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CatarrH IS IT CURABLE ? rpHORE víi o havo miffrrrri from thf rarlons aml com-L plicntud forms of diciu m-uü:. ¦' by Oitarrh, and havo Irted muiiv physlclans aud rciiiMl'-uwliliouireliei or cure, awnlttho iiDBwr to tnlaquuttiion wlth coaftldarable anxiety. And we!1 they muy : for no dlsewe thut can bo mentloned Ia bo tmlveisally prcvnlout and bo dettrnctlvo to bra'th as Catarrh. Rro:ielilMs, Aflthmu, CoukIih, jkI serluiiü and ft-pquntl) fat i alWctlona uf the 1un)fH follow, In niany Instantes, cnpts of tlinplo bilt aoglocttd 'aUrrh. Othcr nyiiijmtlicLlc OlTecUotrt, il di'Rfhe, Impalred yoefirht, and lw of mimo of smell, inwy bo reftrrcd to a minor hut ncvcrtholoeii lorloai rennits of nefflvRtarf Catarfb, bad MOngb In tiitmmlvpn, ooi a" iiothintf oomparcd wiih th diuigerotis ttiTectloua of tho tliruut umi tanga likely to fullow. IT CAN BE CURED. JT can be curcd. ThflM Is no rtonht abour !t. Thn ira iiu'dlat" rUef afforded by Bajuobix'b Raik'al Citrk fok CATAUBn In hut n licht videiico of wbat may fullow a persistent uso of tiiï remedy. Tho bard, tnrniHtod mnttcr tliftt hns lodnd In the nftnul iiusaffcfl la removed wlth a few appllcittlo'i ; tbc uleeralion and inflamraatlon subdacd and hesürd; the enttre rarai1ranous ltnlncrsof the hrnd arecU'anned aid pannen. Coartltiulonniiy It actlon Inihatoi a powfríui puritinj{ agent, dentroylng In it ooarse tïirfTi h tïi tho acid pauw, the destructivo minut In eatarrhal dlSCBACS. A G0MPLIGATEO CASE. Gentlemen, - My case Is briefly a folio ws : I hare hsd Catarrb fur tfln yearn, each y car wlth increawtnK f"'rcriLy. For clno yt-ni-8 I had not broatbed throurli ono nofltrll. I hal tlrnpniiiKS In tbc, a very bad couifh, Mtltma rc bad auto bu obllcd to tako a romudy for H at nlpfit beforo belr.ff nbli: to lic down an Blprp, and a cont(nt du 11 pala In my baad. My hcad wni ftt times bo riill of PHtfirrbal nifttter fl t Injurc my Bcnse of hearing nnd coiupel ma to j(rt u: ¦eTeral tin .en lu tho nlKhtto clcar It and my throgt V fora I conld sloep. K very o&e of tbcsu distruBsliiK Ryni[toui bad diapp:ared nndorthe nno of not quito tlirro bottlee of Üan muil' RadioalCubx. My bourltiK ia fnlly restorod. I baro no astbmatlo Bymptoraa, no couh, no rfropplTifP1 In tha tbroat, nu headache, and In erery way Detu-r tban I havo been for yara. I conld feel th enects of the Cukb on my appetlte, on my kldncyv, and, In fact, every part of my sytni. What has ben done In my case Is wholly the eifect of tbe Radical Cure. Very respcctfuUy, C. H. LAWIUCNCE. Fitouücbo, Oct. 14. Indorsed by a Prominent Drnggist. I horeby cortlfy tbat Mr. Lawrfnce porebased tho Kadical Cckk of me, and from time to time made me familiar wlth Mr casa. IbellevO hlBitatoment tobe trae In erery particular. JAS. P. DKRBY. flTCUBCRO, Oct. 14. Each pMkairo contalns