp, Jwb3 removen dandrull', enllvene JBKS lÊKy the rcioiM, sufi.-im the hnir, av prodncinit a liiftrul appear¦F uncí' añil imimvs a luxurlIit, Man-h 30, 13H0. ant growth. I'UKrAUKD BV MADAME (ÍOLDMAN, TOLEDO, OIHO. cïsimciM or analtsio : 7V whom il may concern:- X havo examined Madak. OoLPiiAN's IIaik Wisn, id ilnd it to conUin no Inrudient that wlll prove hurtrnl to the halr or -i-ülp. It la in no srime al the word a halr dye. Itn t coustltnents ure well calculnfd to et ii aedallvM nd check that Irrlt iiinn or lbo KcaM tbat renulis in n eicfsftlve m'crelioii 4)1 dttiidrull', and an annovinr 't'liiii' S. II. UOUOLA8.