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#'¦- - -- - yLM COMPOUND SYRUP Mi PH4'J. op c. (MÍO WA8TING DISEASK srcn as :hinn, llroiirhlt.-t, ('msiimpl ioi ¦train t'.xttaitMUon, riironir onMipiitlon. Mirouie IMnrrluin. l.vi4imin or Iomm of ictieir-votts power, Are ponitivcly and spcedily curcd by Follows' Compound Syrup of Hypopliosphite The nu rit of thir mnarkublc rcmedy in dnc 1" i pct'uQur itopi'rty of restoring tho waltod tingues o the bgflo tLelr o; L'ti il ili niticHM &vA vigor. It w'll k üiotifftit tud actiun thor lt duatli or Amh f nu sniouut of mntertol propo tl mat f to tlif HMguttttd of the thoiight or action lilis mstfl 1f t-npvlii'ti by th unirnpaired nntriti lunctions. The pivciM'inun netmty of ycuithH, tli MktbMlMtlC utruirlr Ibf inllti juk! rune in th uilddk' Agd, and olil tgt ttaalf cause hu dtOl "f iiintrri il mtvouh forre. PBO8TRATIOICK.hviu t'láy. ol Panoqb, NoysBootifc wrius a folloM-j : Mr. .Iameh I. Fkli.ows, Sir,- Iliivln, whiif jit your rtttuhllshmcitt, rr'ftilly aXHm lncd your pmcilptlom. m:d tht iru-tluxl of pMtt iiir your c)inp 'ïmd s rap ot HypophoapMtett, I fe anxtoai to nivoita fair trial in my practico. Fo the ln(t tw lv mootfai I huw dor)' hl tod ftnd th in imipHiit oomanpUon, and othaf dbouH of th thrortt Hint Inno, it ha wonden, in rwtorla pereona lafforlnfi trom tho effect of dipilioria, ani tlit' roiL'h folio lnjr typhuid tevur, provalent iu Uil rcL-ioiK 4t Ie Ue bort remedial aent I ha?e .evor iistil. mitrorpenmt xufiVrhiKlroDi xbuUMiiou o the power of Ibe braln aud nervonn Hjstem. fnn lou-continiu'd stndy or teacbtnff, or in lhoc BM6 Of yxluinstinn froiu which p) mmj yooog nuu t) ft'r, I kunw of iu hcItiT mt'diciiit for FwOflltlOO t bM th thftu your Compound Syrnp ot llypophot II. U. Addy, M. I., Bt.Joha, N. H., WlttM &9 fol lows: Mh. Ume I. hOLZAWt, i'Ar' Dmt Sir,- Havinc BMd yonr ('ompnund Syrnp o Kypophoephitep for yome time in my practico, DATfl no hettiUtfoQ in reconimcndiuií itto my palien t who are aíleriny Ironi ponera! dcMUty, or an di-t'rtie (tf üt' luitjro, knuwhiir that, Oven in cae iit'rrly ho)eloï, ii afl'ordu reluf. SOLD BY ALL DKt'GOISTS. Price $l.!l Pkh Born.K. 1 Itrou n A "., A'j'tits, Ann Artor. Gastoria l il lidus of Motlutrs exprrss iliclr dolih over Castitriu. II is natu re's remcdj fo thi fooil. lnliki' Castor Oil il is pleiiMuit to tiikc,iiiiil uulike 3tor]hlii S) riifs, It Is harmless. Castorla recúlate Um Bowels, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC iukI allays Fcvcrishnoss. Yfhtit irivc lienltli to tho Cliild promiilcs rc( fr 1 lt Matter. Chlldron cry for l'Hlier's Cas torta. I( stlioinost roliablo, oirwthpam popiilAr arliclo dispcuscd liy Druists NE7ER Slnce hvaiinc remedtefl have been nsed liy surrrniNG man haa ttiuir been l;nwn tuc. l-i f Paitt-rolioT ing èiiftti Af tho CENTAUR LINIMENTS Thoy soothoi heal anrt cure. Thcy HRAL Cuts, WouiidK, (ittllt!, Ulit Sorce, Brokcn Breante íinii Sorc Nlpplep ; (I UK -P:ilii 1 ii Uie Bark, Klmumttlsm, Sd.itira Lumbago, Neuralgia, fEftrache, Tetter, Plmplèc Itili, Salt Jilicuin, and all flbqfa, and iniuc) ailmiMits of Aiiimil ; t IIUI'K- Iiillainmatlon and BwaWngt; UoiK Felón, Ulcera, Horc: Tliroat, Hronclntisi, Cronp and (uiuny; EXTRACT -Pain from Borní, Saild, SUiirk Krüftt-bitep, Spruins aml lirui-TH. Tbe MMMial ceulurlos haa maile Iho CENTAUR liinimonts