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Democratic County Convention

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At 1 1 o'elock yesterday forenoon the democratie convcntiüii for thi.s cnuoty assoinbled in the court house. John J. Robison of Sharon, wasohosen temporary chairman, and I. McLachlin, of Salino, seo'y. A conimittee was appointed on permanent organization and credooüsls, and tho conveution adjourned until 2 o'elock p. m. Upon the rOMvembling of the convention ('. lt. Wliilman, of Yp.-ilanti, wa ehosen permanent chairman, and l'. McLachlin of Saline, and M. Flcniing, of Ann Arbor, as secretarie. Upon ihe report of the conimittoe on ciedcutiaU beinc made and acoepted, the convi'iitiou divided into representativos districts and reported the followini; delegates to the state oonvention : FIKST DISTRICT. .1. Manly YonuK Saline F .1 Bwalne Y pallan tl J. A. Ulllctte Ypsllanll town Qrove Snnndor _..Slinrn B. Frnnk UHxlln York 0. EU WllltlUHll p8llllUtl KCOND BI8TRICT. II. J. Ilenkcs„„ Ann Arbor City ,- DuiiV - " " Qeo. Sottmi Nortliiiclil Walson tieor Superior K. B. Vond - Ann ArlxirClty M. nsmlug " " T11IUD UISTBICT. 1). (1. Hose Siiaron C. 8. Gregory - Sclo Tl.. Ki-Iiikamp Frewïoni Ueo. W. Turn liull On -Isi-n F.B. Whlttiikcr Lima M. L). Case Maiiclu-sli r A county ooiuniittee of one frota each supervisor district was then appointed as follows, with Chas. II. Ilichmond, of thia city, as chairuian : Ann Arbor City. lst and ad wls .T.N. Bniley 'M and uli wils. Joslah 3. Case 5tli anJ wuda, J. II. Stark A. A. town Parsball AllKUStH - CllilR. ItOcrB KrldKewater Frank Palmer Dextor - Wm. H. Arnold Fri-edom'.'.'. John O.Feldknmp l ma Walter Uancer Lodl Mlchael Stal)ler Lyud'on Fred A. Howlett Mauh8U)r M. D. Case Northfleld E. Clancey Pittsneld lvld Depew Salem ._ C. Murray s-,.111, E.W. Wallace .Solo ZZT M. Finley Sharon Asbley Parks, Jr Superior John W. Naury Sylvan Mlchael J. Lehlau Webster M. Dutt'y York ......"....... Andrew Jackson Ynsllantl city, lst dlst_ Howardistevenson i. ad dist. AlnertCrane Y'psllautl town Calob Eaton An executivc comniittce of eix was thon appointed, two from cach representative district : lst C. R. Whltraan andOeo. W. Alban M A. 1). Scyler aud I). Cramer m' .Cieo. W. Turnbull and E. I!. Norris