Dr. Sanford's ImproTed InhalltiK Tubo, and lull dlroctlona for Ui use In all cmm. I'rlce, $1. For Bale by all wholesale andretall droKlsts aii'l doalcrs thronstiout tho Tnitcd Pt ate and Canada. WKKKS A I'fjTTER, General Airenu and Wholesale DrugKtA, Boston, Mass. YOLTAIC PLASTER An ElectTo-Oalvanle Battery rombiTiol with n hlffhiy Mcnlicated Stroiithoiiiiis Jliwter, fomihiK tliu iH'Ht I'l:ist4r for paluH umi aclu '8 lu the World of Medicine. REFERENCES. Dr. E. M. Klkcr, Montgomerj-, O. Mrs. Francés Uarrlmau, Orland. Mo. IlMkell Lewls, Ksq., Mllford, IM. Mrs. Richard Gorman, Lynchburií, Va. J. B. 8ammlB, Esq., Winona, M Mr. J. A.Tuzzli'.iiemphU.Tena. H. B. Goocli, Kq., Oswego, Kan. Dr. Willard Collliis, BuckBport, M.-. . W. IloBtvick, Esa., Mt. étorlfTiíf, O. Mrfl. Kllza Yoiiog, Gambncijïu. Masa. KrancU líaker, ïwq., Cinrinnaí!, O. Mr. J. M. ttoblntson, E. orrtnífton, Me. K. Shlverlok, Kru.. " Independent " oiliec N. Y. Mr. KllzaJ.Duált'ld, Hume, 111. (leo. (Iray, frq., Montículo, Mfnn. Mr. ( 'bas. Kounds, Woodhull, 111. w. II. II. MfKinney.Morrow.0. Mrn. K. L. Stevons.Fort Wayn Ind. Wra. H. Slmms, MadlsonvlUc, Ky. Mrs. K. Uredell, St. Louia, Mo. Mortiuior Lyon, Eq.t San Francisco, Cal. And handreds of otbrt. COLLINS9 VOLTAIC PLA8TER8 Coro vhen all other remedfls fall. Copies of letters detalÜDK soino astonlshlng cures wben all otlicr remo ülvñ had been trled without bucccpB, wíU be mallud free, bo that correBpondcnoo may bo had lf dr(lrcl. For tho core Of Lame Back and wr akneMca peculiar to fatDMet. (olliicb Voltaio Plastxuu it superior to all otber uxterual remedies. PRICE, 25 CENTS. B! earefal to'cal] IbrCcxion Voltaio Pxstee lost you Kt somu vorthU-w imítatfon. Sold by all molaMío and retiill druKt tlirouhotit the Tnlti-d Stntua uiiM Hiiadafl.and by WUKK8 & POTTKK, l'roprtetorfl, lttiHton, -t TUTTJS PlLLS! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ne oack part, PauTTipiler tho houlderr mim Bomo ityywë!ïnïi xsFUMë? US.''1 '"'--' P'J'.' :l''r'-á tt' '''". SJgEtJnigBlycorörêTTjruïer' EF THESE W AB1IIHGS ABI ÜNHEEDED, SERIOUSCHSEASES WILLSOON BEDEVtLüPtD. TÜTT'S PIIXS Jiro esperlnlly mlaptiMl o ñUell CdNCM, OUetlOH CtlfH-lHSIH'h I l4llttlM of foclinti b te) awioiiinh wurt'yrer. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TUTT '-- Dear Sir i For ten yars I bavn b'n a martjT to Dys[Mïwia, ConstirMiUoníindriUia. Laat Spcinpyour Pilla were mcommended ; 1 used thotn. I un nowa wpilnmn.havo KOod apftito, digetion porfoot refulur et-'vwB, piles (pone, and harttuiMi-d lortyiounaHtlpHh.'rboyar'iworthtí'irwcÍKbíinifold Rkv. R. U SIMPSON. U -lavilte, Ky. They IncronHtbeAppi?niHl canse the body to Talie on Fleh, thiiB tho pyntom ly nourlHhcHl, aud by tli irTonir A-tlon cu thc DIvrHtlvo OriraiiN, Rccnilar Stool on produced. l'rk-o 95 cutn. 35 Jlurrny St., N. Y. Tüïï'S HAIOYf, Gray Hath ob WiirsKEite cbaoKndto