
CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist ('liurch. .- I, Kv. S. IIaukkll, l'aslur. s iIiImuJi lervices, Wtf a, m. and V, p. m. Sud? ol after morniiii.' ervtwi. l'ryer moaiiuThiirsday oveniui,' ut 7', o'cluck. Catholic Church. RT. Fatiier Píele, Pastor. Uh Mt. 8 .. . Hlvh Maes, 10 a. a. r a. üuulay Sübool, 44 r. m. I1 í ('iiirr'tratim;iil Church. Kkï. W. II. Rtdkr, Ptor. Hbbth sorrtces, lüvi a. . and 7H . ¦ Suiidny School after morning servico. l'rayer meoiinu Thursday evenini; at '% ci'cliKk. Episcopal Church. Rv. Wtllts Hall, Kector. ¦ . , h - i . , i. m.d17! I. a. - ',i cvuning at7H n'clock. Gorman Methodist Church. Kev. C Hki.wid, I'.ictDr. áltaK ervicei., ll)H a. u. and 1% v. u. ;iu.liy Üdn.i; .-. nli.c O'cloík a. m ij q. 'lTH' ¦ 'ii lay. tuthcraii Chureh. Kkv. Joum Niumann, Paetor. Stlibith aervica, lti% a. m. and 7% r. . SiiTidiy Scho'il after m'jrnini? siTvicc. Prayc n'it 7V4 o'Clock. Metliotüst ('liurch. éüiV. Jills Aah -iTBii. P;it')r. ..¦rïiC'i, ll)H a. . and 7H p. M. iflrr mornln.' ü.rricc. i v lUL'.TIurfilay veniox at 7ví o'clock. ¦ ili-'n Mt-ntine, -."!rUv T v. m. nt , l'ri'sii) tcriim Church. Hkv I'asu T. Bdown, D. D., Pastor. SM( -11, . m. and % P. ¦: Suiidiy -tcho'jland HlBle class after mirnioi; service Pnrac moolin,', Thursday evenlnï at 8 3'cloeK Y.miui; l'u )()Ic'b Jieotlnff, Sonday oventng fHUuitarlftu Church. KV. J. T. SirnDKULAND, Paëtor. Sabbath nervicus, l% A. M. and "H P. . Sunday School at 12 a. ütulenU' Blble Class at 9: 1 a. a. Ziini Lutheran Church. Kiev. H. V. Bklhkh, Pastor. Sahbath vtvio at W% a. a. and 7 r a. Huadur Schiwl immedia(''ly aftor morplas mee. orvtcoa Wodneaday ivinloj; al 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. Veterinary Snrpon. ƒ (Oradoaté of the tintarlo ry OolleKt, Toronto; Cuuaila.) All di"i"ascs ni Unríi-x. t'Kttlf. fu. 4 ƒ ƒ Ottior D neutle Anímala trcatud. case, 5 3. Main St., vor City Tí Star, Keiudee, il S. División : St., Aun Arbor. ƒ iyjiff 1 ailks! TaÏÏÏöTl V missesohayleys I.AMEh' 8TOBE, No. 'i . Main St., íor L'orsuts, ¦uTy.Tówullnj', 'fable Unen, ('ot to, I.inennmtSüklIaiidkrn. hiele. NeckUes, (íarnet nd .Iet Set, and fcidie' Pan tu Kr-a' raniiy. . No 3 S. .Maii: Sí. Ro. :i S. Main St. 'J.Vi yr 0. . JESKI5S, No. 32 Eac. Washington Street. Kormerly occupled by Dr. Frotliitiuliam. ƒ '.nou IIKNKY It. JHLL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Ksüitc Hroker, ANO UB0BAKOX AUKXÏ. office : No. 1 Opera House Klork Anh Abbob, Mich. 75tf 7 UEO. W. HENWICK, J I From the New Enlftnd i ƒ íory of M ndic, Hnston. 'IVurher Vocal and Iustiuiueutal Mueic and ƒ Harmony. ƒ Conductor of Musical ƒ ƒ tione and uvenin claeses. Privato leseon will be given af ƒ residence of pupila. ƒ ƒ Addresa P. O. Box 1201, Ann ƒ Arhur. WM.C. STEVENS, M.D., PhysiGiaii anlSnrieon OFFICE, :iü Washington Street. Office Hourt-t to 9 a. ., 10:30 . V m. ti U ., 2 to 4, and T to S i', m. lieêidence- No. 10 Grove Stret. sistf JOHÑ L. liUKLEIUH, T" Attorney Counselor at Law. OFTICB : Over Slattoaal Bank, Ann Ahbok. ƒ 794lf ƒ W. H. JACKSOX, dentist Ollte over Bacli de A bel'. siitrnce by First National Biink.X 7aítr F. 80BÖ, HoUBI, 8l9H AMD OrmAHÍNTA! ƒ Painteb. Papering, Glailnj;, ƒ ƒ Klldlng, and work of evory ƒ # criptlon done in the bent style. ƒ l'alnte, Olla, and Varnlabet oo ƒ 'land and for sale. Shop, No. ƒ J ut Washington Street, Ann ƒ U Vrbor.Mlch. Otf WILLIAM HERZ, UOUSK, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL A PRBSCO PAINTER. Pai,ortn(;, (llazlnK, ülldinir and CalclX VnlnliiK.and work of every decriptlonX 4ono In the best stylo, and warranteóX to nlve xatlüfactlon. Shop No. 4 WestX VVMhlucton Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch.X 63Rtf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ana Arbor, Mic-hlgan, TiASACTS KSfflAlBANSlW BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. $100,000.00. =i tute ind uther good t'cnrity. i'r-Chrl.,jn M. w. Wlnes, R. A. Beal Wllllam Ihiubcl, Willlam D. narrlman Daniel Hlícock, and Wlllard B. Smlth O lucera : uniir Maok, pre8. w. w. WiNES, Vlcc-Proe. - . Coa. B. Hiscook, Caghler. 15-968 MohiJ , "u,í1K" "in" '" '"ller 8t' nu ¦ uep,r ratel( than at ai (ither offlc
Veterinarians & Veterinary Medicine
City Tea Store
Misses Hayleys'
Clothing - Retail
Real Estate - Agents & Brokers
Insurance - Agents & Brokers
Classes & Instruction
Bach & Abel's
First National Bank
Painting Contractors & Services
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Rev. S. Haskell
Rev. Father Fiele
Rev. W. H. Ryder
Rev. Wyllys Hall
Rev. C. Helwig
Rev. John Neumann
Rev. John Alabaster
Rev. Fred T. Brown (1337
Rev. H. F. Belser
E. W. Bartram
O. C. Jenkins
Dr. George E. Frothingham
Geo. W. Renwick
Dr. Wm. C. Stevens (13378
W. H. Jackson
F. Sorg
William Herz
Christian Mack
W. W. Wines
R. A. Beal
William Deubel
Daniel Hiscock
William D. Harriman
Dr. Willard B. Smith
5 S. Main St
47 S. Division St
3 S. Main St
32 E. Washington St
32 Washington St
No. 10 Grove St
No. 4 W Washington