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I AMERICAN" BALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÍIW I3ST USE! IT IS NOT POISONOUS! DBLPS BLEACHING am] GIVES A BEAVTIFVL T1ST! 5@For Sale by all Grocerï.jH American Ultramarine Works, 55 Malden Lane, ïew York. 982-lyr -¦g)TTr - ,, , ,,_ I PERMANENTLY CURES j Mkídney diseasss, f HConstipation and Piles, ö I DR. Ií. II. CLARK, 8ootl IIer.Yt., vm.! J "In fv of KIO1VKT TILOrBlj:S Itliasb 13 ACtcd llke u char:n. It hivd curt?d many Ytrj f B hiwleafH'Bof I'ILF-S antl bfta nover ful!, d J ct Oflk'ltncly. tf ¦ BUU r .viiícniu, of st..Mbii, m., S ¦ Wi, "it I of pri 1; vnliu'. AAcr . W youní o( crout Mq (Vom PUt and r I tlvenCMHtt cowpUtvlj curi'd aie.n I I C. 8. IIOGAnO.N, ol :VrIi.!i.rx, míj ,, '¦¦.„t H packncre har. dono m'oüíct T-t ic ín ¦-, Hplrtr!y rurlnff o Mfro I.lvtr uní KMi H Complalnt, j" d ithas mmvOE 1 power. ;f ' J BECAtJSE IT ACTS ON TÜKB Imh;ií,viík Bown.s and kuu-B ¦ nf.vs at thb sa.iíe ti:i:. Ia J Becnuee It cleaneea the systomofgj H the polsonoue humera that davelope ¦ HlnKldncyand Urlnary dioeasos, Cll-H I loueness, Jaundlco, Con?.t:pation, JT Ipiles, orín R!ioumnl8tnT Neuralgia! LJ and Femáis disorders I KINET-WOI!TliuJpj vocet.Me w-B H potiml and can be Mnt by malí iirrjml J. ¦ J One parkaco ivill mke!x ijtsof medicino. W Tmr it isro-vc ! Ê Br It at thc rtieclrt .. Pric, ti. 00. P WZLLS, Si:HASS:01T i CO., Fnptiston, Jí 3 Burllnitton, VU 954-1005- ch e w Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ( Fórmerly Dr. Ctoíb'm Kxdnru Curt. ) A vegetable preparatlon and the onljr inn remedy in the world ft Uricbt'a Dbn, Olabetea, and ALL Kldney, LWcr, oud Urlnary Dbeawi. Testimoniáis of the blghest order in proof of tbese statement. TFor the cure of Diabetes, ctll for Warncr' Safe niahcl Cure. ¦JTFor the cure of Brlsht'a nl the nthtr dlsessea, cali for Warner' Safe Kldney ana LlTiTCorr. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It is thebestBlood Purlfler. and Mlmulates Qvery functlon to more bealtbful actiuu, aud ia thus s benefit in all dlseasea. It cures Scrofuloua and other flkln Empilona and Disensos, Includinz laucón, 11een, and other Korea. 1 iTnibnou oftlio omwb, ConstlpaUon. nizxineaa, Senmil l)illl1(7, etc, are cured by tbe SaTe Bitters. It la unequaled as an appctlier and regular tonlc. Bottlea of two aires ; pnces, 80c. and gl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quicklr Kives Beat and Sleep to the suflerinf , curea Hradactao and Nenralaia, prevenU piloptlc 1U. and relieves NerTona ProaIrjilion bronglit on by excesilve drink, ovrWürlc, mental sbneks, and ntber causesPowerful aa it la to atop pain and soothe dlaturbed Nérvea, It never tbe ayaiem, whether taken in amall or larga doses. Bottlea of two aitea ; prices, 80c. and (1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Ar an Immedlate nnrl active atlmulun for [Jjandcuro CotiTMM, DriptpiU, BilI VHBáfW Ê lomneii, Blllooi DitrKaíflffVlliiU am. rb. HaUrl, Firtr H Po 'iUáAwlT T j i aVft ni ¦ aml Bhuuid I lL_UM9RUaf H be used wbenever tbe I grVTYJSH SB bowels do not opérate ¦CiXjLaXI nfl fieely and ivularly. I RTïirTmTTl ËsM ¦¦" "m '"' 'ik ¦ IJamtBWtaliÉBal Wf% "ork. l'ritt S5cU.Bbos 1 fTTTBrTiTJlJia 1 Wrrr'.SfoKlWiT v p4v9aVmjlMBi SH ao1 lj 'trl'Kli!u "?)llewH fljM 'B Bdlcln rr;Nher. wnTmjPHiHiWarner&G0) ÍT9 VOÊ bMtbI I'roprioturt, 1 1 KTnaW EOnHFSTF.R. R. Y. MSitaUflQJW C ¦¦Stnd for Puplilct ar - -¦ m HOP BITTERS A Ilirini'. not n. Drii:k,) Hors, BÜCUO, UANDBAKS. DANDKLIOX, Akd t:ii PtiRKsT ixn BtxT (Jdüjtis or ALL OTHna BI1TKK3. I ¦' I !ic Stumach, Bowels, Klooii, I.iTer, ' ' ' rümrjr Organ, Kan ¦ganosa and aapadallT tVnialo Cümilainti H S1000 IN OOM. lid for :i cm t'i, y Mili n,,( ,-..ironr hilp.OI ¦ for aQjthlng üqpura orlujuriouafouu.l In t;uiiu I t ITop Bitten and irStarTOB)Sp. 'lak,, „o othcr. Hop Cocon CUEKistUo sweetest, safe anil Uut. Aak Chlldrcn. Thon.ipP.vD for Stomurh, Liver and KldnoyHip#: I ¦} alieurption. Aik di-uctlstD. I. C UanalisoluteandirrosHiblocupofortininkeimosa, uuo of opium, tobáceo and narcotica: ¦¦¦B3 Siiul for circular. OHaW Al. . -..l.ll,y,lnic:lu.ll : -. ¦¦ let-ttO a.n about mvVAQ í e n d ir. 0x 1 LAtio "¦CAZITTEER A C U I D E , wlioh con! ,"i Information on all matters of intorwt ilating to tha - Lone Star and a new oornwt uuty map of Tcxaa, I2S lnohaa. )HN ROSS . CO.. ËEN'L GENTS. ST. LOUfS.MO.