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The quarterly conference of the M. E. churcli will be held Monday. The nest meeting of the pioneer society will be held at Saline, on Wednesday, June 2d. ,.. There will be a temporánea meeting at Dixboro next Sabbath, with good $pe;ikei in attcodanee. It is probable that the encampmentof the first regiment of state troops will be fixed forthe 15th of August. The pupils of Miss Kerr's room in the firt ward school, had a boat ride on the river Tuesday eveninjf. There will be held in the Germán M. K. church next Sunday, May 3Oth, a niissionary festival. FWerybody invited. Rev. Mr. Alabaster's lecture on the " Catac.Miibs of Rome," last Sunday evcnintr w8 repli-te with int-'reHting facts. Thcro was a figlit between railroad men at Juke EHMHmIM' Inst Saturday night, and ncvenil urrcfits followed, we undertand. Onr pcoplo will not (oretthe services of ieoontion dy next Sabbath, tlic pro irainiuc for wliich wa pnbKsbed last week. Frank llangsterfer, we are to ruD an ice cream stand in the club rooms to-day, aod proposes to give the profits to tlie reform club. There is to be an ico cream and strawberry festival at the I'resbyterian cburch next Tuesday oveuing, to wbich evcryLody is invited. The Kvoiiinir News, like papers imblühed by otlier nnirtiiN, makis mistaken MmetioMK, ainl carne out three days ahcad (lie Háth iiisf. John Keegan and Jeruiniah Kiley are charged wuh larcenv from ülivor Bird, of Aon Ardor town. y are to have their trial Saturday. It is understod that evcry chaptcr with one exccption, was rcpresented at ihc convention of (he psi apsilon c. nvention reccntly beid in tliis city. The Ann Arbor (JouuipR -ays " a coffin was fished out of the river last Sunday, by Goorde Buil." A rewarkable case of Bullfihing, indeed !- Adrián Press. Three miles of the track of the Toledo & Nrthen=tern R. 11. lias been graded at Niw Hnlson, and the contraefcors have 75 men busily at work addiüg more to it. Ilev. W. Iï. Ryder, of thiscity, occupied the pulpit of the lstCongregationalchurch of Detroit last Sundiy morning, and the Fortlfc Prcsbyterinn church in the evening. In the article oa Rsv. Mr. Wiley, by L. Daris, publishcd last weck, in place of "spare " man read " pure " man. Ho was a nativo of Bucks Co., Pa., insteal of Ohio. Hobert Drummond, tor the past twentyfive yers a resident of thia city, died on Saturday last, aged 70 years. His funeral was attemled from Mr. G. D. Hill's resideuce. ? There is to be s concert and strawberry festival by the euterpeon society at the M. K. church, this Friday eveninfi;. " One ticket admita to both shows," as liarnum would put it As the average boy's inind casts a thought into the future, about tliis timp, reen ipples constan tly supgest theuisclvcs; and cliolera morbus silently Lut glecfully bidés its time. Tho Wyandotte Ilerald says that Miss "oide'8 readingH in this city, were so mtsfactory that she was secured for the regu!ar oarsn of tlie students' lecture a?sociation next winter. OtiMonday next Uev. Dr. Cockor and ife are to leavethis city for the cast, frora heneo tlicy sail directly for Europo. The Swd will and good wishes of the commun''ygo with them. At tho quinquennial- scholarly for 5th odu1- rt'UDion of the eclcctic and ath¦¦ - sociedee, of Alhion college, June íi Prof: E. L Walter, of the university, istodeliver an addnsi. 'r. ]{. Beshan, whilo driving a colt on " ""it Street, last Saturday, met with an ilent, tlic result of a defectivo bridge w culvert, and we understand the city W11 be invited to pay costa. 1)0 l'0" of imagination was forcibly tubitcd by Prof. V. the olher day, when 'ilsying with hú fine horso Tho C()uinc jJMe a snap at his nasal organ- and the clapped lus hand to it- to learn if it Wïs one. (, view from the ruar Windows of the " hieu omce would be a capital one fora ÏT'8 br"h. The green Beldi, wooded hl.! ' sllaled ravines, and beautiful J'enoeg, ]l combine to make it delight' wndercd what mado A. L Noble VPtoUMt andsmiling, until theother wj.Wo "'"Pped in and saw tho rush for l,'lt?iTeMtS' mo "¦¦ i and noticed ft. T""10'" at W i" tho (hade, or wrea boute. r 't.Worins are on the ram page. C. tnoh et out 129 tomato planto, and in AlitM e 'lays ho ha(1 but 4 "lants loftto I PaStC board ür stiir brown l)aler Ttott, 'ie plailU wi" l'rcvont the worms Ola cttioK them off. - Franklin S. Heuiminirway, of tho township of Northfield, died May 28th, 1880, of' cáncer of the liver, aged 62 years, 4 months and 1 day. He was bom in Madisoo county, N. Y., in 1818. Funeral on Wfdnesday at 10 o'clock. Circuit court opens next Tuesday, June Ist, and the jurors are ezpected to enter an appearance on the2d. The docket consista ofeight criminal cases, 24 issues of fact, 4 imparlancc, 9chancery Ist class, 1 chancery 2d class, and 6 chancery 4th class. On Monday last Mrs. Martha Chase, wife of Dr. A. W. Chase, died in this cily, aged 57 yeara. She was a native of New York, was bom Jaouary 7, 1821, and married in 