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Uittil l'i-iccd liiillrr. Buyera pay the bigbest liir "gilt fdgea botter," bnt want every tab to hoof un even, bright oolor. They recommend their patrons to use only Wells, Richard¦dn ('o.'if Perféeted Botter Oolor, asitis the most reliiiUo know, and will #ive a pcrfecit color. It recoivi'il (We only award at tho International Dairy Kuir f'or "superior purity, strcnKtli, perfect ion of oolor and peiniancnce. Wliy Aro You Itiiions you have allowed your bowds to bctMttno costive, and liver torpid. Ufe Kidney Wort to produoe a f'rcc state of the bowels, and it will .stiniulntR tho livcr to proper action, cleanse the skin of its yellowncs-, euros bilious headache, :iinl "causes new lile in the blood. Many elerpymen who are oblit'od to withdraw frora the pulpit on account of Clergymen's Sore Throat," have recovcred by using Fellows' Syrup Hypophos pliitcs and are preachipK iipain. This proparation secniH jieculiarly and wonder fully adapted to discases of the brcatliing oraiiM. "Chinclio-Quiuiiu" Im uscd willi preat snecess by phy.'-icians au a .substituto f'or Sulphate (uinine, in all cafOI where tho luttor in indicaU-d, because it does not produce lieadachc or disagree with the stomach. The dose is the .same, and the prico is only $1.50 por ounce. Kruigists Kcnerully have it f'or sale, or t will be sent, postado prepaid, on recoipt, of' prirc. by Hll.UNns, ('l.AI'I' S Co., (,'honiiU, Boston, Mass. HM Koumiii Why. 'l'lic tonic effect of Kidney-Wurt is prod iicimI by its olaaiwlin and jiurifyinK action on tho blood. Vhcre theie is a gravelly depoeit in the urine, or milky, ropy urine firoiB disordered Kidncys. it euros without (ail. Constipación and Tilos readily yicld tu tu oatliaitic1, :ind healiog power.