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Casa county hits sis saloons against 15 last year. The Bailey House, at lonia, has suspended operations. Farmers all over the state complain of too much wet weather. Ksuanaba calis long and loud for more carpenters and joincrs. The Morrice Times has again 'gone wherc the woodbine twioeth." The Herald, Flint' s daily paper, has gone whera had uien gooth not up. John Wiesinger, of Adrián had his home burglarized last week and $116 taken. Hon. J. J. Van Riper delivered the memorial address at Sturgis bot SaLbiitli. 17 farmers of Lyons, in lonia Co., each raised over 1 ,500 bushels of wheat last year. The recent rains have been a godsend to mili men who had logs tied up along the streams. A white swan was 6hot by a party of hunters on the lake shore north of Monroe, recently. M niembers were reuently preseut at a reunión of the famoua Loouns battery at Coldwater. The Flint gun club are prosecuting any infringement upon the law protecting birds from slaughter. There is to be a grand fireman's touruament at Battle Greck on the coming gloriousFourth of July. Garrett Bradford was sentenced recently at Grand Rapids to 18 uionths in the state prison for burglary. $500 is whatthe Edmore people propose to burn up, eat up, and squander in various ways on July 4th. Wong Chin Foo is Fqol-ing around the state enlightening Christians respecting Buddahism, the hathin'. The Macomb county supervisors are to open bids for a new court house at M t. Clements, on the Tth inst. The red ribbon clubs of the state of' Michigan will hold their annual convention at Jackson, June 23 and 24, Marlette feels positively sure that slie will have that.narrow gauge niilroad from Port Huron, by December 1, 1880. The Lansing Republican says that the terrible rumor has reached it of another paper beiog started at Allegan 1 ! The piaster milis at Grand Rapids, known as the Kagle milis were burned recently. Loss, $40,000, insurance $13,000. Wool opens at 40 cents in nearly every niarket in the state. Which is undoubtedly as high as it will go, this seasou. Mrs. S. S. Garrigues, of East Saginaw, has been writing up " Summer Boarders, " i'or the public, which is now in press. Wendell Phillips has been invited to deliver the address at the dedication of the new couit house at Greenville, July 5th. Tbo HüUdule orow and the wae-cuumettes, went to New Orleans, La., last week, to contest in the grand regetta there. Two 11-years old boys of Jackson, accidentally shot themselves with toy pistol.s, recently, one was the son of Rev. ira O. Billmaa. Arthur J. Eddy, editor of the Flint Democrat, is a famous bieyclist, having recently made the trip from Flint to Fenton inside three hours. Capt. H. A. Conant of Monroe, has telegraphed to his family, his safe arriyal at Naples, whitLer he has gone as United States consul. It is said that the Manistee girls have formed a base ball club. Thero is nothing to be feared so much asa woman with a club ia her hands. Eira R. Jones, of Grand Ledge, is alleged to have won a $2,500 prize from the recent lottery drawning of the Louisana uutj nnnn.ern. The Port Huron democratie journals are in a bad fight. Tut! tut! "Those little hands were neve made to scratoh each other'seyes out," etc. The Michigan Congregational Aasooiation has appealed to oopgress not to admit l'tah as a stat until polygamy has been abolished within its limits. About 500,000 feet of lumber tipped over inlo the bay at Northport the other day, caused by the settling of the doek. It was all fished out again. Prosecuting Attorney Van Riper, of Bsrrien county, is after a gang of safe blowers who have been operating in that section of country in a lively way. The last Dundee Reporter gives an account of the drowning of Jimmie Dixon, eldest son of J. J. Dixon, 10 years old, at that place on Tuesday of last week. Reed City now claims a population of 1,100, with 360 pupils in its public schools. It also has 21 merchants, 21 manufactories, and 24 miscellaneous business houses. The Livingston Republioan says the chairman of the W. C. T. U. , lately in session at that city, used parliamentary law so exoellently, that it ought to put the men to blush. An architect has been chosert to subniit plans and specifications for the new reform school for girls, aod the board will soon advertise for proposals for the erection of the buildings. Ed. Hogan, of Jackson, has a new balloon 50 feet high, 30fèet wide at the bulge, with a capacity for 15,000 cubic feet of gas. He recently made a suocessful ascensión in the same. Allegan will try to struggle along for the present with only four newspapers ; but the profitableness of the business is expected soon to breed two or three more.