1841. With the exoeption of about two years, she has resided in this city 24 years. Wlien a fatlier, overhearlng A farewell in terms endeartng Twlxt s yonng man, dlsappenring, And hls daughter, thlnks it put To dcmand an ezplamttion Of that sound osculatlon, She replies wlth hesltatlon, It must have been the cat. Two tudents giving the naines of Harry Tompkins and Gco. Olmstead .Tere lodged in the "cooler" for alleged participation in a charivari party which seranaded Prof. Beatuan. Monday morning they contributed $0.25 each to the library fund for the doubt ful sport. Mi'o Pulcipher, at the western union teleyraph office, informe ustbat as usual on the occasions of the Chicago and Cincinnati natioual cooventions, he willreoeive all the news of ballots, etc, which will bc given to the public gratis, no coüection being desired to defray expenses. A large and delighted audience greeted Dr. Cocker at the reform club meeting on Sunday afternoou last- the occasion being his farewell address to the organizaron bef ire leaving for Europe. Every one was highly repaid for the trouble they ruay have exrerienced in attending. The ladies of the Episcopal church are to hold on this evening, a sale, at the Arniory hall. The proceeds are to bc devoted to the chapel and rectory funds. Refresuments will be provided. Admission five cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock p. m. All are cordially nvited to attend. The following temperance meetings were held at different places in the county and vicinity, by Ann Arbor speakers last Sunday. l'rof. T. P. Wilson spoke at Lima Center ; Judge Cheever at Hamburg ; R. Jv Frazor, at Leeland's church, Northfiold; and Mr. Whecler, of'Dundee, talked tothe Jjixii club. YestorJay noon Mr. C. T. Henion brought into this office a stool of wheat, every spear of which would measure four feet in hcight. It was all hcadcd out and in bloom. Tho saino was taken from a Gve aero fiuld on tlie farm of John Geddes, of Ann Arbor town, and was but an average stool. The memorial service next Sabbath, if the weather is propitious, will be exeeedingly interestmg. The reform club are not to llave a meeting that day, but will join in the dccoratioD services. The procession will form at about 2 o'clock p. m. at the court house square, and proceed as pub lisbod last week. At a meeting of the red ribbon club last Wednesday evening, Messrs. Chas. II. Worden, 11. E. Frazor and John Schumacher, wero chosen as delegates to the state temperance convention to be held in Jackson, on the 2Gth and 27th of June, and Wm. Coupland, Isaac Dunn and John Maloncy as altérnales. The Livingston Republican thus compliments our Ypsilanti mayor : " Capt. E. P. Allen of Ypsilanti, was chosen temporary and permanent chairman of the republican , state convention last week, and right well did he discharge his duties in that position. The captain will bc a good fellow to keep an eye on sometime in the future." The Robert llaikes' centennial of the founding of Sabbath schools, is to be celebratcd at the M. E. church next Sabbath evening by appropriate ceremonies. The exercises will be by the pupils of the M. E. Sunday school, and of a very pleasing character. Flowers by the bunch or by the bushei are wanted on Saturday to decórate the church. Last Sabbath six bicyclists went from this city to Saline and from thence to Ypsilanti. Here all but two had tired out their steeds to such an extent that they gave up and returned on the cars. The two who came home as they went wcre terribly emaciated by the tour, one losing eight and the other six pounds avoirdupois by the affair. But still it is fun to ride- "Jown hill. An Ohio newspaper has at last woke up to the habit of swearing: " Young man, don't swear. There is no occasion for swearing outside of a newspaper office, where it is useful in proof reading and indispensably nccessary in getting forms to pros. It has been known also materially to assist an editor in looking over the paper after it is printed. But otherwise it is a very foolish habit." The Ann Arbor city band in their attcunpts to ráise an amount sufficient to pay off their indebtedness, are entitlod to the kindly consideration of the public. If our oitizens desire to have this excellent organization kopt up, it will be absolutely neecssary to aid them, for the boys are paying montlily a heavy tax out of tlieir own pockets to compénsate their leader, and for other nccessaries. m m i A baking powder agent was in town last week, blowing his hom about inferior hm baking powder. Calling on a grocer 00 Washington street bo wished to sell him some puro goods. The grocer showod hira his articlc, and looking at it said he would bet Ove dollars therc was alum in it. It may bt, said the grocor, but it 'happens to be purchased of your house ! That agent went out of tliat groccry on the doublcquick. We have received an cxccedingly able article from Curran White, of Chelsea, criticising the article published in the CouKIER