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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist ('liurch. .- I, Kv. S. IIaukkll, l'aslur. s iIiImuJi lervices, Wtf a, m. and V, p. m. Sud? ol after morniiii.' ervtwi. l'ryer moaiiuThiirsday oveniui,' ut 7', o'cluck. Catholic Church. RT. Fatiier Píele, Pastor. Uh Mt. 8 .. . Hlvh Maes, 10 a. a. r a. üuulay Sübool, 44 r. m. I1 í ('iiirr'tratim;iil Church. Kkï. W. II. Rtdkr, Ptor. Hbbth sorrtces, lüvi a. . and 7H . ¦ Suiidny School after morning servico. l'rayer meoiinu Thursday evenini; at '% ci'cliKk. Episcopal Church. Rv. Wtllts Hall, Kector. ¦ . , h - i . , i. m.d17! I. a. - ',i cvuning at7H n'clock. Gorman Methodist Church. Kev. C Hki.wid, I'.ictDr. áltaK ervicei., ll)H a. u. and 1% v. u. ;iu.liy Üdn.i; .-. nli.c O'cloík a. m ij q. 'lTH' ¦ 'ii lay. tuthcraii Chureh. Kkv. Joum Niumann, Paetor. Stlibith aervica, lti% a. m. and 7% r. . SiiTidiy Scho'il after m'jrnini? siTvicc. Prayc n'it 7V4 o'Clock. Metliotüst ('liurch. éüiV. Jills Aah -iTBii. P;it')r. ..¦rïiC'i, ll)H a. . and 7H p. M. iflrr mornln.' ü.rricc. i v lUL'.TIurfilay veniox at 7ví o'clock. ¦ ili-'n Mt-ntine, -."!rUv T v. m. nt , l'ri'sii) tcriim Church. Hkv I'asu T. Bdown, D. D., Pastor. SM( -11, . m. and % P. ¦: Suiidiy -tcho'jland HlBle class after mirnioi; service Pnrac moolin,', Thursday evenlnï at 8 3'cloeK Y.miui; l'u )()Ic'b Jieotlnff, Sonday oventng fHUuitarlftu Church. KV. J. T. SirnDKULAND, Paëtor. Sabbath nervicus, l% A. M. and "H P. . Sunday School at 12 a. ütulenU' Blble Class at 9: 1 a. a. Ziini Lutheran Church. Kiev. H. V. Bklhkh, Pastor. Sahbath vtvio at W% a. a. and 7 r a. Huadur Schiwl immedia(''ly aftor morplas mee. orvtcoa Wodneaday ivinloj; al 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. Veterinary Snrpon. ƒ (Oradoaté of the tintarlo ry OolleKt, Toronto; Cuuaila.) All di"i"ascs ni Unríi-x. t'Kttlf. fu. 4 ƒ ƒ Ottior D neutle Anímala trcatud. case, 5 3. Main St., vor City Tí Star, Keiudee, il S. División : St., Aun Arbor. ƒ iyjiff 1 ailks! TaÏÏÏöTl V missesohayleys I.AMEh' 8TOBE, No. 'i . Main St., íor L'orsuts, ¦uTy.Tówullnj', 'fable Unen, ('ot to, I.inennmtSüklIaiidkrn. hiele. NeckUes, (íarnet nd .Iet Set, and fcidie' Pan tu Kr-a' raniiy. . No 3 S. .Maii: Sí. Ro. :i S. Main St. 'J.Vi yr 0. . JESKI5S, No. 32 Eac. Washington Street. Kormerly occupled by Dr. Frotliitiuliam. ƒ '.nou IIKNKY It. JHLL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Ksüitc Hroker, ANO UB0BAKOX AUKXÏ. office : No. 1 Opera House Klork Anh Abbob, Mich. 75tf 7 UEO. W. HENWICK, J I From the New Enlftnd i ƒ íory of M ndic, Hnston. 'IVurher Vocal and Iustiuiueutal Mueic and ƒ Harmony. ƒ Conductor of Musical ƒ ƒ tione and uvenin claeses. Privato leseon will be given af ƒ residence of pupila. ƒ ƒ Addresa P. O. Box 1201, Ann ƒ Arhur. WM.C. STEVENS, M.D., PhysiGiaii anlSnrieon OFFICE, :iü Washington Street. Office Hourt-t to 9 a. ., 10:30 . V m. ti U ., 2 to 4, and T to S i', m. lieêidence- No. 10 Grove Stret. sistf JOHÑ L. liUKLEIUH, T" Attorney Counselor at Law. OFTICB : Over Slattoaal Bank, Ann Ahbok. ƒ 794lf ƒ W. H. JACKSOX, dentist Ollte over Bacli de A bel'. siitrnce by First National Biink.X 7aítr F. 80BÖ, HoUBI, 8l9H AMD OrmAHÍNTA! ƒ Painteb. Papering, Glailnj;, ƒ ƒ Klldlng, and work of evory ƒ # criptlon done in the bent style. ƒ l'alnte, Olla, and Varnlabet oo ƒ 'land and for sale. Shop, No. ƒ J ut Washington Street, Ann ƒ U Vrbor.Mlch. Otf WILLIAM HERZ, UOUSK, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL A PRBSCO PAINTER. Pai,ortn(;, (llazlnK, ülldinir and CalclX VnlnliiK.and work of every decriptlonX 4ono In the best stylo, and warranteóX to nlve xatlüfactlon. Shop No. 4 WestX VVMhlucton Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch.X 63Rtf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ana Arbor, Mic-hlgan, TiASACTS KSfflAlBANSlW BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. $100,000.00. =i tute ind uther good t'cnrity. i'r-Chrl.,jn M. w. Wlnes, R. A. Beal Wllllam Ihiubcl, Willlam D. narrlman Daniel Hlícock, and Wlllard B. Smlth O lucera : uniir Maok, pre8. w. w. WiNES, Vlcc-Proe. - . Coa. B. Hiscook, Caghler. 15-968 MohiJ , "u,í1K" "in" '" '"ller 8t' nu ¦ uep,r ratel( than at ai (ither offlc