- Allegan Journal. Flint only pays $000 per year for her police force. Either it must be a mighty moral place, orelse have a mighty poor police force. Cheap hands generally, are poor workmen. A Germán, named Henry I'arrat, wasiustantly killed on the M. C. railroad, near Niles, last Saturday, while walking on the track. He leavo. two small children entirely orphaned. Victim after viotiin hayo fallen into the trap set by the artless girla of Charlotte, and have been marched up to hymen's altar and slaughtered. The BepuoHcan says the ravages are startling. Sportsmen have sown wild rice along the shores of the inland lakes and rivers on the route from Putoskey to Cheboygan, in the hope that it will bo sclt'-propogating and furnish food for wild game fowls. A light frost in lower Michigan lust week and none in the upper punineula ! Now, that's what the grangers get for their vote on the governor's salary, and we 'm the U. P. get our favors.- Ootonagon Miner. The work shops of the D., L. & N. 1!. R. at lonia are now being moved to the east part of the villace. The old hotel near the D. & M. depot is also being removed to a lot immediately north of the D, L. & N. road. The Rockford girls are iven to Üattcry. Register: "A beautiful girl up town received a bouquet from oue of her many admirer?. 'How lovely!' exclaimod the ecstatic one, 'it fuinigates the entire doiiiicile.' " The board of supervisors of Calhoun have let the contract for building a new jail at Marshall, for $24,775, to a St. Louis, Mo., flrm. It is tobe completed by the 15th of Dext November. The contest over the estáte of the late H. J. Perrin, of Marshall, has reached a resting plaoe, and Joel Perrin has been appointed general administrator by the probate j udge of Calhoun county. The supply agent of the Northwestern G. T. railroad, who skipped out a short since, was an At tica man, oot au Imlay City man, says the Herald of the latter plaoo. Wel], the item wasn't so very far out of the way, for it was the next placo to it. A. R. Palmer is still alive to the interest of the the temperauce cause. Ve see by the papers, in a trip through Illinois,' he is reported as giving 80 lectures and adding 2,800 names to the total abstinence roll- good for brother Palmer.- Nortli Kranen (iazette. Lew Smith, a foruier conductor on the M. C. It. R., but latterly employed an the I. P. & C. railroad at Michigan City, was instaotly killed by his head smashed by projecting lumber on two oars he was about to couple, at the latter place, onc day last week. It is stated that James M. Turner, Ebq., of Lansing, has made an offer for the big farm of the late Hon. Z. Chandler, just north of Lansing, and as all of the personal nroperty has been ordered sold by Mr. Hale, the son-in-law, it looks as if the farm would soon change proprietorship. They say that the Chinese are not coming to our shores, but quote the population of San Francisco to show that they are decreasing, yet cvery little town throughout the country is reporting the advent of one or more Chinamen. They are not decreaslng but sproading oror the country. An abduction case created quite a sensation in Grand Rápida un Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. About poon on Tuesday a man named Hufiord disguised himself and drove to the residenoe of his wife, where he enticed his little four-yearold girl from the yard and escaped. A Miss ÍSchiefla, who accompanied him in the adventure, was capturod the same day and llufford and the child were ovurtaken on Wednesday and brought back. llufford and his wife have not lived togethcr for about a year, and it is not likely that they ever wilf again. While this is best o far as they are concerned, it is unfourtunate that the children should be made parties to the disgrace which will undoubted result from their father's ill-advised act. It seems to be the fatc of bokon marriage vows that parties other than those responsible for the seuaration should endure all the ericf and