
READING NOTICES. Schumaclior calis attention to his oil stovcs. Housekeeper's Friend. 0a9olino and Monitor Oil Stoves of all kinds at J. ScnuMACHER's, 68 south Main St. If' you want to sec BOinething really nobby and at the same time useful, juat step inlo tlic star clothing house of A. L. Noble and look at thoM Tourist's Boxe., containing two collars, a fine scarf, and a pair of cufTs. All for an extreinely reasonable price. " I Don't Want That Stuff," Is what a lady of Boston said to her husband when he brought home some medicine to cure her of sick hèadache and neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack thereaftor, it was administsred to her with such good results, that she continued its use until cured, and made so enthusiastic in its praise, that shc induced twenty-two of the best families in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That "stuff" is Hop Bitter Nothing is more charming to the eye tlian clean, white lincn of the tenderest bue. American Ball-Blue imparts It Ask your grocer. 985-988 Lakmidi Stock Farm and Syrai use Nikshrih ) 11)9 Wjtt Svracuxe Street, Stracüse, N. V., March 27, 1880. 1 J. W. IiAHKEK, Sec'y, Syracuse, N. Y.: Dear Sir : We take nleasuro in stating that we have used the Onondago Salt more or less for the past twenty-five years, and found it generally beneficial in nursery and on farm, especially so for Standard and Dwarf Pear, Plum, Quince Trees, Grage, Wheat and Oats; also :is a covering to compost heaps, as it assjsts in decotpposition aod in killinsr obnoxious vegetation. Yours truly. SMIT1IS & FOWELL. Analyses of this salt have been made to determine its valué as manure. It is so rusty that no one would dreain of using it on bis tiiblr, and if it were used to salt beef or fish, the results would be disastrous, yet its value for manure may be seen from the results of analyses : Common Salt, 87.74 Chloride of potasslum 2 49 Sulphateof lime 1.68 Carbonates of lime and magnesia 75 Oxide ot lron 87 Water, 6.38 99.91 Salt contaius 2! per cent. of chhn-idc uf potassiuni in placo of the same amount of sodium, isworth $1 a ton more for manure than pure salt. FIRST EXCURSIÓN OF THE SEASO3 TOLEDO ANEÍm-IN-BAY The Baptist Snnday School wlll glvc a (rand Eicnrslon und Iiufkct Picnic SATURDÁY, ME ífk, 1880. To Toledo by rail and by the Bteamer,' GHIBF JÜSTICB WAITE, To that Fainou Summer Resort, Put in-Bay. TICKETS, $i,5O For the lioi.nd Trlp. Chlldren indcr 14 ycars of age. Half Price. Tickets to Toledo and Return, $1.00. Care lcavc Ann Arbor at 8 a. m.,Bharp. Tickets can be procured at Jobn Mooro'n bookstore, Sage'a muslc Btoro, of membera of the commlttee, Mesura. Edward C'onper, Volncy Spaldlng and II. B. Dodeley, or at the depot. THE CITY TEA STORE Is the place to btiy your TEAS, COFFEES, Hplccs, Cannod Frults and Baking Powders, CIGARS and TOBACCOS. A general variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, Kicht where yon eve the toakottle sien, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. M. D. L. BRANCII, Prop. 'ISMyr ro to WINANS Sc BERRY FOH MBRGHANT TAIUHUNG For the foIlonlnK roaNODH: Ut. Dur worW is all flrst-claas. Id. Mr. Herry íh the onlv cuttpr in the Htate who can kIïo yon a perfect ñt without trying on. .ld. w liavc thi' Inr'.-et avsortmenl In the State, haring cm r lm diffen'nt ntylwe lo eelect from In fnnuin and Icntetlic Woolem aml Wortteds. Ith. We ne none bnt flmt-ihwi! trlnimlnrs. Mb, W in lul! 0 per cent. Ih-'Iow Detroit prlces. WINANS i, BERRY, 958-1007 No. 11 South. Main Street, Ann Arbor. ZACH.CHANDLER. AOINTU WANTÏD. B. D. R. T7LLE CO., Detroit ¦Mm
Schumacher Hardware
Star Clothing House
Patent Medicines
Hop Bitters
American Ball-Blue
Onondago Salt
John Moore's Bookstore
Sage's Music Store
City Tea Store
Winans & Berry
Tailors & Clothing Designers
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
A.L. Noble
Edward Couper
Volney Spalding
H. B. Dodsley
M. D. L. Branch
Zach. Chandler
No. 68 S Main St
No. 5 S Main Street
No. 11 S Main St