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Real Esliilc Tor Sale. OTATK Df IMcniGAN, County or Waync, .' ín tho trmttcr or tlie estáte of Mnry C. Oladwin. aeeMMOt. Notico ík herehy ven. In painunce ni ni. order grantod to thc linden mor il th lasi wlU and t Hianit'ut of sajd deenaad, ly thc llim. Kdixar o. Dnrr.ce, Jndge of Probate of ad ; tyof Waync, on thc t.-nt li dü af l'Vhruary, A. 1). Itwo, ai be Kdid nt public vendne, to the hlghon bldilcr, al the city of Aun Arbor, Id thc C.niiiiy of waaotenaw, ind BUtc of MlchlftHn, at thc main entrame tu the QOOH hoilM ili fíild cuy on Satiirdny, tlM 2!i[li day of May, A 0, 1880, l two u'clock P. 111. of cuid day, iliu follawlm.' den real tutu, tu-wlt: The ondlvldcd onc-tlifnl of tha coriam (ir parcel "i iuml in thodty of Aun Arbor, WahtMMw ('uimiy, Mlchlein, and tnown k twrntj-one and onc linlf (2IÍ4I liet In widih aff ihc nortli Hido of lot Uve (6) In Slork m (l)south ol Hnri'ii rtreet, tu rnnu'' foiir i i) casi, In he city of Aun Arlmr ; a)o thc uno oftita alloy nlong thc -asi i-ud of lotn Uve (6) and 8x (ti) iu iitd bloei Bie(l). DatroW, April R, 18Bt. WINTHltOr (SAWYRK, tttOgtoT, MICIIAK1. KUBNNAN, AHornfy for K-cntor ËiUteof Lnko Vi. Biodgetf. QTATE OF ol hUH , m, AI a aivKlou of tho Probate Ooorl f"r the Conntf "f Wai-liicnn', ticild at Ule 1'nibntc ofllcc, la Ihf i lt f Ann Arnur, on 'i utdav üu thlrteeiith d:i of lri!, in the yrnr One thotuand eljrht humlnd :md itiílity. Piwent, Willimu U. Barrlman, Judo of rohatc. In the matter of thc cuate of Lnke W. Blodvett lWd. Worater Blodgctt. "h-ui.1 tte, comes into court und rcprioenlí Iba) be U now prepared to ronder hi.s i'.n.U tccounl ¦ adinlnielrator. ThiTeupou lt l ordered, tlmt Thsnd, U sixth day of May in-xt, a: ten ocloc la the fon ion, be iw?l,'iil ior eramlning and al nucta account, añil that th; lie ir ut iw oí tafcj d, nnd al! other peraoua luterestcd Iu said ttB, iire requircd to appcur :it u ixulon of Buid court. th'ii fi be holden atttie Pmbaté Office ii Ibf i-iiy of Ann Arbor, iu naid loiiuiy, ,ml how DM, if auy tl.ore be, whj the h üci account huiiUI íot be nllowcd. Ai:d it is fnrther orderad, that i aid administrutor nive notice lo ÜM panooi ' utcreHtcd in íaid tata, uftbe MBdene "i laid account, nnd fhe hnariuS Uiuruof, hy . l thiK ovo lo be iu;li)ilu'd in the Ann Arlni Voúrun-, a nevrapaper prlntad and cironUtlnj in .„¦' county, two niccoeplve woeki provlona la na 'f DinihlK, (A truc copy.) WI.UAM D, IIAKKIMAN. Jndffc ol Prohate. WM. U. 1X)TV, rrolmtc BagllW. W5-WS