T OST. In tho city of Ann Arbor, a NOTR execnted by Samuel Grlnnell and Thoma Van Uieson J,onn Moore for one tbounand dollars, dated 1878. Payment has been oppert on tbls note. The person retnrnlng the note to me, at Ann Arbor, will be Buitably rewarded. LOREN MOORE. Ma; 25th, 1880. 988-969 CITUATION WANTED. Sitnatlon wanled by a yonng married man, as job, book or newspaper compositor, id pluasant i-ouiiiry town ; can assixt in edl'orial work, il necessary. V'H De contented with small salary. ltcforence furnished. Address, FKANK B. WUIPl'LK, 987-1)92 No. 119 Tremont street Chicago. CEWING GIRLS WANTED -BI MISS C. BRUCKER, 27 MAIN STUEBT, ON TUE SECOND FLOOR. T?OR SALE. I have a good, wcll-bullt house anl lot, sllu:iti'l ou Ellzabetli street, No. 15. There is a good barn and wood-ghed ou the place. The property Is new and In good repair, Terms very liberal. Apply to 877-989 MRS. E. E. WINSLOW. D F. BOYLAN, Real Estáte Aeenpy. Farms and Bonses bonght, sold, rented, repalred and lnsnred. Office tt WOLVERINE STORK, 930tf Corner of Hurun and Flfth atreeU. "POR SALE OR RENT. A HOCSE AND TWO LOTS, In the second ward, one block from Main atreet, Enquire of 983-994 C. KITSON. TfOR SALE. A Farm of twenty-onc acres, with a good dwelllng hoase on It, one mile from city city limit. Enquire 965tf At THE COURIER OFFICK. "POR EXCIIANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, valned at fi,000, whlch I will exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. jyjTONEY TO LOAN. At aeven por cent. Secnrlty mnst be on flratclass farms in this county, or city property in Ann Arbor in central and dusirable locallties. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Altorncy. 959tf Office cor. Main and Hurón sta., up-etalrs. "POR SALE. I have a good FLOURINQ MILL of foor run of stone, that I will sell or ecnane for property In Wanhtunaw founty. 961tr RICE A. BEAL. pROF.. REUBEN KEMPF, Havinc Juet frraduatcd from the Conscrvatory of MU81C Al nuiHKniL, Cfv ititunj, wtes u . otW thorouRh edneation, and InKtrnctions in tbc latest methodw of tearhini; music, is now prepared to give I,i hxoiix In llarmony, and on the Piano and Orean. Itanos tuned on reasonable terms. Hoorns, northeiMt corner of Main and Lllierty strects, up-etaiie, Ann Arbor. Mich. 949-1000 )jy ILLIAM W. NICHOLS, Succeesorto Q. W. North. Office, 19 South Mato Street, oppoelte National Bank. Residence, 27 Lib erty Btreet. Nitrous oxide gu administered when roqaestod. 668 tl W. W. BLISS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO HOUSE All Gooods Sold ai Detroit Prices. Afrits for QLOBX and SEAL OF DETHOIT tobáceo. N0. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. 981yr lUHTllIlll'TION 01" leal asi Personal Property To bc dlütrlbutcd to the holde rs of tickets to the GBAND BALL IN THE SBEAT PAVIUON, Erected for the occasion, accomodating all who come) AT ORION, MICH., JULY 5, 1880. (ardner's Fllnt city band will fnralsb ranslc for tbe occasion.) 1SST OEAND FSUtlVll-SIUS' B0U3I, CBIOK, UICB. VM" #22,725 ! -J n Real and Personal l'ropcrty to be distrlbuted to the Ticket Holders. EVERYTHING WARRANTED as REPRESENTED A Fortune and a Big Dance for S9Í.OO. Tickets to the hall $2.00 with conpons attached, ntiiling the holdt'r to a hare in the dlstribution f the lollowing premiums: first Grand Prcmlnm- Sims' House, Orion. .112,000 econd premium- house and lot In orlon 2 000 'hlrd premium- house and lot In Orion.. 1,500 ''ourth premium- house and lot in Orlon 1,000 ¦"iiiti premium - square (;rand piano fiOO Ixth premium - young Banhaw mare 600 fventh -organ 250 Clflilh premium- village lot, Orlon 250 Ninth premium -villaje lot, Orlon Í50 enth premin in -platform spring wbüüm 150 Ifventh premium -platform spring wagon... 150 'welflh premium - Portland cutter and roben löO hirieenth premium- buggy lijo ifrht premiums - each one bed room set $900 1,000 'wenty-fecond premium watch and chaln 75 'wenty-third itremium - watch and chalu.. 50 'wenty-fdurth premium- sllver Ice pitcher.... 50 'wenty-fllth premium- nllver caiur 60 'wenty-sixth premium- silvcr castor 5o 'wenty ceventh set flver knives... 25 'wenty elghth premium- set stlver forks 35 2(XI cash premiums. $.ï.(P0 each 1,000 5IX)casb prviulums, t'J.OO each 1,000 128 premiums ttt,1M For full particular, address H. S1MS Orion Mlrhliran.
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Help Wanted
Real Estate - Agents & Brokers
Wolverine Store
Banks & Banking
Classes & Instruction
W. W. Bliss & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Loren Moore
Samuel Grinnell
Thomas Van Giesen
Frank B. Whipple
Miss C. Brucker
Mrs. E. E. Winslow
B. F. Boylan
C. Kitson
Rice A. Beal
J. Q. A. Sessions
Prof. Reuben Kempf
William W. Nichols
G. W. North
R. Sims
27 Main St
19 S Main St
27 Liberty St.
No. 7 E Huron St