the mont npcody ané eilectivr curativ ttentt for HHAN and BEA8T tho worM hn? ever known. The Contaur LINIMENTS liav.' rclieved more bed-rlldoii t'rlpple in'iili'd non iritlniiil wouiidN, and ave mnrevaluublr aiilinalx thaii all oilu-r Hnimcuts ointmentH, oiln, i-xtractn, pluetem and no-CJillid "pain killerö" and 'Vkín cures1' combined. I'liyMlrlau and Vcterinury Sureonn endorse the Centaur ; tnllllon of m wnmeii and ctiildrun Iu all u" Hum umi llinnekccpor, FarnuT, Plantere, Travolcr I.lvorjm.ii, Twinxtere and Stock-trowcrx, aru thelr pntrtni-. Tbcy are clcau, ilu-y liaiKly, tbiy clieap, aud tliey rcllable. There Is no acho, pain, or swettlng which tbey wlll no allcviato, subduc, or care. Sold throutUout 'HIK IIAHITAHLE liLOBK lor 50 ut and #1.00 a bottlt'. Trial hottle? 2' cents. Catarrhal P0IS01T Wri Dr tlr)i-r' Trcatloe on aliirrli explaliiH ftiUowing Impdktant fact : 1. Thai (kilarrhal Colds beenme a poimnous in(¦' , at liret local, and finaMy conxtittitinnul. i. ritat, licini; ObMttetlaml. thr lufcctiou U be yorid th reaci of mere load rcruedien. .'(. Thai impurltieK in the rumtrils are necensarHy iwaUÓvtd into tbe t'omacA and inlialed into the tuut!, thnn poimmimj the Dh;itivi-, H.-nrul,irv and cnito-l'i iiary orifcse. -1. 77i(tf ('al'lrrh'ü rinx bllOWl ni.-inhnim: and caur-t-w Veaftititi, DyupepBia. Chronic Diarrbtca, llntnr.hiti, l.t-ucurrliun, and Cp&aump lii.n. ".. Thai Smolcet, Douche, InlialiiiionK, nd Innolnbic 8nu!l-, êtumoi paètfbijl retnove infectiunn iiithunmation from the organdí uum-d. t!. ''hut an aitlutotr for ('atflrrh mimt (kwmihí an fin inorulatir-fi afllnfty for, and tlit' (ialit y rf ooin? tir.atbtil hij, piiniU-ni inu':uu wherwer U BmM upoii these ]ilnin thcoiies, Dr. Wei I)c Mcyer's ('itarrli Cara has proved to be infftllllilc. It uot only relieves, lt in ros Calarrli at any slac. Home lost imouy : Cured! Cured! Gured! Cnred! V. D, WiioiIm , 4s7 Uroadway, N. Y., Cured of Chronic fililí II. K. J. Haulctl, M Uroadway, N. Y., 4 ycars Catarrh. J. L. Brueh, 4IS Hruadwuy, N. Y., 10 ycare t'atarrh. dlct, Jr., Jeweler, 087 liroadway, N. Y., (lady Irii-mi), cured of (Jhronic Ilay Ftvegi Mrn. Emma C. &OW6I, 'V W. Washington Sinare, N. Y., curt-d of ;!t) yerH Chronic OaUrrb. Ucv. Qm.A. Hcir-, 168 .Tiiy St., Hni,iklyn. " It reHtorrd me to my ministerial labor, lícv. (Jhí. .1. Jone , New Brighton, 8. I. " Worth ten tiinft? tb6 coft." K-v. Alex. Fn'cs, Cairo, N. Y. "It has workcd wondere iu ttix caae in my parish.'1 I.. F. Ncwm-in, .%3 Fulton st., lirooklyu, cured of I yt-art Chronic ('atarrh. MrH..I.Swart.,.Ir.,L'i' Warren si.,.lerey City, curod of 18 year Chrouic CnWrrli. &". &c. Ac. Ac. .te. A real rurr for thix tarrlbla malady la the nm-i iiuportaut diacovery for Um rolit-f of hmnan unirtirinji Mtrrinntimi. Wi'l !¦ Mcypr'H 'atarrli uri' is sold by all DnuM ur tlelit'ered by D. 11. Diwrï & Co., 4Ï Dey St., N. Y., for #I..1O a pacíale. To Clubp, hIx iiarlcnge- for V7.ÍVO. lr. Wei lo Jleyer'K TroaíiMi-. with ful] tu planitttuh acid ovflrwlMlmlim prooK in 4Ht-aifl and eeut tree to :in.t liml) . 11X12- eow ÉZIMMERMAN THVJT AXD TEOBTAMZa DRYER &. BAKE OVEN Over 11,000 in usa. The BEST in tho Itlarkct, Madncntirolyof Oalraniied Irom AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular. AMress ZIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO.. Cincinnati, OM,