a (iíibsy Black by a siulo nppdc&tion oí tiim 1 v f. H imIiarts n Nalurnl Oolor. itcts InntantjinMouvlr. Rold y DniKKMta. or wnt by nxprom un ruipt of $ 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. ?ooT-refi STBKETEE'S WORM DESTRÓYER. Kppeemlly adaptad to fastroy wbat ík kuowD nf thc PIN WORMS, And hifihly rocommrndi-d fnr th6 rurc of EPILEPTIC FITS, And tor tbe cure I vmrtQQB Tonus nf 'oavnMont and Nct vimih AHV ciionH, nttd Hlond Pnrilter. lf contuniH NO CALOMEL OR JALAP. No wonii lociigern, wurm GÊliOê r MjriiiiH Aro Unouii bo detróy Ihin truubtepomti dfttcaHC N ¦ ctiHtor otl or (ithcr [liyiii nrv utoOMMUry to ho takr-n nlter aslüK thie iniiictu-. I herewitii uiibitoh ¦ lew ol thc iiinny humk-h ui persons [hal hnW ur--l tln tii'-Micínc. It your drnt:KÍMtí' r or dealen n madlcii ea do nal Imve It lor kbIi', ied direct i" ti1 leh lter.h 1. itli? luw my hand liill nronml the 1. otile In the Kii)-'lnh, (ïtmiinri, und llili:int I'U lmiul'-'h :iiiíí htut thc dirc.cüouB niuru hilly th ni on üic b ifir. Mr. Gbo. (i. Stekktek, lcíir Str: I unt-d yonr Worm I"e(tnycr Cor one of my tliililivn, who as rnliivcd in very Mborl tlinf ora grcat many oí ttooiw Iroublesome coHtonicrt, nd rim pleased to rcooomend your medicino to Hnuublic. Vcry rcMiicctlulIv. RKV. VAN Olii; VRIBS. (Irand Havcn, Mlch., Kd). 19, lmjO. To whom it muy concern : Thí ík to ciTtlfy tlint e liívc i:-c.1 RtcfcMocV Worm l'cstrdyiT and foniid it n noelluol mmlicine. Itdocn hII ;Mr. Htekvtec clalma for it. I'KTEIi KOKNOKIxTR, 3. ('. Dr.IONOK, B.8T1 A. B. WllITK. W. C MKliVRNNK, A. WKLMEKS, t., A. VAN OPSTAL, KDWAHI) BIFJJO, .luliN DkVKIjïS. l'RIÍ'K 95 CET)i. GEO. G. "STEKETEE, SOLK ri'.Ol'IÜKIOH, Bl Munnii' Street, (rand Rapiils, Mich. Apk your Orwffpipt for STEKKTIiE'S WORM DESTKOYKU. tak a no orina;. ' Kor k.iIl' liy Iícluii DmiBls, anU dt wliolesftlu by all thc Wholeíiile DrnsRÍt8 in Detroit, Chtciwo na Craud üniids. ;w.v;iss IHAUAIHB 4Ol.l!raA"t!t EXCELSIOR HAIll WASH. jijb Tilla (Vlehratoil A nicle jAltS aki !'¦-¦(¦ lili' k'rcalcHt rejflPBPSJI NEi ítorntlvc. Inviirormlnp :ind fk nBB hcnliuu qu'ilitioH oí nny rSShKC '"' :' "' "ie k''"' kimiwm f] HHSBStBHHS '-" ""¦ li'ITOBU Imnlly. It J IK cleanscn the hair mi c ilp, 3 XtHmu dtimli ult, cnllvcrn I ' "JaiJ mL ti": !.¦"!., '¦({uva Ihl' li:ur, SBVB3aií ;¦ ¦¦'¦ ¦'.¦¦¦ i Ê9 uncí: and iniluccd u iuxiiriPat, Match 36, 1880, ant yrowth. i Prki-aiiki) by MADAME (SOLUMAN, TOLEIIO, III. CIITinCATI or ANALTSIS : To irinm U tnay rorwenu-l hitvc cxiimtncd I ahí ol1)an'b Uíib VV'ahm, and li'id il lo c.ntain no i't;iulicrit th:it il! ]irovc biirttiil lo ihr huir (ir I tcnl[. It ih lu no Benae of Uie word a h:ilr rlyc. Uh coiiHtitiicntH jtre wel! catcttTated to act ai" ncflati9Cfl aml cheok tlmt irritition oí Mcalp thtit ronnlta in mi ezcewtve KCrarlon o( daiulriuT, nuil n mu, I itchtDf?. HHH s. ii. mu e