A Veteran Soldiers' Mass Convention

Detroit, May 18, 1880. Totlic Veteran Uepublican Soldiers of Mlch. (Vmrades- Tho veteran soldicrs of Illinois have ssued the following invitation : Tho veteran oí minóla Invito a II who foneht In tlic late civil war mul whu uoiv belleve that the vlolory of the repnbllean party Id the :iiiproachlUR presidcntial campalsn wUI flualiy swure the restilts for which tbe natlon fought and wtn wLUloyally and earnMtly support llie nornlnces of t lie repnbllean convention, to assemble Ín mass convention at Haverly's theatre, Chicago, on Tueeday, June 1, at lUo'clock a. in. We, tbe undorsif:iicd, believing Ihat tliose who f'ought to favo the government f'rom treason have a duty yet to períbrm iu sustaining tho jiarty that has always been loyal in its aims :n i jirinciples, whose record has invariably been on the side of the oppresaed and in behalf ot' good government, oheerfally respond to the above oall, and cordially invite all who can to meet with them at the above time and place K. A. Al(íPr, .Mil MlCh. i':iv:ilry, lirpvot brleadler uclicrtil. Délo IMilllips. iTtli kDdXtb Mlch. lnfantry, lleutenani oolouel. F, W.KwHt.lTth Mlch. infautry, brevet brigadier general. Win. lliirtKinl. hiih Mlch. iuíaiitry, brevet iiriuacUi-r mnenu. B I'. Alien, -Jíiiii Mióli. iiilautry, rnptaln. J. 1). Honan, lllh Mlch. eavalry, sprucant. W.J. KitzNiiiiinons. lltli caviilrv mliiitant (ico. 11. Hopkü, I7ih Michigan, ilrst lieuteaant. It. A. Watts, nili Michigan, brevet lleutenant ¦oloni'l. B. EL Oran i, 30th lnfantry, major. Oeo. Spiildlng, lMli ínianliy, hrevvt brigadier teneral. 0. 8penc6, lsl Michigan infunlry, captain. 1!. F. Parirldge, ooi i uüh 'Michigan lnl'antry volunteers. (¦o. I.. Mal Iz. capí ni n, lili Mictiliían lufantry. Win. E. Ciiincy. captain, l.ith Mlch. infantrS'. Harry Sonic, majnr, Mil Mlch. lukavy anílery. lloht. Tinrns, coloncl, lili eavalry. Kalamazoo. Oí 1.. ttpauldluK, ''Ird Michigan lníantry, breret brigadier genend. Wm. A. Throop, colonol, lst Michigan infan.ry and brevet brigadier general. L. K. llartir, actlng asNistant paymaater Jnlted States navy.
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