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TOAGRICULTURISTS' The uiulersigneU are nmr mamifucturing a n salt for !ertil!zhi; purpoan tlm.t is pacnllarly adaptad (O the ue for whirli It Is dralgned. It ík entlnly Tree frora rtlrt, or hard lumps, mul Is muU by a procesa whieh lcavou inoorporuted In tUo wilt all tlic valnable plant food, as well ius InsmlienfN ealoalated (o fne aml ronder soluble tho Ammoiilii nlivndy oontiiiiird In the ¦DU. Wt propoM i ataea tlM prlro ko low thut none shftll !¦ d#(Orred from Rlvins It h fair trial. Th use of sult for; pwpoaw Is no looget nn experiment, hut hiv.s hoen lully lroveu, not oniy letenUSctitly and thaotvtli rally, bat praoltaally, ly worw of our munt ¦Ui lillWIÏll ogrlculturlHtJi. We hcrownii fCeaaal tka xperiene ani oplalani ai WWM f the unditiK Parman and s-u ntNla of tliU and other oounlrifs, h)plng tliat the pcrtisal ol tlnKni nmy l mulually iTiuMlcial. We slmli coutlnni' o gal hor su.-h slntlslics as we can oo thl Milijci-t, and hopo each and very ono wlll áld s In tlüs by IvIdíí us the benefltof lus op-i -lonce. Ordor aud coramunloatlon may lo ad drosscd to elther of the uiidoralgnod, who wlll furnlshall neceiBary lnfonnatlonas to prlces, trunsportatlon, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION. Kust SMInaw, Mlch. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syraouso, X. V. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., p88-yr Cluclnnnti. Ohlo. bMEiUÍm Caraclty 5lo ion hWi. Citfcr per dy. ELEVATORS, TÜMPS. PATENT BACKS "d Cloths, Jelly Fan, Cider Keeping Solution, wüh full l.n ( CIDEK MILI. 81JPPUE8.' il i [tce. Mfmioii tin A4dcH C. O. HAMPTON, Detroit. &ioh. 98S-100U o n w 3FAIRBANKS' SCALES TUE SÏANDAHD OÍ' T11K WüItLD. ECLIPSE WIND MILLS Tllli STUoNCKST MltL MADli. AFKSTTO Hl V, IU-cntme Wurrunti'il the ïk'öt, aiul wurrante Is Subtituuliul. (INTAIS ,VI.L mrilDVI 1IKMN. l'rlrt'n UwmL lttiHlll 4't.liHlticrt'il. tM-ml fur l'rlco ljel nctcrinlii arMdu wuuti-d. Fairbanks, Morso A Co., Chicago. QOAI.! CO AL! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mfut'r ftnd wbo]en!ile dealer of the celcbratcrt BRIAR RIDGE GOAL. AT.SO- Ieftler in Bard Coal iad l'i [TOB. Ordorn promptly flllcd. üfllce, '.Kj UriHwnid atreet, Detroit, room 3. BS3-10TH PERDON HHBEH YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mfttiufactaror and DoahT In SACINAW AMi-Slttlill IIMBKI!, LATH AND SHINGLES. WiY iiivit'1 all to eive ua u cali, and examine un' KtiK-k lxMiiri' psrchaslnf! rtarwhere. AI.SO A(JKNT POH JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLL8 PIRE BIUCK. JAMES TOLHERT, Prop. T. J. H KK l. Snpt. fvb.14,'79 HANGSTEfiFER'S OYSÏEE AND ICE CREAM PARLOES, 30 AND k MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A srECIALTY. Caken, [c Cnam, KacAoona and Oreara kíhk Pyramida MADK TO ORDER ON HOUT NOTII 'E. Whitman'i Krcnch Cnndie, Frish Yin, Malaga Grapi, Klürlda Oranee, Ac, Ac, KKPT CONHTANTI.Y ON HAND AT HANGSTEMER'S ;{ AM S3 MAIN STUUKT. BOATS TO RENT AND T'()I4 BALK. 1010 aHm DOKS ANY WORK IS HIS LINK. KnrtnoH,Airncu!tnrHlMn'.iin'Ty,NcviiiL' MnchlncK v il Cockl copairod. Tiinilng, Key-flttiny and grindiug proniptïy done. Koepfl a pood aBnortment of 'm li ry, Lm-kn aud Toolu, which will bc sold choap. No. 36 South Main Street, ANN ARHOIÍ. W-OM antoíTeisele, " DEALKR IN iuBiu. wm wm Phe imiMIc la invitod to rail and eianiinu pcclmims of thu celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN.,MARBLE Of whlcb m Mrfe a mppij oi' aew iiexlpnii. It i nperior to any in litnulty nul dllrtiii!i!y, umi tiiKe tlu' lur: of Scutch OmMM. (Mi:s I.OWIOK TIIAV EVER. inaSK AI.L WAI KANTP.!. Sliop-Cor. or Drtroit and Catlieriiie Sts. ANN ARBO1!, II'HIOAN. t'litf i.lKINPS OF KLANK8 AT THE COUUIKK JOB ROOMS. 1