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W. TREMAIN Q-BITBBAL lince lm OFKK'Ifl AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE orlli Itrll1li liisiirnnc ni.'i (oC Ijondon nnd KdinfmrRh,) Capita] H8,000000, flold. lctrll I'lrc and In. 'o. 0h A"i tfioo.uuu. SprlnullrUI In. 4'inp') . oT tlu., 'ih Arnu'N $t.wl",MKI. Hom uní Iiin. ('o,, of i York, Caxh AKKCtx ll.UUH.IXH). Agricultural llHIlflUl C'oinp'j WATKHTOWN, - NEW YOKK, Oaüh Awwt f l,2!t,llt. Lo es libcrally adjiislcd aud pruuiptly paid. TT _______ -THE HeadeH of notice is invited to cali on us when visiting DETROIT. We promise a cordial wclcomc and an attractive display oi' rich and artistic vvaics. M. S. 8MITI1 & CO., Jcwclers, Silversmiths, Watchmakcrs, and Dealers in Genis, Corner of Woodward ind Jeferson Avenues. [JJ_f"Particular attention iiven to mail orders. ' Price williin the roach f All. The Most Popular Boots since Printing Was Invente! Tbc lull nnd complete lccture of COLR.G.IIGERSOLL Xo. i. Mistures of Moscs. No. 2. Skulls. Nn. 3. Ghosts. No. 4. Heil. No, i. I.iherty i Mun, V ornan andC'hild. No. ó. Oodb. Xo. 7. luielleclual Pevelopment. No. S. Human ïughta, FTo. o. Hcreaftcr. No. 10. tttligtoui Intolcraiici.-. Xo. n. Herética and Hcrt-sU's. No. 12. lagersoll's Vindication of Tlios. Piiine. No. ij, Plea i'or [ndívMuaüty and Arraitiiimcnl of the Churcli. No. 14, The Relición of t)ur üay. Xo. 15. Personal Deism Demed No. 10. TJic l'hilosopher oi Kcason- Ilumboldt. I'KMH S CJ'IXTW KACU. (!ol. liisorsoU and IU Chicago í'ritics. A Lcture by the Roy. -lumen K. Applubuc. PHoe 18 Cents. Spoocli sf Charles Ctovart Parneiiat the Exposition iïuiUlng, Chicago, Kebruary , ivío Tojícthcr with a short Hinr.iphy "1" bis LJfe with I.arge Portniit and AutqflTHph on Cover Page. Price 10 cents. Full Eoport of the Orand Si-Onioa öf Soldiort ind Cailors of tho lato war, held t Chicjifjo Sov. 12 t" 15, '79, includin all Spccclies, and thoseof Col. H. O. fógersoll, Col. Win. Tials, Samuel L. Clemeiw (Mark 'lwain's ipfcech on Bab'ies). PrMV 25 Cents. "Life ani Trip Arouni the World of Oea. Uriat." 15 Cents. ¦Last Stooch of Seoatcr Zith Cau&tr," and Hioraphical SVetch, with Larje Portrait of Mr. Chandlur on Cövef Patjt. 5 Cents. Ccaaoa Sonao, iiij on Drotmi, Th Selipin of Selim, in one volume, by Thomas Paine. Prlce 25 Cents. Any 0 tftp, above sent pott-paid upon rtoeipt of prtee. Actutö wantud tn every city '.d town. Lib-ral Ternn. Addn, P. W. CASEOLL, 101 Rartdolph Street Chicago Ills. 0P BITTERS f A Ilidirinc, not n Iriuk,i CONTAIN8 hops, ïircur, mandrakk, DANDELION, And ma IVrkst akd Eest Medical Quautiïw oy AIXOTOEE BtTTIRS. THEY OTTms ¦ All Diatu-s at tUo Stomnch, BowuIh, H1oo1, Uvi-r, BKiJnvs and Urlnary Órgano, Nerroiunem, '.W-pCTfc $1000 IX QOLO. ¦ Will hc iiil fora caso thoywiU notouroorholp, or ¦ for íiny11i;:ipf impuro or injurióos fouml in Ihom. I Ak your diiifTiMt for Hop Bittcis loni tryt!ii_ni 5 . .11 rif;.. no othcr. ¦ {'v ! cvv.v. litho tnvcetCüt, Hafrt whI ht-ct. -flk Children. ¦ f)i 1 1' 1 f ¦ . : t Shnnach, Urer and Kitln y 1 np#¦ rlorti'.i I hy ub9oritlm. Akdru;iiit. ¦ 1). I.i'. i.-íaiialiIuUaiulirrfKistiMcruntf.írdrunk cTiiMvui, om itf ojiium, toban funl imn-otlos: WHHattfl S nil fui circular. CflMBB lAbovaaLJtyl ¦ li.h,.iUr,N.V.B U81-ÍÍW) Ï5ANDELÏÖN Dr. Wliil,-' Dumlelion Alli-mliv.-, Ihi' (¦¦t WcOd i'iiMih-r juni Kcoovator. & apeclflc for Liverpool l'laint, MIlcHitBioKB, f'tiill Hinl Fivcr, UyapopttUL Kldncy DtftuiiHC, lvjuuui;i[i-m .irui CoiiRtlpntloD of the Howi'Ih. liomoveij pimplo nnd frallownefw ftom Uur .kin, pnn! u. !¦¦" 1 i [j ir iuiiiiifMoii. Ir is purul eüihle, porffctli hanniciiK and tuiwnt lo tuk.-. I mi 1 p. t t ooly $1, uid everj iratraulnl. 1)1 TT YfXT A"T?TTl - A "ir'' "-! U liJMOjS A lij A,M.-ly ..r lir ( ought, (Lrl-, AhIIiiiüi. Iirm liili-, 'roup, Whdcipinj; CoiiL'h mul liK-lpR'iit ( 'DDMUiikpt Kn . Ki!l 1 onu hit liotili-. Uuec bottk'B 11, ná pverv ltl]' a-Tantod. For rulle iu Anti Arbor rf KtxTlvich Hou, and driiïKiti cvttfïwhefv. ¦ h:,;i miu Unacmpuious partita ure blaely renreaentlng to coMoinen ihut iiii'y are sciiing Uirt.s of cuir limiiiila-turu. Nhlrfa Wlmét tn Ordrr h.T I bpitr ¦fnmi ii Itli luiii llblo lul. un Volus tliiu: ( A icmaNNATi, J Onr Slilil. Immii' lamp wttll Iudvllble luk on 'akr, ibu: SS (VíftSÍtLSCOiSil "' All Othorsaro Falsoly Represented. WILSON BROS. Importing and Jobbing Men's Furnishers. 980-1193 To Inventors and Iffechanics. I'ntenl" nnd ¦¦ to oiiiHln raropblfftg af (ai paei ffee, npou rocuipt of utampa "r pOtmttt. Aildn-aa II.MOKB, SM1TI1 A CO., Sullcltora of Patenta, Box 81, atf WaihiniftoD. D. C. STEPHEN1 FttA.TT, MtmulHCUrvr of iiLswuinniDm. of all kim!, CMOZÏJ TIPSS, umi all Slwat Iroa Work 2U, lü, 21m ronero. 8t Weit, toirb ANnoimiH m., Detroit, Mich,, Eipilrlsg dmt. BiTiU ui BoUir Rito for Sil. M81-1UU7 llf A MTm ACENTS TO SELL TEA, fililí I N"i-iii:m IUTK. O.HM frr. WW Uil 1 - ¦#,. o.,,, „mii.ji.i.,,, Mli_