of April 30th, from the Cadilac Weekly News, entitled "A Morn of Sunsbine- A Night of Storm." Although the article s not objectionable, yet the policy of opening up religious controversies, whioh are ever interminable and seldom convincing, is a doubtful one to an editor, and we shall be oblii:ed to decline publishiní the same. " How to avoid sudden death," is the title of an articlc going the rounds of the papen. It is easy enough. Keep your paper aid for in advance and never find fault witli the editor. We know of an instance where a man got mad at an editor, went to the postoffico and had the postmaster mark "refused " on the margin of the paper, and have it returned without going to the office likc a man and paying up. He died of heart disease on the way home. Tliia is ouly our instanee of the kind. The young tuon'a Christian asaociation of Detroit have been giving a series of entcrtainments at their hall in that city this weck, and we notice among the talent brought into requisition for tho Tuesday üvcning entertainment, was .several musicians from this city. The beta theta pi quartettc, of the university, sang several pieces, while four members of the Ann Arbor city band played Pinsuti's " good night, good nijilit, beloved," on brasa instrumenta alone. When an editor fiiidj out for a certainty the valué of his paper, is when he publishes an error, or says something displeasing to somebody. How they will fly in hot haste to correct him. They don't fly in hot haste very often to thank him for tickling their vanity or helping them along by saying good words now and then. Oh, no ! Tbat is quite a different thing. If he don't do that, he willrue theday heneglected it, you know. Tlie traditional fitst of May, which, by the way, is only a tradition now-adays, has had no terrors for one of our citizens. Mr. O. M. Martin has lived in the house in which he still resides for 35 years continuuusly, and he intends to celébrate his golden wedding therc, if nothing happens. It is extremely doubtful if there are many in the city who can report a liko record. Ihere are undoubtedly many who have resided here 35 years, but not in the same house. Our people will probably witness a very large gathering of temperanoe people in the city to-day if the weather is at all favorable. Large delegations from various towns, villages and cities of the county have promised to be present. Our Salem friends promise a procession a mile or more in length alone, while Chelfea proruises " 100,000 fitrong " or less. Banners for over twenty diflFerent clubs have been painted and ready for use. A grand time will be had. There are to be three woman suffrage conventions to be held in this state next month, under the auspices of the national woman suffrage association in co-operation with the suffragistsof Michigan. The first is to be in Detroit June lOth and 1, in charge of Catharine A. F. Stebbias. The second one in this city, on Friday and Saturday, June llth and 12th, in charge of Mrs. Oella Brown Schuyler. The third at Grand RapidB, on Monday and Tuesday, the I tth and 15th of June. Ah the spring fever days are upon us, there is nothing more potent to dispel their emiui, and to add lile and vigor to one's Belf, thao a day of recreation. Tlio Sunday school of the Baptist church will aflbrd all who desire a fine opportunity for a diy's unjoyiuent on Saturdiiy of next weck, as it i.i to give a grand excursión and basket picnic to Toledo and Put-in-Bay. The price of tickets is so low that altnost anyodc can aíford to go, and the route as pleasant as could be asked for. For particulars sec advertisement in another column. We sce in the papers, and hear from school people, much about the "Quincy system" of schools, which reauires a teacher in any department to be a specialist in everything. There are not enough such people outside of Massachusetts to take the place of our present cnrp3 of teachers, all of whom seem to be doing well in their several departments with their present amount of knowledge. At least we should judge so from the excellent reputation our schools have. It is pretty hard work to find people that are really experts in everything, although many think they are. In many of the papers we piek up accounts are noticed of yovtng girls from 14 to 17 years old eloping with boys of their own age, sometimef, and then again with older men. In the latter instance the men ought to be tarred and feathered. The young bltiods are less criminal, for they are generally actuated by what they think is " deathless love." It is astonishing however, how the toe of a No. 8 or 9 boot advancing on pater familias foot will cool the ardency of said affection. But the man who will enter a home and induce a young girl to leave her f'amily to ssek disgrace and shame with him, ought to receive a punishiuent that will be forever remembered. There are no words in the English language of sufficient forcé to curse such a brute. The secretary of the Congregational conference, which has been in session this week at Detroit, made the following report of the condition of some of the charges in this county, and contiguous thereto : " Arin Arbor has progressed in all departments of its church work. Augusta has received a minister. Chelsea has iniproved its house of worship and received many additions. Grass Lake has received back the pastor of former years, and has an encouraging outlook. North Lconi is hoping to secure ministerial labora a part of the time. Hamburg, under its new pastor, is increasing. Pinckney, under its new pastor, is progressing. Salem has been working earnestly. Sandstone presenta a very encouraging report. Summit has been prospering. Webster is in good condition." One of our prominent citizens receives this glorious, good "sendoff" by the Flint Globe, in a recent issue : "R. E. Frazer, of Ann Arbor, who was born and bred a democrat, and had voted that ticket straight for twenty years or more, went into the greeoback movemeut, but has got disgusted with his new party, and cow coinés out openly and boldly au a republican. Mr. Frazer is a man of more than average natural ability, is highly educatcd, having graduated from Michigan university in 1809, and is a temperance man and an able speaker in that cause. Tho people of Flint will reiuember him in that cajiacity, he having spoken herc before the reform club once or twice. He is a man of convictions and not a politician, and his change of base is no political trick, with a view to future political preferment. The best possible indication of a live business town, and enterprising, wideawake business men, is the columns of its newspaper. If they are barren of advertisements you may take it for granted that the town is a dead one. But if there are plenty of live, attractive advertisements it is absolutely certain that it is a good town to live in. This isn't taffy, it is truth. Whenever you hear of a live town you also hear of live newspapers, well patronized. Occasionally a person may be heard condemning the patent medicine and other foreign advertisements which appear in their county papers. We presume there isn't an editor in the state but would far rather publish home advertisements than foreign ones of any kind, but as they ard not offered, and as " ads." are the stock in trade of a paper, as much as a merchante' goods are his stock, they must be sold. If home business men will not buy, hundreds of foreign ones stand ready, cash in hand, to take all a publisher cares to spare. And that is why the patent advertisements appear, dear readers. And now thcy say that little girls must not jump tbc rope any more. It resulls in necrosis, or death of the bone of the lower limbs. The scientific gentleman who protesta against the pasttime says " rope-jumping produces continuous concussions on the joints, which impingo upon the bonc." Now, my little ones, don't venture to enjoy yourselves that way any more. Walk leisurely, be very preoise, and all that ; but don't run and jump tho rope, or play any of the games in which health-giving czcrcise is included, or you will have foino terrible disease wilh a Latín name to it. Wlien our numerous iaiuily of Kngliah sparrows, who chippered all winter through around our court house gablcs and about our buildings and streets, learn the fate of their " cousins and their unclea and thcir aunts " down in Toledo, won't tbey be sad and disconsolate ? The Blade denounces the English parro w as a "swaggerer, a boaster, a liar, and a caucus packer, a frequenter of free lunches, and a dcad-beat generally. He has no domestic virtues, and is as devoid of public spirit as a defeated candidate after a county convention. His appearance in this country was a misfortune, and his continuance hcre is a nuisance that ought lo be abated by general legislation. The city of New York may want him to keep pcople out of central park, but so far as Toledo is concerned the sparrow must go." What an extremcly sad fate I Banished from Toledo ! They may say with the celebrated Roman ; "I thank you for it." The first anniveisary of the Whitmoro Lake reform club will be held, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 4th, 5th and 6th. All preparations are being made for a grand time, and no pains will bc spared by the inembers of the club to inake thid famous summcr resort more tlian usually attractive upon this occasion. Among the speakers are Prof. T. P. Wilson, Mm. O. B. Schuyler, and K. E. Frazer, of this city, Rev. J. C. Higgins, of Detroit, and Miss C. E. Cleveland, of Pontiac. The South Lyon brass band will be in attendance Satturday, while an excellent choir will furnish music at other times. On Saturday provisions will be made for a grand basket picnic. The speaking is to be held in the grove upon the west side of the lake. All those deeirous of spending a few days in aid of temperance, or who are friendly to the ciuse are especially asked to join in the proeccdings and help on work.